
作者 buring (buring)
時間 2008-06-25 17:25:48
留言 11則留言 (10推 0噓 1→)

French Grand Prix press conference - Part I With new title leader Massa, Raikkonen and Trulli The French Grand Prix looked certain to fall to Kimi Raikkonen, but an exhaust problem mid-race saw Felipe Massa take the win from his Ferrari team-mate as Jarno Trulli took a well-deserved podium for Toyota. Here's what the top three had to say after 70-laps of the Magny Cours circuit. 法國站前三名Massa,Kimi,路隊長接受訪問。 Q: Congratulations Felipe with a win from the front row. Kimi led early on until his problem but you were a conclusive winner by the end. 恭喜你,Felipe。奪下勝利而且在積分上得到領先。 雖然說Kimi出問題前大幅度領先,不過最終的冠軍是你。 Felipe MASSA: It was fantastic, I did not expect that. Sometimes you need a little bit of luck and today I had a little bit of luck with what happened to Kimi and his exhaust. Fortunately he could finish the race, but it was, for sure, a good present. I was already quite comfortable in the second position as he had a very quick pace and I am sure it would have been very difficult for me to pass him. It was a great race and we showed our performance here. For sure, we don’t know the performance from our competitors because they were a little bit behind. But I think we are in the right direction. The team did a fantastic job – all the suppliers, Shell especially, because all the time we need to bring good fuel and good lubricants as well, so it was a great job from everybody. I am very happy because now we are a lot more in the championship. We still need to work a lot but we are in the right direction. Massa: 這是場很好的比賽。我本來並不會有太多期待。有些時候你需要點運氣,今天我就有。 而且幸運的是,Kimi雖然出了問題,不過也完賽了。我本來想說拿到第二名就很ok了, 因為今天的Kimi表現實在太好,要追上他是相當困難的。我們也不知道我們競爭對手在 場上的狀況,因為他們落後有點多,看不到。車隊的表現無庸置疑的好,所有供應商, 特別是Shell,帶來好的燃油和機油,對我們今天的勝利做出很大的貢獻。我非常高興, 在車隊積分上獲得更多的領先。我依然需要努力工作,不過我想我們的方向是正確的。" Q: It did start to rain towards the end. Tell us about the track conditions. 談談看下雨對於賽道路面狀況的影響。 FM: It was very difficult over there because sometimes there were some drops and you could feel straight away that the track was not the same anymore, so I was always slowing even more than I needed because I had a very good gap, so I was not risking anything. At the end of the race it was not raining very heavily, so anyway it was a good drive and a fantastic job from the team. Massa: 的確那是很困難的。當雨滴落下的時候,你完全可以感受到賽道狀況改變了。 因為我有很大的領先幅度,所以我比平常的速度慢了點,以求保險。 在賽事末期雨下的不會太大,所以狀況還好。 Q: You said Kimi had fantastic pace but from the outside looking in, it looked like you had a couple of laps in hands in terms of fuel. How do you think it might have gone? 你說Kimi表現太好,讓你難以追上。 不過從我們的角度來看,你的油量比較重。 你覺得那個部分對比賽的影響如何? FM: I mean I had two laps difference in terms of fuel but in two laps you cannot be three-tenths slower. I was always kind of three-tenths slower, so I saw that it was going to be difficult to beat him as you need to be a similar pace or maybe one-tenth slower. That was not the case. I saw he had a great pace and a bit better balanced car and I didn’t want to risk. Even second was a great result, but first is even better. Massa: 我是說,我比Kimi多了兩圈的油量。 但是跑兩圈的油重不會讓你慢了0.3秒。 你想要超車,你就要跟他一樣快,最多慢個0.1秒。可是我一直都是慢0.3秒。 所以我不認為我可以輕易地超越Kimi。Kimi的速度很快,車的平衡也比我的車好。 我不想冒險。第一名雖然感覺好很多,不過第二名也是很好的成績。 Q: Kimi, I guess you are delighted to score points in a race where you had a relatively serious mechanical failure on the car. Kimi,我猜你覺得在這情況下還拿到分數,已經很高興了。 Kimi RÄIKKÖNEN: Yeah, it is disappointing in the end having a good car all weekend, being on pole, leading it quite easily and then having a problem with the car. But, unfortunately, that happens sometimes. In one way we are still lucky to finish the race and get eight points as in the last couple of laps the car almost stopped a few times. I mean even though it is disappointing not to win when we should still have, I still take the eight points and it looks much better now in the championship. I am in a more confident position and it was a great result for the team, just an unlucky situation. Kimi: 嗯,對於整個週末表現都好的我們來說,在正賽的最後因為機械故障讓出冠軍位置, 的確是相當讓我失望的。不過,鳥事三不五時就會發生。 從另個角度來看,我們其實算是不錯了,完賽之外,還拿下8分。 特別是在最後那幾圈,車子有好幾次幾乎停下來。 我想,就算今天煮熟的鴨子飛走了,我至少還拿了8分,在積分上面的排行也好多了。 我還是相當有信心的。 今天對於車隊來說還是最好的結果,只是對我而言比較糟。 Q: We could see problems with the exhaust just from the half distance. What was it like from your point of view driving the car in terms of what you felt? 你對於車子出問題的感覺是什麼? KR: We just lost massive power. That was the biggest problem. Sometimes you just lost all the power and then it came back. It was slow in a straight line and especially out of low speed corners it was difficult. But luckily we went fast enough in the beginning to go away from the others and we had enough of a gap in the end but I expect a few more laps and we would not have finished second. Like I said before it is disappointing not to win but eight points is good for the championship. It is a good result for the team and everybody did their best but unfortunately things didn’t go right but that happens as we have seen in races before. We still had a one-two which is great. Kimi: 最大的問題是,我失去了動力。某些時候動力全失,然後又重新出現。 那個時候在直線上很慢,特別是從低速彎角出來的時候。 不過我們在賽事前半段的大幅領先,讓我們與後面的追兵有很大差距。 不過我想,如果再多跑幾圈,應該就拿不下第二了。 不能獲勝的確蠻失望的,不過8分也很不錯了。 對於車隊來說,我們有最好的結果,每個人也很努力表現也很好,不過, 鳥事發生了,就跟我們以前看過的一樣。 不過我們還是以一二名完賽,那就是好的了。 Q: How bad was the problem when the rain started towards the end of the race? What was the response from the car? 賽末下雨之際,問題有多嚴重?車子的反應是什麼? KR: It was like bad traction control with no power out of the corners. It got a little bit slippery in some places but it did quite a lot of damage to the car, so it is good that we finished the race. Kimi: 那就好像不好的,在出彎的時候沒有動力的traction control。 在某些地方變的很滑,而且車子所受的損害也蠻大的,所以能夠完賽就已經很OK啦。 Q: Jarno, Toyota’s first podium since Australia 2006. You were under pressure right from the first corner to the end and the wheel banging incident with Heikki Kovalainen in the closing laps. 恭喜路隊長,TOYOTA從2006年澳洲站後首次登上頒獎台。 談談你從比賽開始到結束都有來自後面對手的壓力, 還有跟小科在最後幾圈發生的輪胎擦撞意外。 Jarno TRULLI: It was a difficult race but it was a great result and a great weekend for the whole team. We were pushing really hard because we wanted to dedicate the podium to Ove Anderson (former Toyota team principal) who did a lot for the Toyota Motorsport team and it came at the right time to be here with all the Italian flags because tonight Italy is going to play. It was a great race, hard and tough. We had quite a good pace but obviously some other cars were still quicker than us but we managed to do a very good weekend from Friday and Saturday qualifying. We had a very good start and my pace was obviously reasonable but I had to fight really hard which is anyway what we expect. 路隊長: 這是場艱苦的比賽,不過結果很好,對整個團隊來說是個好週末。 我們非常緊繃,因為我們希望可以用第三名的成績來紀念Ove Anderson。 他對於TOYOTA貢獻良多。 今天也是帶著義大利國旗的好日子,因為在歐洲國家盃他們要出賽。 我們的表現速度是不錯,不過很明顯的還是有些人就是比我們快。 不過我們還是從週五週六到現在都保持著不錯的狀態。 我們有個非常好的起跑,而速度表顯也相當理想,不過正如我們所預期的, 我的確碰上相當艱苦的纏鬥。 Q: It looked like you were in difficulty when the rain started and Heikki closed the gap. Talk us through that battle with Heikki. 開始下雨之後,你看起來好像陷入麻煩,而小科則是縮小了你兩的差距。 談一下你跟小科之間的纏鬥吧。 JT: It is obviously difficult to judge how bad the rain is when you are in front. It is easier to be behind someone else. I was taking a bit of care as normally our car struggles a bit on the colder conditions but I managed then to get back into the right condition and after the rain stopped I did my job. 路隊長: 當你領先的時候,你很難去判斷雨勢的影響有多大。 我們的車在比較冷的狀況下表現比較差,我也要花比較多心神在這上面。 我讓車子回到正確的狀況,而在雨停之後,我也順利完成我的任務。 Q: And that wheel banging incident with Heikki? 那你跟小科的輪胎碰撞呢? JT: I don’t think we touched at all. It was wheel-to-wheel like in go-kart, so it was a dream come true as obviously it is many years since I did such a nice fight. I would love to fight every race to fight like that. We know the problem with our car and we need to get more pace and that is what I am asking of the team. But we are doing a great job compared to last year and the car is much more competitive, everybody is much more together and everybody is more motivated. Things are moving on. 路隊長: 我不覺得我兩有碰撞到。那是像在卡丁車比賽中的狀況。 今天的纏鬥有如美夢成真,因為已經好多年沒有這麼像樣的纏鬥了。 我真希望每場比賽都可以跟今天一樣。 我們知道我們車子的問題是什麼,我要求車隊,而車隊也一直努力的就是增加速度。 不過我們相較於去年,表現已經好很多了,車子也更具有競爭性, 大家都更加團結,更加熱誠。 我們的後勢看漲。 Q: Felipe, you are the first Brazilian to be leading the World Championship since the late, great Ayrton Senna. And a great run for you here – third, second and now first in three races. And the fourth leader of the championship in four races. We go to the British Grand Prix now, things could not be tighter. Felipe,你是洗拿後,第一位在車手積分領先的巴西車手。 而你在法國的表現也漸入佳境,第三,第二,第一。 你是四場比賽下第四位積分領先者。 我們下次要道英國站了,競爭正式激烈。 FM: We are still in the middle of the championship and we still have a lot of races to go. We cannot think differently than what we always think until now. We need to do our job and we need to think about scoring points race by race, even if it is not possible to win. As I have said I was happy with second, first is even better, so we need to take all the opportunities we can to be at the front all the time if it’s possible. But it is always nice to lead the championship, so hopefully we can stay in that position. Massa: 我們還是在纏鬥之中,也還有好多場比賽還沒跑。 我們不能改變從以前到現在我們的想法。 我們必須做好自己的工作,每場比賽都盡量拿下分數,就算不可能獲勝也是一樣。 如果我之前說過,第二名是不錯,不過第一名更好。 只要機會上門,我們就不能放過。 身為領先者的感覺當然很好,希望我們可以保持這樣的排名。 Q: Felipe, tell us about the start and about the opening laps when you were behind Kimi. 談談起跑還有在Kimi後面的那幾圈吧。 FM: Well, it was a little bit tough to be honest to follow him as he was very quick at that moment. I was like two or three tenths slower than him but I had two more laps of fuel which is understandable but I think I would have liked to have been one-tenth slower per lap and then it would have been possible to fight for the position in the pits. But when I saw that the gap was already six seconds I said ‘okay maybe it is better to concentrate on the driving and finish second’ as that already was a great result for the championship. But then I saw that he was slowing down and I heard that he had a problem with the exhaust but sometimes you need the luck. I am just happy for Kimi to finish the race because usually when you have this kind of problem you cannot finish the race, so I think he was not too unlucky to finish second. Massa: 說實在的,要追上Kimi是真的蠻困難的。 我本來大概比他慢0.2-0.3秒。 考慮到我的油量比較多,這差距是可以理解的。 不過我還是希望差距在0.1秒附近,這樣我才有利用進站與Kimi爭奪冠軍的機會。 不過當我看到差距來到6秒的時候,我就告訴自己'專心開車,拿下第二'。 然後我看到Kimi慢了下來,原來他車的排氣管出了問題。 有的時候,運氣真的很重要。 我也爲Kimi感到高興。因為正常來說,有這種問題發生,幾乎是不可能完賽的。 所以從這個角度來看,Kimi拿下第二也不算是太倒楣啦。 Q: Now you are leading the championship as well. How important is that? 現在你的積分領先了。這個的重要程度? FM: It is always nice, for sure, to lead the championship. It is always a great pleasure but at the moment we have won nothing, just some races. The championship is still 100 per cent open and we still have many races to go. We need to do our job race by race, thinking about the points, thinking if the win is good, otherwise second place is also good or maybe third. We need to think like that about the championship until the last race and then we are sure if we did the right job or if we had the right luck or did everything right to win the championship or not. But it is always nice to be leading the championship. Massa: 領先的感覺當然很好。不過我們現在也只是贏了幾場分站而已。 車手冠軍還在未定之數,也還有許多場比賽沒有跑。 我們必須要一場一場地做好我們的工作,盡量拿下分數。 對於冠軍,我們必須這樣思考直到最後的比賽。 到了那個時候,我們就知道我們表現如何,運氣好不好,值不值得拿下冠軍了。 不過真的,領先的感覺真好。 Q: You were suggesting that the track conditions were different with the rain showers. 你說下雨後,跑道路面的狀況改變了? FM: You could see the drops and sometimes they were very small drops and you don’t feel the track changing. But sometimes it is coming a little bit stronger and the grip is a little bit lower than you expect. When I saw some big drops I said ‘okay it is better to slow down more and lose time instead of risk and maybe go off in the corner’, so sometimes I was even slowing down more than I needed to but I think if was the right decision looking at the gap we had and also looking at the conditions as we were suffering with these small drops. Massa: 雨勢有大有小。雨比較小的地方你沒啥感覺。 雨比較大的時候,抓地力就會比你預期來的低。 我碰到雨比較大的時候,我告訴自己,'好吧,慢慢來,失去時間比失去積分好'。 我想這個放慢的決定還不錯,特別是我們有這麼大的領先差距,以及小雨對我們影響。 Q: Tell us about the start and those early stages as your car was phenomenal? Kimi,談一下起跑和車子出問題的狀況。 KR: It was good. It has been good all weekend, so it is a bit disappointing not to win, but that’s racing. Things go wrong sometimes and luckily enough we still got second place, so it is better than nothing. Kimi: 一切都很好,整個週末都很好。 也因為這樣,沒有贏得比賽,讓我小失望一下,不過那就是賽車。 鳥事總是三不五十發生,而我們也運氣夠好拿下第二名,比什麼都沒有好多了。 Q: Was there anything you could do with the car? Was there anything you could change with a setting like that? 車子出問題的時候,你可以做什麼調整嗎? KR: Not really, no. The exhaust broke and it changes all the setting and you burn a big hole on the side of the car. In the last few laps it almost stopped a few times so I think a few more laps and we would not have finished the race. Luckily the car was strong enough and it lasted, so even with the broken exhaust we were still fast enough and we had enough gap to the third place, so we were able to keep the second place. Kimi: 沒有。排氣管壞了,所以整體設定都改變,車側還被燒了個大洞。 在最後幾圈車子好幾次甚至停了下來。再多跑幾圈,我甚至沒法完賽。 好家在我們的車子夠勇,之前的差距夠大,最後才可以拿下第二名。 Q: Even after you lost the lead to Felipe you managed to match him on times. 讓Felipe過了之後,你還做出差不多的時間嗎? KR: Yeah, I don’t know if he was full speed or not. For sure we could have gone much, much faster without the problem. But like I said, luckily enough we were fast enough in the first place, so that even with the problems we could still match the other people’s speed and get a good second place. It is a bit disappointing but a good result for the team. We were a bit unlucky but still a good place to finish. Kimi: 是啊,不過我不知道他是不是全速前進。 沒有碰上這個問題,我們當然會跑比較快。 不過如同我說的,我們運氣好可以第二名完賽就已經是很ok的了。 Q: You needed the points? 你需要積分? KR: Yeah, it is not ideal but for the team it is good. It is a long championship and we have been in worse positions, so we will see what we can do. Kimi: 嗯,雖然對我個人不理想,不過對車隊來說是好的。 這是長期的競爭,我們曾經還在更差的位置。 就看看接下來的比賽囉。 Q: Jarno, how important is this podium to you and the team? 路隊長,這個第三名對你還有對車隊的重要性。 JT: It’s important for many reasons. It’s important for the team, for the motivation, for the fact that we wanted to pay tribute to Ove Andersson who did great things for Toyota Motorsport in general. It’s a shame that we lost him right now, he couldn’t see us, cheering us up on the podium but anyway, it was great for the team, for me as well, because I think every year I’m driving better and better and now I’m driving better than ever, thanks to the fact that the team is moving on with the car which seems more balanced, quicker than last year, more competitive. We still have a lot of things to improve but in general, every race we can fight and we can take some chance to score points. This time I can say we did a perfect weekend, from me and from the team, the engineers, my mechanics in the pit stop, it was just fantastic. This gives everybody a great boost for the rest of the season. 路隊長: 的確很重要。原因又很多。 對於車隊,對於我們的熱誠,以及我們想要藉以用來向Ove Andersson致敬的心情, 都很重要。失去了他當然很可惜,不過對於車隊來說,這個結果真的相當好。 對我也是相當好。 我認為我每年都比前一年進步,而現在是我生涯中狀況最好的時候, 特別是現在車隊打造出更好更平衡更快更有競爭力的車。 我們當然還有很多進步的空間,不過大致上來說,我們現在每場比賽都有能力進行纏鬥, 也可把握拿下分數的機會。 而這次,車隊可說是完成了一趟完美的任務,不管是我,車隊,工程師,我的技工們, 每個人都太棒了。 這個第三名,給了每個人強大的鼓舞。 Q: And a great start too… 起跑也是? JT: You know, in Formula One nowadays unfortunately you have to get everything extremely right, every single detail, it’s so important in order to finish as high as possible, especially in our position because we’re fighting in mid-field. We know that Ferrari, McLaren, BMW are sometimes… are often quicker than us. Sometimes we can close the gap. Our main rivals are normally Renault, Red Bull and Williams. This time I think we had nothing to do with them and I was just fighting for the top and it was great to fight, wheel-to-wheel with the car because I’ve wanted to do that for a long time and I wish I could do it every race. At the moment, I just keep pushing with the team and eventually one day we will get there. 路隊長: 現在的F1中,只有起跑是不夠的。你必須要再每個小細節上,都做到非常正確。 這對於你想要以高名次完賽是相當重要的,特別是身處於中段班的我們。 我們知道,法拉力,麥拉倫,BMW有時候...不,是常常比我們快。 某些時候我們是可以縮短這中間的差距,不過基本上我們的對手是雷諾紅牛還有威廉斯。 不過這次,我想我們跟他們(指雷諾紅牛威廉斯)沒有什麼關係啦, 我就是單純的爲了排名進行戰鬥。 而這樣的感覺真好,我想要這樣已經很久了,真希望我每場比賽都可以來這麼一次。 現在,我會繼續與車隊一起努力,我們總有一天會到最頂尖的狀況的。 ---- http://en.f1-live.com/f1/en/headlines/news/detail/080622191150_3.shtml ---- 喔~又累了~XD 不過看到路隊長最後一段的講話,感覺真不錯啊~~ -- 不喜勿入 www.wretch.cc/blog/ToeicRobert -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/FORMULA1/M.1214385951.A.679.html

ePaper:路隊長對於碰碰車事件一直扯開話題XDDDD 06/25 17:29

Skite:扯開話題兼裝傻…「有碰到嗎?」「我覺得沒有哩~」 06/25 17:58

mantall:他真的很愛纏鬥的感覺XD 碰! 下一位~ 06/25 18:18

yoyo0418:有看有推 06/25 18:55

lwecloud:Kimi:好佳在我們車子夠勇...想當年...(灌酒) 06/25 18:55

CGary:還好在這麼帶賽下, Ferrari的車還可以撐到完..Kimi真是衰 06/25 19:03

Yaomini:看來路隊長明年的約又到手了... 06/25 19:16

wildcat:翻譯推! 06/25 19:55

oldster:推翻譯 06/25 20:01

olloo:翻譯推 06/25 20:56

ivonie183: JPMontoya下台 好嗎? 06/26 01:17
