[請益] 求推薦有哲理的劇

看板 EAseries
作者 tpenig (裝猛耳)
時間 2017-03-25 22:44:32
留言 34則留言 (30推 0噓 4→)

幾個月前看完西部世界 覺得劇情好看而且很有哲理 到現在都還覺得回味無窮 BB和True detective我也都很喜歡 求各位推薦幾齣類似的劇!! --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/EAseries/M.1490453075.A.525.html

heioppp: fargo、better call saul 03/25 22:48

wasd2741: Humans 03/25 22:56

NNAA: Rectify, Angels in America, Six Feet Under 03/25 23:29

Fafnir316: House 03/26 00:12

fly02: Humans, The Young Pope 03/26 00:24

dynament: black mirror 03/26 00:28

nana6620: POI 03/26 02:26

mainline: 喜歡這樣的劇情編排剪接 記得看05年the prestige 不過是 03/26 02:26

mainline: Nolan電影 03/26 02:26

alan512030: House 03/26 02:59

wasd2741: In the flesh 03/26 03:00

cohlint2004: Billions主角的舊劇Life 03/26 09:08

immadman: hannibal 03/26 10:35

Delisaac: House 03/26 11:08

dustree: west wing 多年來一再重看… 03/26 11:45

Muarean: 只推LOST 03/26 12:16

rose82315: Human 03/26 12:28

yyy855029: westworld 03/26 15:56

yyy855029: 看過了ㄏㄏ 03/26 15:56

maybelay: Westworld 03/26 17:51

CR007: House 03/26 20:04

wayne1229: House 03/26 21:51

neverli: House 03/27 01:12

junpei: House 03/27 02:43

lisaonlisa2: The night of 03/27 08:59

ftes90049: true detective第一季 常常拿出來回味 03/27 11:10

dribdas: 六呎風雲 03/27 11:28

c17debby: POI 03/27 12:41

nomannocry: Six feet under 03/27 18:43

GoOdGaMe: BB 03/27 23:46

ariin: House 03/28 09:35

singlun: the fall 女性超推,女性在職場和個人生涯的選擇及承擔 03/29 19:00

staybeats008: person of interest 03/30 23:14

micorice: 超愛六呎風雲 推! 06/01 22:18
