Re: [心得] house S5 20 (有本集雷)

看板 EAseries
作者 beerkoala (koala)
時間 2010-03-13 00:46:21
留言 15則留言 (7推 0噓 8→)

當時Fox有幫Kutner設立虛擬追悼網站 不過隨著網頁改版,連結也失效了(btw 新官網蠻酷的) 有同事們寫給Kutner的話
文字版如下 Dr Chris Taub: I really don't want to wrte anything. I Have nothing to say...I'm pissed off. Why didn't you talk to me? Idiot. I miss you. Chris Taub Dr Allison Cameron: I don't know if you knew this, but...out of all those new people, I'm pretty sure you were House's favorite. Love Allison Cameron Dr Lisa Cuddy: I think what I remember most was your kindness. When I first adopted Rachel, a lot of people offered to come help, to babysit. But you're the only one who actually did. Nobody could make Rachel laugh like you. We'll both miss you. Cuddy Eric Foreman: I Wish I'd gotten there sooner. I'm sorry. E.F. Dr James Wilson: When you gave me some of your short stories to read, I remember you practically apologized as you handed them over; that's how shy you were about sharing them. But I don't know why. They were actually pretty good. James Wilson Remy: My first memory of you is when you got fined as #6. My second memory of you is when you reappeared as #9. My third is when you set that patient on fire trying to restart his heart. Later on, I was the one you confided in about your parents. About what happened to them. And I always felt there was so much more to talk about... I wish we had more time. Remy #13 Dr. Robert Chase: I didn't know you that well – I guess nobody did x Robert Chase Gregory House: [Left blank] =============================================================== 唉~我最喜歡的新小鴨啊 Q___Q 來源︰ -- ◆ From:
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joeeoj18:Chase真是一針見血阿 03/13 00:50

ronale:facebook上有 每個人寫的信 03/13 01:10

ronale: 03/13 01:10

ronale:443 (請自行連接) 03/13 01:11

beerkoala:幫縮 03/13 01:16

nosweating:從第四季開始,Kutner的個性就很鮮明,很可愛,也是唯 03/13 03:34

nosweating:一對原則堅持卻不顯得討厭的角色 T_T 03/13 03:34

siori:這官網做的真不賴 03/13 10:32

siori:但話說Kurtner有堅持原則嗎 我一直覺得他很識時務 XDD 03/13 10:33

Ally1213:....我看了每個人的留言又有想哭的感覺了 Q Q 03/13 11:08

ChrisAJ:推樓上 看到每個人的留言又哭了 Q Q 03/13 12:13

Rachmaninoff:facebook的紀念影片看不到哩,有人知道哪裡還有嗎? 03/13 12:49

whyy:Kurtner真的是自殺?一直希望House找出兇手 03/13 13:10

ppnew:看了好想哭喔~~~可惡的歐巴馬 03/13 23:01

post01:希望對您有幫助 07/24 10:29
