[情報] Alonso要麥拉倫於7月底前決定2018新引擎

作者 michellehot (姆咪熱)
時間 2017-07-18 04:04:49
留言 27則留言 (15推 0噓 12→)

原文標題: Alonso wants swift engine resolution Fernando Alonso is hoping that McLaren-Honda will make a decision regarding next year's engine before the summer break 標題翻譯: Alonso要麥拉倫於暑假前(7月底)決定2018新引擎(供應商) 新聞來源:Planetf1 Published date: 17.Jul.2017 連結:http://www.planetf1.com/news/alonso-wants-swift-engine-resolution/ 內容翻譯: 不是第一次,也不是最後一次,Alonso這次於英國站又因本田引擎問題面臨排位罰退。 雖然西班牙人還未決定下季會不會再繼續待麥拉倫,但最近要求這個F1車隊於7月底前決定 2018年的引擎供應商。 Alonso告訴Autosport「這交由他們決定,但越早作出決定你今年將有更多時間做準備,所 以我想他們會試著儘早下決定。不論他們做什麼決定,我必然會給予協助。對我、對車隊 現在的目標是兩週後的匈牙利站,以現實來說這是個好的機會,其他都是夢。」 兩次世界冠軍強調,儘管不確定更換不同廠引擎是否能讓麥拉倫跑在前頭,但他確信本田 動力已經讓車隊失望透了。 「誰曉得,很難去猜說不同的車體和引擎等結合會如何,但我認為我們很確定自己缺少了 什麼,只要能突破,我們將有競爭力。但這絕不是近期目標,近期目標是15天後匈牙利站 的大好機會,希望我們在那能有更好表現。」 原文內容: Not for the first time this season, and likely not the last, Alonso faced grid penalties at Sunday’s British Grand Prix because of his Honda engine. The Spaniard, who has yet to decide whether he will continue with McLaren next season, has now called on the Formula 1 team to decide on its 2018 engine supplier before the end of July. “It’s up to them, but definitely the sooner you make a decision the better preparation you have for the following year so I guess they will try to make it an early decision,” Alonso told Autosport.” “Obviously I would support whatever decision they make.” “For me, for the team, [the focus is] Hungary in 15 days’ time. A good opportunity, so that’s reality. The other things are just dreams.” The double World Champion added that while he is uncertain whether McLaren would be fighting at the front if they were running a different engine, he does believe that the Honda unit is letting the team down. “Who knows. It’s difficult to guess, to imagine different combinations of cars and engines, etc, but I think we identified very clearly what we are missing so if we can improve that we can be competitive.” “But this is definitely not in the near future so we need look at reality and reality is in 15 days Hungary is a good opportunity for us, so hopefully we can do better there.” -- .o00o .o0000000 ## ## ## .o0000P0000P #### ### ##### ## #####b ##b# d#***#b ##b###b Y00P ##P ### ## ## ## d#***## ## ##ooo#P ## ### .0P ##P ## ## ##### #### Y#oo##P ## Y###### ## ### #michellehot --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/FORMULA1/M.1500321896.A.321.html

kumafez: 七月底決定 因為我八月要簽約了 07/18 07:37

astushi: 現在要換也太晚了 18的車應該已經開始設計了 07/18 09:16

micbrimac: 結果明年本田起飛? 07/18 10:51

mygoing: 就算是換M引擎第一年應該也是陪跑 07/18 13:05

supersd: 總比本田一缸可以,四缸卻不行的疊積木研發法要來的好, 07/18 13:46

supersd: 該放棄了 07/18 13:46

homerunball: 簡單說本田跟龍哥兩個只能選一個 阿麥自己選 07/18 15:18

doro0202: 沒辦法奪冠的車都是垃圾啦 07/18 15:35

doro0202: 對ALO來說換那家引擎應該都是一樣的 07/18 15:35

Hohenzollern: 乾脆跟市售車部門一樣引擎都麥車麥造 07/18 17:52

homerunball: 阿麥市售車是拿日產的引擎去改的吧 07/18 17:55

CTHsieh: 本田不期不待。上次布朗車隊擺脫本田後馬上變火星車。 07/18 18:49

ChrisMac: 問題是龍哥如果不能去賓士或法拉利,那轉哪隊應該都無法 07/18 21:14

ChrisMac: 奪冠,不如還是待著... 07/18 21:14

doro0202: 對阿,待著領錢比去其他隊伍當7788還實在 07/18 21:50

doro0202: (銀箭、躍馬、紅牛都不可能有缺,所以一定7788起跳) 07/18 21:50

pizz6918: 說不定龍哥不缺錢 只想拿冠軍 QQ 07/18 21:51

ohyakmu: 去小粉紅或許有機會爭頒獎台? 07/18 22:54

micbrimac: 法拉拉有缺阿 Kimi差不多要退休了 只是龍嫂恐怕拉不下 07/18 23:59

micbrimac: 那個臉XDD 07/18 23:59

Hohenzollern: 再回法拉利就能成為史上二進二出最多隊的車手 07/19 04:32

zeches2001: 陪跑比幾乎每場DNF還好 07/19 11:11

ChrisMac: 其實差不多吧!對他來說不能拿冠都是一樣的 07/19 11:46

mike791026: 為什麼邁凱倫跟本田各自一片天加在一起卻這麼慘啊.. 07/19 12:22

WizTonE: McLaren市售車引擎是Ricardo的, 非日產...... 07/19 13:16

schumi7401: Gp2引擎 07/20 05:19

zoidsx: 看到標題就大笑了w 07/21 18:03
