[新聞] Crypto.com初步審計顯示其20%資產為Shib

看板 DigiCurrency
作者 xburneric (Ansisnear)
時間 2022-11-12 06:03:01
留言 34則留言 (20推 5噓 9→)

新聞來源連結: https://reurl.cc/X5jxRE 新聞本文: The swift collapse of the FTX crypto exchange has sparked an industry push among big rivals to publish proof of their reserves as a means to provide transparency into the assets on their platforms. With those efforts just getting underway, one firm, Crypto.com, has taken the proactive step of providing a preliminary set of disclosures – sharing wallet addresses with the blockchain analysis firm Nansen to create a dashboard of nearly $3 billion of reserves and other assets. https://imgur.com/ggnKFWW What that shows is just how heavily the mix of assets is skewed toward a meme-y token called shiba inu (SHIB), a digital asset built atop the Ethereum blockchain that was largely inspired by the joke token dogecoin (DOGE). Like DOGE – a key staple of billionaire Elon Musk’s crypto schtick on Twitter – the SHIB token is a highly volatile cryptocurrency whose primary use case is often considered to be speculation itself; it’s traded for fast profits and yuks. Of the $2.88 billion in total assets in the wallets, roughly $558 million, or about 20%, are in SHIB. The holding ranks second only to the $872 million of bitcoin (BTC), the largest cryptocurrency by market value, which represents 31%. The amount exceeds the $487 million in ether (ETH), the second-biggest cryptocurrency, and dwarfs the $1.5 million in dogecoin (DOGE), Nansen data suggests. 評論: 30億美元的資產裡面有大約20%是屎幣,占比超過ETH,另外還有20% others 笑屎 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DigiCurrency/M.1668204184.A.3B5.html

QQaOrz: 塊陶 11/12 06:08

bluebluelan: 笑死 11/12 06:30

now99: 連環爆 11/12 06:39

s1011282: 至少不是自己印的,塊陶啊 11/12 06:53

jack21205: 好笑了,趕快換回大哥二哥了 11/12 07:29

Morphee: 便秘而已 小問題 11/12 07:32

melzard: 1/5 SHIB 我看你是很勇喔 11/12 07:39

tropotato: 什麼鬼XDDD 11/12 07:39

slayptter: XDD 11/12 07:40

slayptter: 這出事了吧~ 11/12 07:40

knust: 原來就是你在拉抬屎幣,抓到了 塊陶阿 11/12 07:43

ken123: 別散播FUD,那只是客戶資產,正式報告未出爐 11/12 07:47

ken123: https://twitter.com/kris/status/1591205302791458816?s 11/12 08:01

ken123: =21 11/12 08:01

sonnyc: 聽起來很恐怖耶,CDC 1:1的持有與客戶相同的幣...... 11/12 08:18

greg7575: FUD~~~~~~~~ 11/12 08:20

evilcherry: 1/5 怎樣算 按數字嗎 11/12 08:32

evilcherry: 而且搞不好真的就有客人放這麼多柴犬在上面 11/12 08:32

sonnyc: 所以很恐怖呀,如果大部分客戶都持有垃圾小幣,到時出問 11/12 08:39

sonnyc: 道CDC資產不就也大幅縮水~ 11/12 08:39

chu33: FUD 冷錢包只是儲存客戶資產 非關公司資產 11/12 08:55

DacocoH: 炸炸炸炸 11/12 09:01

sonnyc: 原來如此 是我無知了~ 11/12 09:07

WenliYang: 都是垃圾XD 11/12 09:08

musicfreshma: 柴柴一統天下 11/12 09:20

pegen: 全都是垃圾 11/12 09:25

roastchicken: 都是Shib有什麼不好 eat the zeros!!!! 11/12 09:25

faelone: 屎幣這種垃圾占20%,真的笑死 11/12 10:22

newforte: 如果是用戶資產 那就是亂黑吧 11/12 10:27

za755188: 嘻嘻 11/12 11:30

j11j26j: 是暴跌之後的20%還是怎麼樣 11/12 13:04

a79621234: 那是客戶資產 11/12 13:42

Brightheat: 只說明了屎幣大戶喜歡存在那 11/12 14:02

GGFACE: 好少 11/12 14:48
