[新聞] 飛越比佛利男主角之一路克派瑞中風過世

看板 EAseries
作者 deehsu (加州‧陽光~RF100~)
時間 2019-03-05 02:34:45
留言 24則留言 (10推 0噓 14→)

* News from : https://tinyurl.com/y6fsrn86 (The Hollywood Reporter) Luke Perry, 'Beverly Hills, 90210' and 'Riverdale' Star, Dies at 52 2019/03/04 10:00 AM By Ryan Parker Luke Perry, actor on The CW's Riverdale and the '90s hit Beverly Hills, 90210, has died, The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed. He was 52. Perry had suffered a massive stroke, his rep Arnold Robinson told THR. "He was surrounded by his children Jack and Sophie, fiancé Wendy Madison Bauer, ex-wife Minnie Sharp, mother Ann Bennett, step-father Steve Bennett, brother Tom Perry, sister Amy Coder, and other close family and friends," said Robinson. "The family appreciates the outpouring of support and prayers that have been extended to Luke from around the world, and respectfully request privacy in this time of great mourning. No further details will be released at this time." News of Perry's hospitalization coincided with the announcement that Fox would be reviving Beverly Hills, 90210, in which Perry played Dylan McKay during the original show's run through the 1990s. The upcoming series sees six original stars returning to play heightened versions of themselves; however, Perry is not involved in the project. THR has reached out about the show's status given the news. Perry also did not appear in The CW's 90210 reboot, which featured original stars Jennie Garth, Shannen Doherty and Tori Spelling, when it launched in 2008. "I'm going to be linked with him until I die, but that's actually just fine. I created Dylan McKay. He's mine," the actor once said about the career-defining role. The 52-year-old actor currently stars on The CW's comic book adaptation Riverdale, which films in Vancouver. Of his Riverdale role, Perry told THR in January 2017, "I like playing the dad because I like being a dad, and I think it's a great character in the milieu of this show that I'm the grounded one, and I'm the guy who really cares about K.J., who cares about doing a good job and being a good construction worker. I love that." ********** * 剛剛看到的新聞快報, 年輕時候很愛看的飛躍比佛利男主角之一的路克派瑞, 因為幾天前的嚴重中風而在今早過世,享年52歲。 :( 他當年飾演的 "Dylan",真的永遠留存在影迷心中說。 R.I.P https://imgur.com/2Ux9bZ5 https://imgur.com/S9p74mt https://imgur.com/js9ymEK ********** * 兩天前的中風新聞報導 * News from : https://tinyurl.com/y3fntstz (世界日報) 「飛越比佛利」帥氣壞小子驚傳中風 前女友打氣 記者蘇詠智╱綜合報導 2019年03月02日 06:03 https://imgur.com/emgLzSL https://imgur.com/NHFBDFS 美國經典偶像劇「飛越比佛利」(Beverly Hills, 90210)男主角之一路克派瑞(Luke Perry)驚傳嚴重中風、送醫院治療,公關人員表示他還在醫院觀察中,並未透露病況, 也不肯證實病因。昔日與他合作此劇的老夥伴伊恩齊爾林(Ian Ziering)、香儂道荷蒂 (Shannen Doherty)都在社群網站上留言為他加油打氣。 1990年紅遍全球的「飛越比佛利」中,路克派瑞飾演率性不羈的壞男孩狄恩,與香儂道荷 蒂扮演的好女孩布蘭達有段波折重重的戀情,在道荷蒂退出該劇後,派瑞則與珍妮葛斯( Jennie Garth)扮演的凱莉、傑森普里斯萊(Jason Priestley)扮演的布蘭登有剪不斷 、理還亂的糾纏。 當年迷姐迷妹也分兩派,一派喜愛正直好青年布蘭登,另一派鍾情於狄恩的邪氣魅力,但 「飛越比佛利」落幕後,路克派瑞的事業並沒有持續走旺,沒能真的成為巨星,近年來則 在影集「河谷鎮」(Riverdale)扮演男主角的父親。 根據TMZ報導,52歲的派瑞疑似在家中突然中風,早上9時多被送往醫院,這並非他的健康 首度亮起紅燈,4年前他就曾檢查出結腸似有惡性腫瘤細胞增生,立刻動手術切除。無獨 有偶,和他在「飛越比佛利」對手戲極多的香儂道荷蒂,近年來也正在對抗乳癌,目前治 療情況不錯,因此她也在社群網站上表示,要把自己的力量分給派瑞。伊恩齊爾林也發布 一張自己強吻派瑞臉頰的照片,表示不敢相信此消息,希望大家一起替他祈福,讓他早點 康復。 昔日這些紅遍歐美、亞洲的俊男美女,現在各有發展:伊恩齊爾林由於參加「舞林群星會 」(Dancing With The Star)衝到高名次再度翻紅,又主演「風飛鯊」(Sharknado)系 列而大走老運;蓋布麗卡提爾斯(Gabrielle Carteris)一度獲選為美國演員工會主席, 成為影視界大家長。 珍妮葛斯則與「暮光之城」(Twilight)演男主角養父的彼得費西奈利(Peter Facinell) 結婚、生了3個女兒,婚姻卻難以維繫;至於在「飛越比佛利」感覺還像青少年的布萊恩 奧斯汀葛林(Brian Austin Green),則娶到女神梅根福克斯(Megan Denise Fox),生 了3個兒子,讓不少男性又妒又羨。 今年夏天,福斯電視網將推出「飛越比佛利」原班人馬回歸的新迷你影集,路克派瑞與香 儂道荷蒂之外的要角都加入,老影迷萬分期待。 --
03/14 12:15
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/EAseries/M.1551724488.A.BA4.html

deehsu: https://youtu.be/GwhlwhiHzHI 主題曲還是依舊好深刻.QQ 03/05 02:41

joey0602: 狄恩還是跟阿蘭比較配… 03/05 02:41

deehsu: 真的,我覺得狄恩阿蘭是天生一對!QQ 03/05 02:41

deehsu: https://imgur.com/dR4KikA 03/05 02:53

deehsu: https://imgur.com/YpYK080 03/05 02:53

deehsu: https://imgur.com/mimqpCh 03/05 02:53

deehsu: https://imgur.com/zeAkO24 03/05 02:53

yauu: 小時候看飛越比佛利最愛看他跟阿蘭,還覺得比阿倫帥QQ 03/05 02:59

deehsu: 我也覺得他比阿倫帥和憂鬱酷~~QQ 03/05 03:04

kelon: RIP 狄恩超帥 03/05 08:20

artandcounse: Team Brenda +1! 後來凱莉的三角戀我是阿倫派。狄 03/05 09:46

artandcounse: 恩阿蘭 阿倫凱莉 是完美組合啊! 03/05 09:46

terryming: 很喜歡他耶!!覺得他很性感~QQ 03/05 10:18

maggieyen: 天啊,青春回憶!記得還有買過他跟阿蘭的明信片 03/05 20:01

goodplace: 我是狄恩配凱莉派 阿蘭因為換人演 所以很難入戲... 03/05 22:53

mxm: 這齣真的是年輕的回憶!看美劇的開端XDDD 03/06 01:00

Joeng: Tori Spelling現在跟塑膠人沒兩樣 03/06 12:42

neo718: R.I.P 國中時期每周日下午都在期待這部美劇(還有銀河飛龍) 03/07 05:12

deehsu: 反而Brian Green的老婆是 Megan Fox 說 03/07 12:49

deehsu: 小時愛看的還有馬蓋仙和霹靂遊俠李麥克跟他的夥計.. 03/07 12:55

lovetina: 阿蘭因為換人演? 是說阿蘭的角色定位被"表妹"頂替吧.... 03/07 19:17

jessicali: 記得阿 去法國了 03/10 09:51

xerophil: 小時候大我幾歲的哥哥很愛這部,不過我一個演員都認不出 03/12 08:07

petestar: 屆轉到ya板 03/14 12:15
