[問題] Firstrade的信件

看板 Foreign_Inv
作者 mmx2000 (K)
時間 2013-11-21 19:32:21
留言 9則留言 (6推 0噓 3→)

今天收到Firstrade寄來的信 請問這是指 我要在2:00pm ET, 11/22/13前把資金補滿嗎? 不知是否有誤解 謝謝 ps. house call是指? Thank you for choosing Firstrade as your online broker. We are writing to inform you that your PIP for SWISX has been terminated due to insuffient funds in the account xxx-xxxxx. Please note that the house call in the account will need to be fully covered by 2:00pm ET, 11/22/13. Failure to meet this deadline will result in your account being subject to forced liquidation/buyback by our clearing firm, with additional processing fee incurred. Should you have any additional questions, concerns, or suggestions, please feel free to contact us. -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Foreign_Inv/M.1385033543.A.F0C.html

amnotu:催繳通知;也有醫生出診的意思 11/21 21:02

amnotu:券商通知客戶保證金帳戶的資本低於最低要求,客戶必須存入 11/21 21:05

amnotu:更多現金或證券 11/21 21:05

amnotu:看樣子你是融資或融券要被斷頭了... 11/21 21:05

krishuang:很像margin call 11/22 07:35

stanley10:不是margin call, house call是券商根據自己玩法發的 11/22 10:52

krishuang:那想請教這玩法規則是? 11/22 11:51

stanley10:每家不一樣 有些股保證金要求高一些 有些股不准融資 11/22 15:51

krishuang:感謝 :) 11/22 18:26
