[情報]試翻 BBC F1 Gossip Column

作者 BlueSword09 (Californication)
時間 2011-09-26 22:13:09
留言 31則留言 (18推 0噓 13→)

來試貼BBC的F1小道消息, 如果可以的話每天更新一篇至賽季結束 (一)Organisers of the Indian Grand Prix have announced that American pop star Lady Gaga has been signed up to play at the event's post-race concert on 30 October. US heavy metal band Metallica are also set to play at an "F1 Rocks" concert in the build-up to the race. 印度賽會將邀請Lady Gaga為10月30號比賽後的演唱會來賓, 美國重金屬樂團 Metallica則會在比賽前的F1 Rocks演唱會中演唱 (二)Team Lotus have extended their Renault engine deal through to the end of 2013 and say that they hope to continue to work together when new engine regulations come into force in 2014. Team boss Tony Fernandes also said the team would use a KERS system provided by Red Bull Technology next season. 蓮花車隊延長了與雷諾的引擎合約到2013年底, 並聲明他們希望可以繼續合作至施用新引擎規則的2014年 老闆Tony Fernandez也說他們下季將會使用紅牛提供的KERS系統 (三)Mercedes and Virgin Racing have won back one of their four curfew exemptions after the sport's governing body, the FIA, decided that the staff who entered the track early on Saturday were not involved directly with the car. New rules this season dictate that staff whose role is to work on the car are banned from entering the venue between 0200 and 0800 to prevent them getting overworked. MGP和 Virgin車隊贏回了他們的宵禁例外時段, FIA認為星期六一早進入賽道的員工並沒有與賽車有直接接觸 本賽季新的規則規定技師們禁止在清晨兩點到八點之間進入車棚, 以避免他們超時工作 (四)Following the ruling, Mercedes team boss Ross Brawn says the curfew rules have worked well this season but wants clarification from the FIA so the misunderstanding doesn't arise again. MGP頭頭 Ross Brawn認為本賽季的宵禁條例施行的不錯, 但他希望FIA可以給出更明確的定義, 才不會又發生誤會 (五)Williams driver Rubens Barrichello said fans have nothing to worry about following the Brazilian's visit to hospital on Saturday. "There was some people worried with me going to medical centre. It was just a anti-dope testing...all fine." Williams車手 Rubens Barrichello希望他的車迷們不要擔心他星期六去醫院的事 "有些人擔心我沒事去醫學中心幹嘛, 我只是去作禁藥測試, 沒事啦!" 新聞來源:http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/motorsport/formula_one/9599809.stm -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/FORMULA1/M.1317046392.A.204.html

MattiaPasini:WEB:我對第(三)點舉雙手雙腳贊成!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 09/26 22:16

PitCrew:自行翻譯 用心推!!! 09/26 22:18

corlos:這才比較像以前F1版的新聞 09/26 22:20

erial:+++ 09/26 22:21

lastroom:翻譯用心給推 搞不好有板友會丟工作給你XD 09/26 22:24

kimimskimi:這要推啊! 09/26 22:24

JPMontoya:PUSH~~~ 09/26 22:25

u1302094:來人,丟一年份的F1 Racing給原po. φ(._. )> 09/26 22:26

evo2001:用心翻譯推 09/26 22:29

MattiaPasini:清新 健康 專業的F1版肥來了( ′▽`)-o█ █o-( ̄▽ 09/26 22:31

BlueSword09:一年份嗎 剛翻了一下手邊最近的已經是2003年2月 > < 09/26 22:55

nomorepipe:用心推~ 09/26 23:00

raei22:讚 09/26 23:15

NymaB:用心翻譯 樓下幫我推XD 09/26 23:15

kimi7918:推 09/26 23:17

NymaB:謝謝 基米。拉科寧 我CD完了XD 09/26 23:18

kimi7918:海科寧 科瓦來寧 芬蘭人怎麼都___寧 09/26 23:22

BlueSword09:還有WRC的湯米馬基寧 09/26 23:27

SuperAguri:海科寧 = 夏健倫 09/26 23:30

SuperAguri:科瓦來寧 = 高華拉倫 09/26 23:30

SuperAguri:拉科寧 = 拉高倫 09/26 23:30

BlueSword09:好久沒聽到夏建崙 小時候這個是最難猜的 XD 09/26 23:32

BlueSword09: 看 09/26 23:32

MikaHakkinen:<= 夏健倫在此 09/27 06:33

siiyow:第三點是只 技師、工程師 加班也加很大嗎? 09/28 02:05

corlos:樓上 沒錯,其實增加比賽 最操的不是車手,是工作人員 09/28 10:23

corlos:所以前Jordan車隊老闆Eddie Jordan才會提出8月放暑假的政策 09/28 10:24

corlos:車手除了比賽之外,其它最忙的就是公關或是廣告的行程 09/28 10:24

BlueSword09:加很大 聽說也是個爆肝的行業來著 09/28 16:22

BlueSword09:以前沒有宵禁的時候,技師是可能整晚都在修車調車的 09/28 16:25

BlueSword09:前幾年的比賽影片常常會看到技師在PIT裡面打瞌睡 09/28 16:26
