[心得] 看摩登家庭學英文_Modern Family S01E13

看板 EAseries
作者 wormlady (書蟲女孩)
時間 2016-06-17 22:03:24
留言 14則留言 (13推 0噓 1→)

大家好,因為書蟲女孩的忙碌看似永無止境,所以這個禮拜又遲了一天向大家奉上文 章,但接下來兩個禮拜的文章應該都會準時上線,如果大家喜歡書蟲女孩的部落格,也歡 迎多多分享給周遭的朋友,讓更多人可以用不一樣的方式學英文~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 無音樂網誌好讀版 http://wp.me/p7b3yU-1j5 Modern Family season 1 episode 13--Fifteen Percent http://imgur.com/6ggMuRU 我其實還蠻喜歡這的主軸 “Can people change?”從 Claire 願意嘗試學習 Phil 熱愛的複雜遙控器到Jay 因為自己的兒子出櫃而願意跟朋友談心事(雖然最後顯示只是誤 會一場),都完整說明了人是可以改變的,但改變的動力通常都是因為自己愛的人,才願 意做出改變,整體而言人改變的部分大概就只有15%吧!短短的一集用一些日常的故事回 歸到 Can people change? 這個核心,相當令人讚賞。這兩三年的摩登家庭其實跟第一季 給我的感覺還蠻不一樣的,雖然我還是照追不誤,但演員們感性旁白的片段少了許多,有 點可惜,感覺這幾季比較像是笑一笑,劇情不太能讓人反芻先關於親情的領悟,不知道大 家有這麼覺得嗎? My ears are bleeding. 聲音太大聲或太吵 (Idiom) this music/noise is terrible! thermostat (n.) 室內恆溫空調 an instrument used for keeping a room or a machine at a particular temperature. Claire: Last month, it was the thermostat. faze (v.) 困擾、震驚 (informal) if a new or difficult situation fazes you, it makes you feel confused or shocked, so that you do not know what to do : John was embarrassed, but it didn't faze Mike a bit. Mitch: But when my father introduces you as "a friend of my son,"doesn't faze you in the least. hit on sb 勾搭 (informal) to talk to someone in a way that shows you are sexually attracted to them. Gloria: He's the only one of your friends that never hits on me. driving range (n.) 高爾夫球練習場 A driving range is an area where golfers can practice their golf swing. It can also be a recreational activity itself for amateur golfers. Jay: I was thinking of heading over to the driving range and hitting a few balls. pleat (n.) 皺摺 a flat narrow fold in a skirt, a pair of trousers, a dress etc. Shorty: Look at his pants-no pleats. dough (n.) 錢/麵團 1.(informal) money 2.a mixture of flour and water ready to be baked into bread,mastery etc. Shorty: Are you offering to give me a dough? tailor (n.) 裁縫師 someone who's job is to make men's clothes, that are measured to fit each customer perfectly. Shorty: My father is a tailor. 補充tailor (v.) to make something so that it is exactly right for someone's particular needs or for a particular needs or for a particular purpose 用法: 1.tailor sth to meet/suit sb's needs/requirement. The classes are tailored to suit learner's need. 2.tailor sth to sb . We tailored the part specifically for her. diss (v.) 對某人不友善 (informal) to say unkind things about someone you know. Mitch: I made that up with you for dissing Cam. §摩登家庭小趣聞: 當初摩登家庭這齣影集一出來就獲得許多正面的迴響,造成了一些小轟動,這段影片是 2010年艾美獎頒獎典禮播放的一個特別片段,在談如何讓摩登家庭這齣劇變得更好,還 蠻有趣的! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ye46Pb7u6I4
Facebook fan page: Reading lady 書蟲女孩,關於新文章的訊息都會在粉絲專頁發佈, 如果想和書蟲女孩交流的意見也歡迎私訊我,我會盡快回覆您的:) 看影集學英文系列文章 看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-12 http://wp.me/p7b3yU-1fs 看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-11 http://wp.me/p7b3yU-19N 看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-10 http://wp.me/p7b3yU-16v 看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-9 http://wp.me/p7b3yU-132 -- Reading Lady 書蟲女孩 https://readingladyfrances.wordpress.com Reading Lady 書蟲女孩 粉絲專頁 https://www.facebook.com/readingladyfrances/?fref=ts --

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/EAseries/M.1466172209.A.59F.html

benjumin: 最後那影片好惡搞xd 06/17 22:26

Ycosmos: 推這個系列 06/17 22:39

Frfrfr911: 推~我也覺得前面幾季比較溫馨 06/17 23:35

ss1229ss1229: 推 06/18 01:39

laidon: 剛在FB看到Ty 和Ed宣傳Finding Dory的宣傳影片 06/18 06:28

laidon: https://youtu.be/u2ag-Mjq8G4 還要表演一下MF喬段 06/18 06:29

wcc0220: 推 06/18 10:19

yuhung: 推這系列! 06/18 10:19

shinfei: 推 06/18 11:05

BlackCat7: 推 06/18 18:29

weneedyou: 推 06/19 15:13

huahae: 推推 06/20 00:53

l0607: 推 加油 06/20 01:06

zzatr: 推! 06/28 20:00
