[新聞] 一名銀行員在投資比特幣虧損後自殺

看板 DigiCurrency
作者 qxxrbull (qxxrbull)
時間 2021-08-14 02:13:17
留言 27則留言 (13推 0噓 14→)

新聞來源連結: https://bit.ly/3lXOXZX 新聞本文: Banker ends life after losing money in Bitcoin trade 一名銀行員在投資比特幣虧損後自殺 Published: 24th April 2021 06:10 AM | Last Updated: 24th April 2021 12:28 PM KASARGOD: A temporary employee of a public sector bank allegedly died by suicide after she lost money in Bitcoin trade. Susheela, 39, of Meenapis Kadappuram in Kanhangad had consumed rat poison on Monday after which she fell ill. She died on Thursday after her condition deteriorated. 據悉,一位印度公共部門銀行 (Public Sector banks) 的臨時雇員 Susheela (39歲) 在經歷交易比特幣虧損後選擇了自殺 她在禮拜一時服用了老鼠藥,之後出現了生病的徵狀,並於禮拜四因病情惡化去世 Hosdurg police shifted the body to Kannur Medical College Hospital but did not insist on postmortem after tests revealed she was Covid-19 positive. The body was cremated on Friday. “As the family did not raise any suspicion, we decided against conducting postmortem,” said an officer of Hosdurg station. Hosdurg 當地的警方將屍體送至 Kannur Medical 醫學院附設醫院 測試顯示她的 Covid-19 呈陽性後,但沒有進行屍檢,屍體於週五火化。 警員表示由於家人並沒有提出任何懷疑,因此我們決定不進行屍檢 According to police sources, Susheela formed a network of people and raised money to invest in Bitcoins, a digital currency secured by cryptography. As of now, one bitcoin is trading at around Rs 37 lakh. However, the officer said Susheela lost around Rs 10 lakh because of a ‘technical lapse’. Only recently, she told her investors she had lost money. 據警方消息人士透露,Susheela 建立了一個匯集資金投資比特幣的互助會團體 截至目前(4/24),一枚比特幣的交易價格約為 370 萬印度盧比。 然而警方表示,由於 "技術失誤",Susheela 損失了約 100 萬盧比 並且直到最近她才告訴她的投資者她虧了錢。 According to a sub-inspector, Susheela was engaged in online trading. “We will have to investigate to know the details,” he said. She consumed poison after investors started asking for money. She was taken to the hospital on Monday after she fell ill. Though she was sent back after being prescribed medicine, her condition worsened on Thursday. She reportedly told her family she had consumed poison. She is survived by husband Prasad, two children, and parents Balal and Vimala of Meenapis Kadappuram. 跟據另一名副檢察官稱,Susheela 生前積極的在網路上交易比特幣。 "我們將不得不進行調查以了解細節"他說。 在投資者開始向她要回投資的資金後,她服用了毒藥。 據報導,她生前告訴了家人她吃了毒藥。 禮拜一時她出現生病的症狀後被送往醫院,儘管她在服藥後被送回,但她的病情在禮拜四 惡化並去世,留下丈夫 Prasad、兩個孩子以及來自 Meenapis Kadappuram 的父母 Balal 和 Vimala。 If you are having suicidal thoughts, or are worried about a friend or need emotional support, someone is always there to listen. Call AASRA's 24x7 Helpline: +91-9820466726 for assistance. 如果您有自殺念頭,或者擔心您的朋友或需要情感方面的支持,有人總是願意傾聽。 撥打 AASRA 的 24x7 幫助熱線:+91-9820466726 以尋求幫助。 評論: 4/21那天正好幾前天65K歷史高點 然後一天跌快要到12% 但感覺會瞬間損失快1/4的財產 就算是買在最高點,應該是有開槓桿操作甚至去玩合約 或是去買其他的幣 說真的還是不要隨便代操比較好 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DigiCurrency/M.1628878402.A.5B9.html

Akitsukineko: 才1/4 08/14 02:14

jimmy9478: 心臟小還玩虛擬貨幣真的會要命 08/14 04:29

lupefan4eva: 應該有開槓桿 08/14 04:52

dk31odd: 就算是100萬美金都不值得自殺吧 08/14 05:47

kimula01: 在印度是因為確診才想自殺的吧 08/14 06:09

ssss3566: 印度 女的 …懂了 08/14 06:40

ECZEMA: 珍惜生命 遠離槓桿 08/14 06:46

littlefish1: 那波是歷史高點 很多人認為熊市要來了 她身為管理人 08/14 07:50

littlefish1: 總不能跟投資人說等下一個牛市來吧 08/14 07:50

No888: 差真多,對比一下醫生車?! 08/14 08:14

rul3gj3: 虧30萬台幣,好像還好。幾十萬爆倉的空軍之一 08/14 09:30

j49222106: 如果不能承受任何虧損,建議不做任何投資,寄定存就好 08/14 09:44

j49222106: 即使能承受虧損,也要用閒錢,不要押身家 08/14 09:45

a3a6a99: 珍惜生命,遠離槓桿 08/14 10:09

momo1244: 選了個歷史糕點進場… 08/14 12:45

ssd860505da: 上一個自殺的幣價是在多少?不到1萬吧 08/14 12:59

ssd860505da: 你在2017萬七入手現在也賺100% 08/14 12:59

tropotato: btc yooooo漲惹負能量全失 08/14 13:24

tropotato: 沒力氣嘴狗狗惹 08/14 13:24

hacker10158: 珍惜生命 遠離槓桿 08/14 14:21

w71023: 沒勇氣接受風險真的不要碰 ... 08/14 16:49

CARLORFFLIN: "互助會團體",後續要爆的地雷絕對不只30萬阿 08/14 18:01

CARLORFFLIN: 其他人要拿回資金才是爆點,肯定不止她說的那些虧損 08/14 18:02

qxxrbull: a network of people and raised 08/14 18:05

qxxrbull: money to invest in Bitcoins 08/14 18:05

qxxrbull: 我其實不確定那樣翻對不對 08/14 18:05

EthereumPTT: 懷念的簽名檔呢? 08/14 23:20
