[課業] 英文文法-副詞&比較級請益2013/1/21

看板 Examination
作者 isaac028 (da)
時間 2013-01-21 22:17:48
留言 1則留言 (1推 0噓 0→)

不好意思,小弟才疏學淺,想請教各位大大幾題英文文法試題 (出處:王怡華-文法練習1000題) 1.How----can you finish them? (A)soon (B)long 答案:(A),為何不可選(B)? 2.I slipped on the stairs. I think my leg is broken. Oh! I--------. (A)do not hope so (B)do not hope (C)hope not so (D)hope not 答案:(D),不明白為何選它? 3.Are you going so soon? Won't you stay with us----longer? (A)a little (B)little (C)just (D)a just 答案:(A),不明白為何選它? 4.It is ------cold here in this classroom. (A)much and (B)very nice (C)more and (D)nice and 答案:(D),不明白為何選它? 5.He is-------for his poverty. (A)happier (B)all the happier (C)happiest (D)the happiest 答案:(B),不明白為何選它? 6.Jessica was-----most brave girl. (A)a (B)so (C)far (D)one of 答案:(A),因為是描述事實所以選a嗎? 但答案本上寫most=very,表絕對最高級,那是啥? 7.She feels------when she is cooking. (A) the happiest (B) happiest (C) the happier (D) happily 答案:(B),答案本上寫"絕對最高級前不加the",請問什麼叫作絕對最高級? 謝謝~~ -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Examination/M.1358777871.A.96A.html

alveolar:3 a little / far / much 皆可修飾比較級 01/22 01:30
