[情報] 麥拉倫表示賓士和法拉利不想提供他們引擎

作者 michellehot (姆咪熱)
時間 2017-07-19 01:41:46
留言 36則留言 (12推 1噓 23→)

原文標題: McLaren claim Mercedes and Ferrari don't want to help with 2018 engine Mercedes and Ferrari "like us where we are", Brown tells Sky Sports McLaren director believes struggling Honda "can get the job done" in 2018 Alonso wants engine decision sooner rather than later 翻譯標題: 麥拉倫表示賓士和法拉利不願提供他們2018引擎 Brown告訴skysports賓士法拉利「處境和我們一樣」 麥拉倫董事相信本田在2018能夠「達成任務」 Alonso希望引擎決策能夠盡快決定 新聞來源:skysports By Matt Morlidge Last Updated: 15:57, 18. Jul. 2017 連結:https://goo.gl/Y3u2YP 內容翻譯: Zak Brown表示賓士法拉利不願意提供麥拉倫2018引擎,因為他們「處境和我們一樣」。 更明確的說法是,麥拉倫傾向明年繼續和他們目前的合作夥伴結盟,車隊的執行首席還告 訴skysports說「我們最終希望本田能達成目標」。 麥拉倫目前車隊分數墊底,正值一段倒楣的賽期,雖然和本田分手的消息仍未證實,但他 們早就在和競爭廠隊討論2018年的動力單元贊助。但Brown說他們的競爭對手,尤其是目前 領先的廠隊,賓士法拉利表示,他們很期待這個八次一級方程式冠軍車隊回到賽場上。 Brown向skysports的Craig Slater表示「我們是知道如何贏得賽事和取得勝利的大車隊, 雖然很遺憾看到我們現在的情況,但我認為大多數的車隊都和我們處境一樣,他們不希望 我們太逼近他們是可以理解的。」 麥拉倫似乎面臨和紅牛在2015年想以賓士動力取代雷諾時的狀況。確實,紅牛車隊老闆 Christian Horner說Brown告訴他,他(Brown)正在看一段與我們所經歷過的相同橋段,而 賓士目前看起來是無動於衷。 儘管三年合夥失敗,Brown對於和本田的未來表示樂觀,並且對於任何決定心裡都有底。 Brown表示「我們和本田談過多種不同方向,最後認為本田可以重反榮耀,和以前一樣,我 們必須確保加快進展腳步。我們正開始著手於2018年新車,而在有清楚的架構之前,你也 只能做這麼多,所以我想在即將到來的暑假期間,我們必須和本田達成最終的共識。我們 無法再這麼無競爭力,這不是麥拉倫的精神,已經過三年了,我們得看見猛烈的動力調教 或是以一些方式達到目標。我們如同Alonso想要贏得比賽並上頒獎台,以目前狀態來看我 們辦不到,因此必須做出改變。」 於英國站遭第六次退賽的Alonso表示,麥拉倫必須和本田盡快作出決定。合約將於本季結 束後到期的Alonso說「這交由車隊決定,而我會支持他們的任何決定。當然,你越早做出 決定,就能夠更充分為明年做準備。」 原文內容: Zak Brown has suggested Mercedes and Ferrari are unwilling to provide McLaren with a 2018 engine because they "like us where we are". And, in the clearest indication yet that McLaren are leaning towards sticking with their current engine partners next year, the team's executive director has also told Sky Sports "we ultimately think that Honda can get the job done". McLaren remain bottom of the constructors' standings at the halfway point of a hapless campaign and, though a split with Honda has never been confirmed, they had been in discussions with their competitors about a 2018 power supply. But Brown says rivals, particularly leading teams and engine manufacturers Mercedes and Ferrari, are enjoying seeing Formula 1's eight-time champions towards the back of the grid. "We're a big team that knows how to win races and championships so I think most of the teams, while it's a shame to see where we are, they like us where we are," Brown told Sky Sports News' Craig Slater. "They don't want to get us too close to them which is understandable." It has been suggested that McLaren are encountering a similar situation as Red Bull did back in 2015 when they were looking to move on from Renault for Mercedes power. Indeed, Red Bull team boss Christian Horner claimed Brown had told him that "he thought he was watching the same movie that we lived through" with Mercedes so far seemingly not keen to budge. And despite the failures of their three-year partnership, Brown has now spoken of his optimism for the future with Honda and has outlined when a decision has to be made. "We've spoken with Honda about a variety of different scenarios," Brown explained. "We ultimately think that Honda can get the job done, they have in the past. We need to make sure the development comes at a faster pace. "We're starting to work on our 2018 car now and you can only go so far before you need to know the architecture of what you're doing so I think around the summer time, which obviously isn't far away, we need to finalise what we're doing with Honda moving forward. "We can't continue to be uncompetitive - that's not what McLaren race for. It's been three years, so we need to see some drastic power adjustments or some different ways to get there. "We, like Fernando [Alonso], want to be winning races and being on the podium and in the current state we can't do that - so some things need to change." As for Alonso, whose DNF at the British GP was the sixth time he hasn't finished a race this season, the Spaniard claimed McLaren should make up their minds on Honda as soon as possible. "It's up to the team and I would support any decision they make," Alonso, out of contract at the end of the season, said. "Definitely, the sooner you make a decision, the better preparation you have for the following year." -- .o00o .o0000000 ## ## ## .o0000P0000P #### ### ##### ## #####b ##b# d#***#b ##b###b Y00P ##P ### ## ## ## d#***## ## ##ooo#P ## ### .0P ##P ## ## ##### #### Y#oo##P ## Y###### ## ### #michellehot --
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/FORMULA1/M.1500399712.A.AC5.html

PerFrancis: 那有機會跟雷諾要嗎? 07/19 02:42

homerunball: 拿不到M牌引擎 龍哥可以安心上路 07/19 02:47

michellehot: 我猜Alo會跳 他想再拿冠 引擎動力可以突破 可是本田 07/19 03:48

michellehot: 引擎可靠度低 還出現冷卻、漏水的問題 像是對這引擎 07/19 03:52

michellehot: 不了解 感覺很像懂的人都被解雇了而且資料全帶走 07/19 03:55

michellehot: 本田現在對他們的F1工作室態度如何也沒見報導 07/19 03:57

michellehot: 麥拉拉也很難掌握遠在另一方的公司動向 07/19 03:59

Hohenzollern: 本田要集氣四年才能威一年 所以耐心等2019 07/19 04:35

PorkChoppers: 本田本來就對這個引擎不瞭解吧,畢竟設計是模仿的 07/19 07:40

supersd: 當初是整個車隊賣掉,人沒跟著賣的恐怕也走了,就算還在 07/19 08:28

supersd: ,現在引擎的複雜度遠超過當年退出時,跟新團隊重來一樣 07/19 08:29

supersd: ,搞不好去挖角組新團隊還更好 07/19 08:29

supersd: 現在可能需要挖角一個真正懂的人來規劃,重點是他要得到 07/19 08:32

supersd: 本田高層的絕對信任與大筆注資,不需事事回去日本請示, 07/19 08:32

supersd: 能在歐洲直接開工,並遙控本社支援 07/19 08:32

hazel0093: 這個人就是羅斯布朗! 07/19 09:16

smallyu1102: 為什麼麥拉崙不自己做動力單元啊? 07/19 09:29

supersd: 羅斯布朗很不錯,但現在有新工作了,況且待過車隊領隊的 07/19 09:43

supersd: 他,怎麼可能回去本田只帶做引擎的團隊而已… 07/19 09:43

hangzer: 當初是麥隊自己不打算繼續跟M牌 現在被拒絕也不意外 07/19 10:10

hangzer: 以日本人的行事風格 不可能拉下臉去找外援的啦XD 07/19 10:11

jphroc: 原文應該不是說處境一樣,是說喜歡麥拉拉現在這樣的樣子吧 07/19 10:59

jphroc: XD 07/19 10:59

hao0313: 這兩年本田讓比賽越來越無聊 07/19 12:45

wreuy8548: 還是本田 龍哥會跳吧! 07/19 14:37

ZincSaga: 廠隊不想賣就是不想增加潛在的對手啊 07/19 15:13

ZincSaga: 有guts就自己研發吧 07/19 15:13

homerunball: 小粉紅跟威廉斯=肥料? 07/19 15:16

k2541398: 自己研發 麥隊怎麼可能有這種能力 又不像以前v8買下cos 07/19 15:45

k2541398: worth自己搞還有可能 現在你的渦輪ers要怎麼來 07/19 15:45

k2541398: 連本田這種大廠都在ers爆炸了 何況麥隊自己 我看麥隊去 07/19 15:47

k2541398: 找toyota vag還比較快 07/19 15:47

corlos: 頭又大 浮屍在爭世界第1應該沒空 07/19 16:09

k2541398: 不過他們來玩f1應該不會搞的像本田一樣 07/19 16:12

richardtsai: 翻譯不太對...... 07/19 16:25

michellehot: 求翻譯 謝謝 07/19 17:59
