Re: [閒聊] 月黑風高2022-23_阿斯頓維拉

作者 woodgatel (woodgatel)
時間 2022-10-25 03:10:15
留言 39則留言 (25推 0噓 14→)

Aston Villa is delighted to announce the appointment of Unai Emery as the club’s new Head Coach. Unai joins from Villarreal, whom he led to Europa League success by beating Manchester United in the final in 2021 as well as the semi-finals of the Champions League last season. A highly experienced top level coach who has managed over 900 games, Unai has also previously managed in the Premier League during a spell with Arsenal, leading the Gunners to a Europa League final. He has also enjoyed notable success at Sevilla and at Paris Saint Germain. In Seville, he won three successive Europa League titles between 2013 and 2016 before going on to lift a Ligue 1 championship in France as well as two French Cups, two French League Cups and two Trophée des Champions. Unai will take over from November 1st after his work permit formalities are completed. AV官方臉書官宣愛美麗為新任領隊 並已付給黃潛解約金 ----- Sent from JPTT on my Sony J9210. --
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LukaDoncic: Good ebening 10/25 03:41

teller526: 他居然還會回來英超 有點意外 不過他帶這種中下游球隊 10/25 03:43

teller526: 應該不錯 10/25 03:43

zwe: 要向阿森納復仇了嗎 10/25 03:44

ryan0714123: 很喜歡愛美麗 10/25 04:13

Torreschu: 不是有說他的英文能力是硬傷? 10/25 07:12

ganlinlausu: 可能學好了,別小看美麗的復仇 10/25 07:39

z83420123: 根本不算硬傷吧 就能溝通 10/25 07:51

z83420123: 有腔調壓不住更衣室被拿來取笑而已 10/25 07:52

z83420123: 反正更衣室出問題總會搞你 g8英國人還不是被搞只不過 10/25 07:55

z83420123: 不是取消口音而已 10/25 07:55

AhCheng: 歐霸本體愛美麗回來啦 10/25 08:06

jabari: 我槍瑟瑟發抖 滿滿的復仇者 10/25 08:38

GhostShadow: Emery + *villa* = 歐霸? 10/25 09:22

Supasizeit: 歐霸王 10/25 09:29

leeleeg: 你確定G8沒口音嗎 呵呵 10/25 10:18

leeleeg: 愛美麗,AV 10/25 10:19

percy90723: G8只有利物浦口音才會被笑吧==到底誰聽得懂 10/25 12:04

Schnell: 覺得包子英文比愛美麗更難懂XD 10/25 12:18

GSHARP: 愛美麗的英文比較好懂XD 10/25 13:10

s9321312: 可惜沒歐霸踢 不然這季如果踢歐霸說不定下季就有歐冠了 10/25 13:55

s9321312: Danjuma和Torres的違約金以AV來說都不貴 冬轉直接帶來吧 10/25 13:57

ivan1994: 有人聽得懂Harry Kane在講什麼嗎 10/25 14:20

raysbuck: 英人聽英腔應該沒問題吧XD 10/25 14:37

misaki1088: Ødegaard英文都比kane好 (? 10/25 16:28

fishhy: 北歐人通常英文講得很清楚,反而是英國本地人的口音很難 10/25 18:28

fishhy: 懂 10/25 18:28

congmaosyu: 之前聽說維拉本來想找波波接傑拉德,可能太貴 10/25 19:38

congmaosyu: 黃潛那邊可能會找賦閒兩年的前巴薩主帥賽蒂恩接任 10/25 19:41

s9321312: 不是太貴 是波波看不上 10/25 20:00

lions402: 利物浦腔英國人到底怎麼聽懂得 10/25 21:14

ajfever: 就像怪腔怪調的台語我們也可以理解八九成一樣啊 10/25 22:54

PSY5566: 勿忘蘇格蘭腔 10/26 00:12

jabari: /_\ 我跟北愛同事相處3年 還是聽不懂他到底在說啥 10/26 01:40

z83420123: 不是太貴 是波波不願意接手 還是想等豪門 10/26 16:36

z83420123: 不然AV願意開給他千萬年薪+冬天給他一億轉會費 10/26 16:37

z83420123: AV這埃及首富老闆真的有錢 直接是對標豪門的待遇了 10/26 16:37

Vassili242: 由奢入儉難啊,都待過巴黎油王隊了,一億這種零頭哪夠 10/26 17:39

Vassili242: 塞牙縫,不要說買不起巨星,連掛個彩票都要少一半了 10/26 17:39
