[新聞] 一名比特幣交易員射殺妻子與小孩後自殺

看板 DigiCurrency
作者 qxxrbull (qxxrbull)
時間 2020-11-25 14:55:39
留言 25則留言 (18推 0噓 7→)

新聞來源連結: https://bit.ly/3fviULs https://bit.ly/39r6x2j 新聞本文: Cryptocurrency trader shoots wife, two kids dead before ending his own life after threats 一名數位貨幣交易員因受到威脅,射殺妻子與兩個小孩後自殺 KEY HIGHLIGHTS After the gunshots were heard, the alerted house owner informed police about the incident.The bodies of the man, his wife and minor son and daughter were found from the first floor of the rented house. 新聞要點: 機敏的房東在聽到槍聲後,將整起事件通知警方,這名男人和其妻子與兒子和女兒被發現 陳屍於一樓。 Bathinda: A Bitcoin trader in Punjab's Bhatinda allegedly killed his wife and two young children before committing suicide on Thursday. A suicide note was recovered from the spot where the online trader named at least nine persons, including a youth political leader. 印度 Bathinda,一名比特幣交易員據稱在週四自殺前,殺死了他的妻子和兩個小孩並留 下了遺書,遺書中提到有九個人(其中包含一名青年的政治領袖)的名單。 The trader in his alleged suicide note blamed the accused for threatening and intimidating him over his failed business said a report in Hindustan Times. Meanwhile, police have filed a case of section 302 (murder) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) against the deceased trader. 根據印度時報 Hindustan Times 的報導,由於該比特幣交易員經營失敗,遺書中提到這 九個人對他進行了死亡威脅與恐嚇,檢警單位已經對相關人士提起謀殺罪的訴訟。 As a part of investment deals in bitcoin and real estate, the victim had issued post-dated cheques to the investors. As he failed to keep his commitments, the investors started asking for their money back. We have found that he had committed to clear the debts by October 20 but he failed to raise the funds,” said a police official. “作為比特幣和房地產投資交易的一部分,受害人向投資者發行了支票但並沒有履行承諾 ,投資者開始要求他們退還資金。我們發現他已承諾在10月20日之前清算債務,但他沒有 籌集到資金。”一名警察說。 評論: 太誇張、太可怕了,因為比特幣這種虛擬的東西,竟然可以引起殺機與全家人的自殺案! 比特幣的價值已經是牽扯到人命的東西了! --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DigiCurrency/M.1606287343.A.16B.html

Hack: 虛擬?你銀行的數字也是虛擬的啊 11/25 14:58

a1379: 該不會是空BTC被嘎飛吧 11/25 15:03

SunRoy: 肯定是做空...... 11/25 15:05

gR7P4zXH: 還好我買IOTA 11/25 15:17

gR7P4zXH: IOTA還錢 11/25 15:18

meowlike: 期貨不要碰太危險了 還好我本夠厚 加碼攤平 11/25 15:35

darkdixen: 看來是代操 結果把別人的錢賠光了 11/25 15:45

allen139443: 你老婆也是虛擬的 11/25 16:39

Akitsukineko: 阿彌陀佛 阿彌陀佛 11/25 16:56

sgxm3: 全家人自殺X 殺妻殺子畏罪自殺○ 11/25 17:08

somanyee: 比特幣交易員聽起來很像營業員,但是明明幣圈沒營業員 11/25 17:43

somanyee: 啊。trader就是跟你我一樣炒幣仔而已不是嗎? 11/25 17:43

illidan9999: 誰給你炒幣仔 我可是高級炒幣仔 11/25 17:48

illidan9999: XDDDDD 11/25 17:48

jorden: 應該是被嘎空 前陣子的盤勢一直在誘空 又拉回 11/25 17:58

wpd: 帶人進去奇怪交易所 鎖怪幣的 可算是營業員吧 11/25 18:07

wpd: 板上不是就有 還可以要求陪吃飯 呵呵 11/25 18:08

JoyRex: 只聽過烙跑的.沒聽過自殺的 11/25 18:10

domago: 尬空比特幣的下場都不好 11/25 19:51

goldflower: ????? 11/25 20:01

goldflower: 應該是之前有一批人破萬就放空 一路飛上去ㄅ 11/25 20:02

XDboy: 做空仔 11/25 20:39

ECZEMA: Amitabha 任何價格漲跌都只是人心浮動 虛幻不真 遊戲其間 11/25 22:06

SamuelLuo: Amitabha 11/25 22:55

EthereumPTT: 看到id還是只想到簽名檔 11/26 02:50
