[閒聊] (翻譯) Verge(XVG)將成為2018的big coin

看板 DigiCurrency
作者 qxxrbull (qxxrbull)
時間 2018-01-16 00:16:43
留言 41則留言 (24推 4噓 13→)

原文: https://bittox.com/2018/01/13/verge-xvg-next-big-coin-watch-2018/ Verge (XVG) the next big Coin to watch in 2018 2018/1/13 Verge (XVG) 2018年下一個值得注目的數位貨幣 https://i.imgur.com/ST1uASt.jpg
Developed in 2014 as the DogeCoinDark, and re-branded to Verge (XVG) in 2017, the XVG has been in the market for only about 3 years now. Looking at the prices of the three years historical chart data, the value of the currency is rising very fast and this may be the nest crypto coin to watch this year. 在2014年 XVG由DogeCoinDark這個名字所發展出來,並且在2017年改名為Verge (XVG) 目前進入數位加密貨幣的市場已經三年了 可以看到下面那張圖表,XVG的價值正飛快的飆漲,他將可能成為今年受人所矚目的加密 貨幣! https://i.imgur.com/9CisGek.png
Although the real surge in prices came at the beginning of 2018. 儘管價格的真正大漲的時間是在2018年初 What is really unique about Verge (XVG)? XVG擁有哪些獨特的地方? There has to be a reason behind the strong resilient performance of XVG! Yes. Here it is! To begin with Verge is made to operate in a virtually untraceable environment enabling its users to make prompt anonymous transactions. Behind the scenes, Verge uses an extremely advanced blockchain technology contrary to most of the other crypto currencies. The blockchain is based on technologies such as the Tor and I2P, which conceals the personal data (IP-addresses and geolocation) of the owner or transactor. Verge (XVG) also uses the Simple Payment Verification (SPV) technology thus making the transaction time very small to around 5 seconds. XVG之所以能夠取得如此的人氣與注目,絕對有它特別的原因! 所有的XVG交易都在一個幾乎無法追蹤的匿蹤環境進行,讓用戶能夠使用XVG進行匿名的交 易。Verge使用了基於Tor和I2P等非常先進的技術來保護用戶的隱私,並且隱藏了所有 交易者的個人數據(例如IP地址與地理位置)。 同時,XVG也使用了簡單支付驗證(SPV)技術,這項技術讓XVG能夠在非常短的時間交易 完成,大約只需要5秒鐘 Then there is the release of the Wraith Protocol which actually sent the prices of the (XVG) skyrocketing. Immediately after the release of the protocol the value of coin spontaneously went up to $0.24 from $0.14 at the same time, there was also a surge in the volume traded. 緊接著自從Wraith Protocol發表後,XVG的價格從0.14美金上漲到了0.24美金。 並且出現了激增的成交量 What is Wraith Protocol and why does it have such an impact on XVG? 什麼是Wraith Protocol? 對XVG有什麼影響嗎? In simple terms, the Wraith Protocol is an added feature of the Verge (XVG) which enables its users to shift between private and public registers/ledgers. It is specifically important when making transactions. With Wraith Protocol, any transaction that the user makes is not recoded on the public ledger. This makes the currency completely private to an extent that even the blockchain explorers can’t trace the transactions. From the way users reacted after its release, it shore that crypto traders are now looking for currencies which are more secure and private and Verge has just proved to be one of them. XVG has actually demonstrated that its transactions are too secure for even threats such as those posed by the quantum computers. 這是XVG所提供的附加功能,他能夠使用戶在私人和公共的帳本間切換 藉由Wraith Protocol,用戶所做的任何交易都不會記錄在公共的帳本上。 這使得XVG使用者能夠獲得真正且完全的隱私保護,即使blockchain explorers等網站 也無法追踪任何交易。 在發布後,從廣大用戶的反映來看,XVG對於需要安全與隱私需求的用戶來說,已經被 證明是非常安全的,縱使是量子電腦也無法破解。 So, should I invest in Verge (XVG) yet or do I give it time? This is a great opportunity to invest in Verge (XVG). Wise investors always invest in those assets which show a potential of gaining value. 那麼,我應該投資XVG嗎? 當然是的!現在正是投資XVG的大好機會。明智的投資者總是投資如此有潛力的數位資產 https://i.imgur.com/CaxypaO.png
Looking at the trend, XVG Coin surely has a bright future. The trend is very promising. If you want to make money in trading cryptocurrencies in 2018, then this is the currency to invest in. It is very young for even impose fears of its prices crippling down due to being overpriced. Actually it is a long way from being overpriced and you can take that opportunity to grow with it. 綜觀此一圖表的走勢,XVG擁有非常光明的前景! 如果你想要在2018年透過數位加密貨幣來賺大錢,那麼XVG正是您所適合的,他目前剛 上市不久,因此不用過於擔心價格過高導致的下跌。 XVG還能發展很長一段時間,相信XVG未來的成長絕對遠遠不只如此。 -- 1.你不管後半輩子再怎麼努力,都比不上你投胎那一次的努力 @qxxrbull 2.努力用功一輩子,不如你爸媽給你一棟北市精華區的房子 3.你工作一年連100萬都賺不到,人家買個1200張中華票券擺一年就有100萬 4.要從沒錢變有錢很困難,要從有錢變更有錢很簡單 5.法律規定不能教唆他人自殺,因為當所有窮人都自殺了,有錢人也沒辦法一直有錢了 6.自殺前記得用盡你的能力貸款,在選擇權結算日前全梭一邊,這是你死前翻身的機會 -- 是說阿 搜尋xvg vs monero 幾乎都是這樣的影片 https://i.imgur.com/LDC8x28.jpg
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DigiCurrency/M.1516033008.A.6FA.html

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