[閒聊] (翻譯) 一名用戶被bitfinex凍結大量資產

看板 DigiCurrency
作者 qxxrbull (qxxrbull)
時間 2018-01-24 20:57:26
留言 25則留言 (10推 0噓 15→)

原文:https://goo.gl/Kxpgmh 文章有點長 大概先講主要的原因 就是這名用戶在場外交易 收了一筆低於市價的BTC 但這筆BTC是被駭客盜走賣出的(BTC沒有匿名 區塊鏈都查的到) 後來他把這筆BTC存進bitfinex裡面 導致整個帳戶都被凍結 Bitfinex froze my account with over $1 million Bitfinex交易所凍結了這位用戶超過一百萬美元的資產 Hi, I'm an European guy under 30 and today I'm very worried. I post from a new account for obvious reasons. I entered into the crypto-world as a miner in 2013, I bought 3 very noisy big GPU to mine Scrypt coins (Litecoin, Dogecoin, Vertcoin, [insert the name a Litecoin-clone]). I used to sell them on an exchange called Cryptex (today closed). Over the following years, I stopped mining and started to buy and hodl, for example: I bought BTC around $300-400 I bought ETH around $10 I bought XMR around $1 I bought IOTA around $0.4 各位鄉民好,我是一位還沒滿30歲的歐洲人,我現在很擔心,所以我在reddit註冊了一個 帳號來這邊向大家詢問 我在2013年的時候開始挖礦,我買了三台大型的顯卡況機來挖取像是BTC、LTC、狗幣之 類的,我曾經在一個叫做Cryptex的交易所(現在已經關閉)賣掉他們 後來我停止自己挖礦,改採購買數位貨幣,例如: 我在300-400美元左右買了BTC 我在10美元左右買了ETH 我在1美元左右買了XMR 我在0.4美元左右買了IOTA I put ALL my saving money into cryptocurrencies as investment. I read a lot of topics on bitcointalk, whitepapers. I have an account on many exchanges and did some OTC trades. I enrolled many people and friends into crypto-currencies, they thanked me many times. I help a lot of new-coiners online almost everyday. 我把大部分的存款都投入到了加密貨幣當中,閱讀了很多數位貨幣相關的論壇,與新發行 貨幣的白皮書等等相關的話題 我在很多交易所都有帳戶,並且也做了一些場外交易。 我把許多人和朋友加入了幣圈中,他們也多次感謝我,幾乎每天都在網上幫助了很多剛進 入數位貨幣這個世界的新手。 On Summer 2017, I created an account on Bitfinex and started trading there. In 2017, the ROI I made was unbelievable. In December 2017, my Bitfinex account displayed over 1 million USD of values, ALL my investments. At the end of December, the market started to go down, I decided to switch all my hodlings into USDT. My dream has always been to create my own company. I was feeling very comfortable with that amount of money. At the beginning of January, I announced to my boss my wish to leave his company, that will happen in few weeks. Then, the nightmare started. 在2017年夏季,我在Bitfinex上創建了一個帳戶並開始在那裡交易。 在2017年,我所做的投資回報十分的高。 2017年12月,我的Bitfinex帳戶擁有超過等值100萬美元的資產。 在十二月底,數位貨幣的開始下滑(應該是買到BTC吧...),我決定把所有的貨幣轉換成 USDT。 我的夢想一直是建立自己的公司。我對這筆錢感到很開心。 在1月初,我向老闆提出了辭職的要求。 但在這時候 惡夢開始了 15/01/2018: I received an email from Bitfinex support, "Your account activity has triggered a number of automated risk flags in our platform. This in itself is not a big problem, however when this happens we wish the user to provide some information in order to understand the user's account history and objectives.". They asked me some questions about my objectives, my passport, a photo of me hodling my passport and an hand written note ("Bitfinex" + date + signature) and "where, how and when" I acquired two crypto deposits. From that moment, my account become frozen, I cannot trade anymore on the platform. 我收到了Bitfinex支持的電子郵件,"您的賬戶活動在我們的平台上自動觸發了一些風 險警告,這並不是一個大問題,但是如果發生這種情況,我們希望用戶提供一些資料 ,以了解用戶的帳戶歷史和操作目的。" 他們要我提供一些我的個資,像是護照,實際拍攝的照片和手寫的紙條 包含(Bitfinex字樣+日期+簽名)以及我住在哪裡,如何和何時取得了這些數位貨幣。 從那一刻起,我的賬戶被凍結了。 16/01/2018: I uploaded the documents on their website and answered to the questions by email. I received an answer after 6 minutes, yes, minutes! They asked me more details about those two deposits, I answered immediately. Story about those deposits: Those two deposits come from the same online OTC trade I did few months ago. Someone wanted to sell some coins under the market price, I wanted to buy more of the same coin. Why under the market price? This is what I asked to the seller, "I'm an US citizen and cannot trade on Bitfinex anymore.". He wanted to pay first, I accepted, the trade was been completed without issue, I was happy and continued to hodl. Crypto panic (still 16/01/2018): The crypto-market went down by something like 30% (reminder: I only had USDT), I tried to remove my buy orders, I couldn't, my account was still frozen. All orders have been executed in the next few hours, 99% of my USDT have been exchanged. 16/01/2018:我在他們的網站上傳文件,並通過電子郵件回答問題。 6分鐘後我就收到了 答覆,他們問我有關這兩個數位貨幣存款的更多細節,我立即回答。 關於這些存款的故事:這兩個存款來自我幾個月前的一個在線的場外交易。有人想以比市 價更低的價格賣出這些貨幣。 我問他為什麼要用比市場更低的價格下賣出呢? 賣家回答:"我是美國公民,因此不能在Bitfinex甚至其他不少的交易所上交易。 我接受了,交易完成,我繼續hodl這些數位貨幣。 16/01/2018 數位貨幣的市場下跌了30%(我只有USDT),我試圖取消我的買單, 但我沒辦法,我的帳戶被凍結。 所有的訂單都在接下來的幾個小時內完成,我的 USDT的99%已經被交易成數位貨幣了。 17/01/2018: Without answer from Bitfinex (reminder: they answered in minutes the first time) and because I was very worried, I sent another email asking for more details and an update. As of today (18/01/2018), I'm very worried/stressed/anxious, whatever you want. All my saving money and smart investments are frozen on Bitfinex. I will leave my company in the next few weeks, without a lot of backup money (I was all-in crypto on Bitfinex). I don't have the money to build my dream (my own company) as excepted. I'm highly involved in different crypto-communities (without nickname), trusted by many people and don't know if my name will be publicly associated to shady stuff. Is this a standard procedure from Bitfinex? Can I trust them? I know most of the blockchains are public. If some of my coins come from the darknet or something shady, how does Bitfinex know? How could I know? Will Bitfinex unfroze my account? How long time can it take? Can I have problems with the justice of my country? How can I show to Bitfinex that I'm legit? Please don't tell me "don't hodl on exchanges", "don't do OTC trades" etc. Please help me, I'm destroyed. 我所有的儲蓄和投資都在Bitfinex上,但他們遭到凍結了。 我將在接下來的幾個星期內離開我的公司,沒有很多備用的資金。我沒有錢去建立我的夢 想(我自己的公司)。 而且我高度參與不同的數位貨幣社群討論,受到很多人的信任。 這是Bitfinex的標準程序嗎? 我可以相信他們嗎? 我知道大部分的區塊鏈都是公開的。 如果我的一些數位貨幣來自暗網或黑暗的地方,Bitfinex如何知道? 我怎麼知道? Bitfinex會解凍我的賬戶嗎? 需要多久的時間? 我如何向Bitfinex展示我是合法的? 請不要告訴我“不要把資產存放在交易所”,“不要做場外交易”等。 Update 1 (18/01/2018): I got an answer. They asked me to complete the verification process on bitfinex.com/verification . I had already started this process (before I understood they only asked to upload passport + selfie passport). I will complete it today, I need to upload an utility bill etc and re-upload my ID selfie (hodling a different ID). They also asked for the other side transactions ID, which is very bad as I sent XMR (which had my best ROI so far, see above). In addition, the trade happened on Slack (I have already told them those details). And as you may know, Slack allows to see the history of only 10k messages of the entire Slack team. Even if their email looks very friendly and I am "very cooperative", I'm worried they won't believe me as I'm not able to give proof. They finally said the reason of that matter "The indicated funds deposited to your account are reported to have been stolen from another user". How is it possible to report stolen coins? I got scam 2 years ago and thought there was not way to get my BTC back. Edit I answered. Update 2 (19/01/2018): I got an answer. They said they unfroze my account and told me to keep the involved assets on my account until further police investigation. I answered to ask some questions like "Police from which country?". Few minutes later, they told me my account has been froze again, they are not allowed to share any further information with me and I have to wait until Monday to get further steps from the involved authorities. 更新1 (18/01/2018): 我得到了答案。 他們要求我在bitfinex.com/verification上完成驗證過程。 我已經開始這個過程(在我明白他們只要求上傳護照+自拍護照之前)。 我會在今天完成 它,我需要上傳一個水電費賬單等,並重新上傳我的身份證自拍。 他們還要求對方交易ID,這是非常困難的,因為我發送了XMR(迄今為止我的投資回報率 最高,見上文)。 另外,我用Slack(一款通訊軟體)來進行場外交易,但Slack僅能查看 有限的歷史紀錄。 最後它們告訴我,我存入資金被回報為是其他人遭到駭客所駭走的資金 我得到了答案。 他們說,他們解凍了我的帳戶,但所有涉及非法交易的資產還是會被鎖 定,直到進一步的警方調查。 但是幾分鐘後,他們又告訴我,我的帳戶又一次被凍結了, 他們不能和我分享任何進一步的消息,我必須等到下禮拜一之後才能進一步採取措施。 心得: 看起來收一些來路不明且低於市價的BTC還是有風險的... 如果他是全部收XMR、或是加密傳送的ZEC PIVX之類的可能就沒這個問題XD -- 1.你不管後半輩子再怎麼努力,都比不上你投胎那一次的努力 @qxxrbull 2.努力用功一輩子,不如你爸媽給你一棟北市精華區的房子 3.你工作一年連100萬都賺不到,人家買個1200張中華票券擺一年就有100萬 4.要從沒錢變有錢很困難,要從有錢變更有錢很簡單 5.法律規定不能教唆他人自殺,因為當所有窮人都自殺了,有錢人也沒辦法一直有錢了 6.自殺前記得用盡你的能力貸款,在選擇權結算日前全梭一邊,這是你死前翻身的機會 -- 是說那個賣家也不丟mixer就直接賣給他 做黑的也別做的這麼沒良心吧
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DigiCurrency/M.1516798648.A.205.html

IamSkyBlue: 比特幣拿來洗錢最無負擔惹,都不會被查到^ ^ 01/24 21:22

evilplayer: 哪天我們在比特之星或是tidebit收了一些便宜的BTC 01/24 21:27

evilplayer: 再轉去BFX交易 可能也會GG囉!? 01/24 21:28

HamalAri: 還是有很多人覺得 fungible 不重要 #1QIYTWc8 01/24 21:42

HamalAri: 本版 / 一下還有人說匿名幣是垃圾呢 01/24 21:43

a2935373: 嚴格來說這跟全匿名與否關係不大 01/24 21:48

a2935373: 這是卡到莊家的自訂規則 01/24 21:49

Syoshinsya: 這種自訂規則,天知道 01/24 21:58

slash66: 敢放這麼多錢在交易所,本身就是風險了 01/24 21:59

abcd11001100: 年青人終究是年青人,沒準備好就辭職 01/24 22:10

abcd11001100: 還以為法幣和電子貨幣一樣自由,天真的可愛 01/24 22:13

BBSealion: 反正只要解凍了,他還是暴賺了很多人一輩子賺不到的錢 01/24 22:18

Warez: 看來真正隱匿貨幣會慢慢崛起 01/24 22:18

BBSealion: 其實是篇炫耀文XDDD 01/24 22:18

HamalAri: 關係大不大可能要問那些現在拿 btcet 而不是 btc 的人 01/24 22:25

pote85712: 以後收到便宜的幣先去ICO洗乾淨? 01/24 23:47

EthereumPTT: 這是變相叫大家改用xmr嗎? 01/25 00:07

yyc1217: 如果有儲存私鑰在自己身上就不會被交易所綁住了 01/25 00:28

qxxrbull: 他也是想去交易所換成法幣來出金 01/25 00:34

chadhsieh: 100w鎂還不到100顆 算小咖的吧 01/25 10:42

Sony5555: https://imgur.com/a/UotRB 01/25 11:03

Sony5555: 台灣資金詐騙盤盤主 01/25 11:03

ctes940008: 衰 01/25 14:34

leftc: 只有全匿名才做得到fungible 避免收到黑錢被找麻煩的風險 01/26 00:05

tcn1john: 全匿蹤:避免收到大筆黑錢被發現 買便當一律多花錢開匿蹤 01/26 07:42
