[心得] 看摩登家庭學英文_Modern Family S01E18

看板 EAseries
作者 wormlady (書蟲女孩)
時間 2016-07-23 15:17:48
留言 15則留言 (15推 0噓 0→)

不知不覺已經快要把第一季的筆記做完了,不知道大家學到又記得了多少單字呢?書蟲女 孩建議大家試著把學到的單字套入日常會話當中,這樣也會記得更久喔! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 無音樂部落格好讀版 http://wp.me/p7b3yU-1QO Modern Family season 1 episode 18–Starry Night http://imgur.com/ZfB2n5A 本集故事仍是三線進行,Jay 和 Mitch 父子兩人每年都會去觀星,今年 Jay 因為 Manny 心情不好而決定帶他一起參與這項父子活動,Manny 為了跟 Mitch 拉近距離所以 一直嘲笑 Mitch,但卻造成反效果。Cam 覺得自己和 Gloria 之間有些誤會,因此安排兩 人共進晚餐,並希望能和 Gloria 成為好閨蜜。Claire要 Phil 盯著 Luke 完成學校作業 ,但其實真的有注意力不集中問題的人是 Phil。這集最好笑的地方就是 Alex 念著 ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) 的症狀時,Phil 的每一項行為都 符合症狀,就是一個長不大的爸爸呀! tranquil (adj.) 寂靜的 pleasantly calm, quiet, and peaceful: a small tranquil village. primal (adj.) 原始的 formal primal feelings or actions seem to belong to a part of people’s character that is ancient and animal-like: a primal fear of unknown. Phil: The fascinating thing about nature is how, in the blink of an eye, it can go from a scene of total tranquil beauty to raw, primal violence. give it a spin 姑且一試 Give it a shot. Try something out. Phil: It’s noise-canceling technology. Give it a spin. smother (v.) 使窒息 1. to completely cover the whole surface of something with something else, often in a way that seems unnecessary or unpleasant. 2. to give someone so much love and attention that they feel as of they are not free and become unhappy. 3. to get rid of anyone who opposes you. They ruthlessly smother all opposition. Claire: You think I smother our child? shotgun 車子前座 to sit in the front passenger seat of a vehicle during a trip. Manny: Shotgun, sucka! dense (adj.) 緊密的、愚笨的 1. informal not able to understand things easily.(stupid) 2. technical a substance that is dense has a lot of mass in relation to its size. 3. made of or containing a lot of things or people that are very close together. Manny: Which makes you the densest guy on the densest planet. tag along 順道一起 to follow or go with a person or group when you were not invited Manny: You sure Mitchell won’t mind me tagging along? stay on top of 負責、監控 to keep well-informed about someone or something; to keep watch over someone or something. Claire: I asked you to do one thing -stay on top of Luke. §摩登家庭小趣聞: 大家有沒有去看最近討論度最高的動畫片海底總動員2: 多莉去哪兒呢?還記得我第一次 看海底總動員的時候是在美國的電影院看的,現在居然已經事隔 13 年!第二集中多了許 多新角色,其中 Hank(七條郎) 和Bailey(利鯨) 這兩個角色分別是 Ed O’Neill 和 Ty Burrell 配音的,大家有聽出來嗎?來看看這些配音的藝人小孩們對於他們父母「出 現」在動畫片中有什麼想法吧! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vUApc55d-w
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ss1229ss1229: 推推 07/23 17:36

tinroro1206: 推!謝謝 07/23 22:25

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omg455352: 推推>///< 07/23 23:39

paul4047: 推一個 07/24 07:57

jupiniii: 推 很實用 07/24 09:31

qwertqwe: 這很棒!!! 07/24 10:17

winne790417: 推書蟲 07/24 11:30

huahae: 讚推 07/25 00:30

IloveJonSnow: 推 07/25 10:37

djom0012: 推~~ 07/26 01:03

darrenptt: 推 07/26 18:55

cixerxer: 推推 07/26 21:19

zzatr: 推!!! 07/31 09:31

zzatr: stay on top of 的解釋 keep 後面是不是要加Ving阿? 07/31 09:42
