[新聞] 2015年無線台部分廣告價碼

看板 EAseries
作者 ariachiang (arianna)
時間 2015-09-28 21:04:43
留言 36則留言 (13推 0噓 23→)

節目名 2015年單價 2014年單價 漲跌幅比例 ========================================================================= Sunday Night Football 603,000 627,300 -4% Empire 497,364 (因為去年是季中檔期) NFL Thursday Night 464,625 483,333 -4% Football The Big Bang Theory 348,300 344,827 1% (周一、四同價) How to Get Away with 252,934 146,113 73% Murder The Voice (周一) 240,502 274,157 -12% Modern Family 239,993 239,650 0% The Voice (周二) 233,720 253,840 -8% Scandal 224,509 217,546 3% Blindspot 209,700 The Blacklist 193,793 282,975 -32% Life in Pieces 192,379 The Simpsons 186,050 189,933 -2% Family Guy 164,933 158,400 4% Grey's Anatomy 157,609 149,523 5% Black-ish 155,990 137,807 13% Once Upon a Time 155,596 136,538 14% NCIS 151,738 170,948 -11% Gotham 151,080 181,575 -17% Supergirl 147,933 American Idol (周三) 147,826 243,200 -39% Scream Queens 147,808 Mom 144,660 141,548 2% Scorpion 142,108 148,071 -4% The Middle 141,874 133,425 6% The Goldbergs 137,826 110,667 25% Marvel's Agents of 134,707 157,254 -14% S.H.I.E.L.D Criminal Minds 133,983 135,789 -2% The Muppets 131,313 The Last Man on Earth 131,045 (去年為季中檔) Brooklyn Nine-Nine 129,892 150,500 -14% Code Black 129,626 Blood and Oil 127,923 Angel from Hell 127,550 Heroes Reborn 126,793 NCIS: New Orleans 125,920 114,843 10% Survivor 125,449 134,358 -7% Chicago P.D. 121,061 122,000 4% Chicago Med 120,642 Minority Report 120,388 Quantico 120,387 Fresh off the Boat 120,133 (去年是季中檔) Dancing with the Stars 115,962 118,606 -2% Grandfathered 115,136 Limitless 113,900 Castle 113,149 141,560 -20% 60 Minutes 111,298 98,280 13% NCIS: Los Angeles 109,940 127,932 -14% The Player 108,082 Elementary 106,695 125,780 -15% Best Time Ever with 105,268 Neil Patrick Harris The Grinder 101,392 Shark Tank 99,631 109,878 -9% Madam Secretary 99,587 73,525 35% Sleepy Hollow 98,253 202,500 -51% The Good Wife 97,428 87,210 12% MasterChef Junior 96,300 100,400 -7% Nashville 95,871 97,581 -2% Bones 94,681 125,200 -24% Wicked City 93,039 Rosewood 88,687 Law & Order: SVU 85,230 89,700 -5% CSI: Cyber 82,055 98,138 -16% Grimm 81,198 118,818 -30% Hawaii Five-0 77,683 72,788 7% Blue Bloods 75,965 79,370 -4% Bob's Burgers 74,733 The Flash 70,687 50,775 39% The Mysteries of Laura 70,423 94,750 -26% 20/20 65,994 62,917 5% The Amazing Race 65,517 76,375 -14% Last Man Standing 64,631 66,767 -3% Dr. Ken 63,543 America's Funniest Home 61,567 49,839 24% Videos Undateable 50,844 Arrow 48,056 47,040 2% Dateline 47,261 48,667 -3% The Vampire Diaries 44,924 59,620 -25% Supernatural 35,631 40,440 -12% iZombie 34,674 48 Hours 33,831 33,500 0% The Originals 32,634 32,140 2% Saturday Night Live 25,242 Encores Jane the Virgin 25,034 23,400 7% Crazy Ex-Girlfriend 23,159 Reign 19,327 23,100 -16% Crimetime Saturday 18,471 22,794 -19% America's Next Top Model 17,082 23,900 -29% --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/EAseries/M.1443445486.A.AD4.html

sampsonlu919: 這價碼不難想像跟廣告商對此節目收視表現的滿意度 09/28 22:06

sampsonlu919: 有相當的關係 從這來看廣告商對於NCIS的Demo值 09/28 22:06

sampsonlu919: 滿意度有下滑趨勢? Empire果然不枉目前收視最高 09/28 22:07

sampsonlu919: 連續劇之名 廣告價碼僅次於NBC的NFL 09/28 22:07

sampsonlu919: 另外我有點意外的是1.藥命效應單價沒特別高 09/28 22:13

sampsonlu919: 可能是10點檔本身的劣勢影響價碼? 09/28 22:13

sampsonlu919: 2.天蠍的廣告價碼也沒有漲 反而跌4% 09/28 22:14

sampsonlu919: 另外美國偶像好慘 是此名單中跌幅最高的 09/28 22:15

sampsonlu919: 不過這倒是在不少人意料之內就是了 09/28 22:15

ariachiang: 天蠍應該跟開高走低的情況有關,所以不漲反小跌 09/28 22:18

lion7683: Sleepy Hollow比較慘,跌幅超過一半 09/28 22:26

Greein: 廣告商看的是C3收視率,只是電視台一般不公布才用demo收視 09/28 22:39

Greein: 率取代,NCIS無論看的總人數再多,但五分之四觀眾都是老人 09/28 22:39

Greein: ,廣告金價碼自然比不上其他更吸引年輕人的節目 09/28 22:39

myvoice: Empire這個價碼真是驚人... 09/28 22:45

Greein: 給個比較基準,Empire的C3收視率約是HTGAWM的兩倍 09/28 22:51

peter080808: Blindspot 廣告商這麼看好喔? 09/28 23:07

eric999999: 恩派兒真是嚇死人的高 09/29 01:32

sampsonlu919: 另外看Demo值 NCIS:LA與夏威夷的續約不大樂觀啊 09/29 10:27

yhushyuan: 看到TVD有股淡淡的憂傷..不是因為女主不演,而是收視 09/29 11:06

yhushyuan: 變兄弟戲我很愛,但某些長期養下來的觀眾可能不買帳= = 09/29 11:07

yhushyuan: 廣告價碼降這麼多...也是預料之中...唉... 09/29 11:07

stockhouse: C3是指Live+3Days嗎 09/29 12:40

pinebox: C3=Live+3, C7=Live+7, 電視台巴不得廣告商看Live+7 09/29 12:48

sampsonlu919: +3與+7的差別 在於+7的人比較多? 09/29 13:16

Greein: C3不是Live+3 09/29 15:42

Greein: Live+3和Live+7都不是廣告商看的數字,C3是專門統計節目廣 09/29 15:44

Greein: 告的收視率 09/29 15:44

Greein: Commercial ratings plus three days of time-shifting 09/29 15:46

pinebox: 據我所知,尼爾森有六個數據:Live, Live+SD,Live+1,Live+ 09/29 18:27

pinebox: 2,Live+3,Live+7。特別注重Live+3不是它特別神奇,而是電 09/29 18:28

pinebox: 視台與廣告商妥協下的結果。不過我不是巷內人,C3真的不 09/29 18:31

pinebox: 是Live+3嗎?(崩潰…) 09/29 18:31

pinebox: 感謝G大。找到一篇文http://goo.gl/qZjyaO 提到不少廣告 09/29 19:08

pinebox: 商看Live+SD是因為它貼近C3,而C3不是定期發佈的,廣告商 09/29 19:10

pinebox: 還是要掌握即時狀況。 09/29 19:12
