[新聞] 比特幣的高手續費暴露了它的極限

看板 DigiCurrency
作者 Epimenides (No.13)
時間 2017-11-15 03:08:29
留言 57則留言 (13推 0噓 44→)

新聞來源連結: https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2017-11-14/bitcoin-s-high-transaction-fees-show-its-limits 縮網址 https://goo.gl/y8UPrC 新聞本文: 隨手加減跳著翻一下 Bitcoin's High Transaction Fees Show Its Limits 比特幣的高手續費暴露了它的極限 The original cryptocurrency may never be a widespread payment instrument. 第一個加密貨幣可能永遠不會成為廣泛使用的支付工具 By Leonid Bershidsky November 14, 2017, 8:41 PM GMT+8 More hassle than it's worth? Photographer: Dan Kitwood The Bitcoin rate spike, still alive despite bitter divisions in the community that supports the cryptocurrency, has laid bare the biggest problem with Bitcoin: Compared with fiat currencies, it's painfully inconvenient and expensive to use as a means of payment. 儘管比特幣社群分裂,它的價格還是上漲 最大的問題:和法幣相比,它作為支付的工具 使用上有夠痛苦,有夠不方便,成本有夠貴 Bitcoin is set up to reward users for verifying transactions. Miners who package transactions into "blocks" receive two kinds of rewards: The additional Bitcoin they produce by using their hardware to solve mathematical problems (an income stream that will eventually cease since 21 million bitcoins are the maximum that can be mined) and the transaction fees paid by users to get their payments into blocks. 簡介一下礦工的角色,這個大家都知道就不翻 The Bitcoin system is designed around scarcity and its traditionalists insist on keeping the block size small (rebels who did away with that tenet founded an offshoot, Bitcoin Cash, earlier this year). Their reasoning is that only people with more computing power can live in a big-block world and going down that path would make Bitcoin less democratic. But that horse has bolted: Mining is already largely the province of people who invest significant money in equipment and the huge amount of energy required to run it. As Bitcoin's exchange rate rose rapidly and more people wanted to get in on the boom, getting into blocks became difficult, and miners prioritize transactions on which users are willing to pay a higher fee. It works a bit like Uber's surge pricing, except the user sets the fee based on how long she's prepared to wait for the transaction to go through -- using one of several sites that link fees to waiting times or show median and average fees. 一邊堅持區塊要小,另一邊分叉為bitcoin cash 理由:大區塊減低比特幣的民主性 但,挖礦己經是專業礦工的事 隨著比特幣價格上漲,很多人想要上車, 想擠進區塊越來越難,礦工看誰錢出得多來排定誰可以進入區塊的優先順序 有些網站可以查詢平均手續費用 At the time of this writing, the median fee paid to process the median transaction -- 226 bytes of information -- was 171,760 satoshis, or 0.0017176 Bitcoin, or $11.38. If you just want to pay for a cup of coffee or order something relatively inexpensive on an e-commerce site without waiting many hours for the transaction to clear, this is uneconomical. If you're a speculator, though, hoping to make money on the wild exchange rate fluctuations, you'll be willing to pay an even bigger premium for speed. No wonder the medium transaction size at the time of this writing exceeded $800 after reaching a peak of almost $1,300. 手續費的中位數目前是171,760聰,折合11.38鎂 如果你是想買杯咖啡,或來個網購,這不划算 不過,想炒作的話,你會願意付高一點的手續費加快速度 現在平均交易金額是800鎂,好像也不意外 Bitcoin was never a particularly convenient means of payment. One can get a Bitcoin debit card and use it anywhere cards are accepted, but the fees on them -- charged on top of the Bitcoin transaction fees -- are generally higher than at your bank. For merchants, it's convenient to sign on to accept the cryptocurrency via specialized payment platforms -- but then the rate volatility and the same high transaction fees make it unattractive for a merchant who mostly works in a fiat currency economy. In July, Morgan Stanley issued a report saying merchants' acceptance of Bitcoin was on a downward trend just as the cryptocurrency's exchange rate went through the roof. 比特幣從來就不是特別方便的支付工具 你可以申請一張debit card,但在手續費之外還要另外付一筆使用費, 比銀行收得還貴 對於商家,接受加密貨幣,多一個收款方式也不錯 但是匯率波動高,手續費高,算起來就沒那麼吸引人 七月份摩根史丹利的報告,就在比特幣漲破天際時, 願意接受比特幣的商家數量卻在減少中 Some merchants stick to the currency, perhaps for PR value. BitPay, one of the top Bitcoin payment platforms, reported last month it was on track to process $1 billion in payments to merchants this year; the dollar volume of the transactions in January through September was up 328 percent year-on-year, the company said. But Visa, for example, processed $6.3 trillion in payments last year. Bitcoin hasn't even begun to make a dent in this market. 有些商家還是保留這個付款方式,也許是為了公關價值 BitPay上個月說,他們目標是今年要處理十億美元支付, 雖然從一月到九月,金額上漲328% 但跟VISA的處理的6.3兆美元比起來,簡直是九牛一毛 There is a notable group of merchants and customers willing to put up with Bitcoin's inconveniences: U.S. marijuana dispensaries and pot users, who are not adequately served by banks because of legal problems. Dark Web markets for harder drugs, guns and other restricted items also prefer to use Bitcoin, and, despite a recent crackdown, the currency still holds an appeal for Chinese investors trying to bypass their country's currency restrictions. 也有部份商家和顧客願意忍受比特幣的不方便:大麻產業 因為法律原因他們沒辦法好好利用銀行 黑暗網路dark web的市場,毒品,槍枝,還有其他管制品,也偏好比特幣 還有,一些中國投資人還是寄望它可以突破外匯管制 The essential value of Bitcoin, speculation aside, is to provide payment and transfer services in grey or black areas, where governments don't want banks to go and where electronic fiat money is too traceable for comfort. It's up to buyers and sellers to determine if this value proposition justifies the exchange rate to fiat currencies; given the current maximum block size of 1 megabyte and the strong resistance to increasing it, the original Bitcoin may never expand beyond its current narrow usefulness. 不管投機的部份,比特幣的基本價值在灰色地帶甚至黑色地帶提供支付和交易服務 這些地方政府不希望銀行去,法幣又太好追踪 比特幣這部份的價值就看買家和賣家取捨 現在區塊大小是1M,實用性可能永遠不會跨出這小小的範圍 This creates a window of opportunity for Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash and other cryptocurrencies to gain wider acceptance. But dealing in several of them will inevitably be confusing for merchants. Besides, various combinations of design, technology and market failures such the one now afflicting Bitcoin as a means of payment, will keep cropping up. 對以太幣,bitcoin cash,和其他幣種,這是一個機會 但處理太多種幣也是麻煩 再者,現在比特幣面臨的問題,他們也遲早要面對 It's likely that, if we ever switch to paying in cryptocurrency, it will be of the fiat variety, issued by central banks. As the sole issuers, they will fit their systems to historical transaction volumes and dictate transaction fees. If forced to compete with central-bank-designed systems for convenience, decentralized currencies will remain on the risky fringe, seducing volatility-loving speculators, dodgy businesses and their anonymity-craving customers. 如果我們真的要改用加密貨幣,那很可能會是央行發行的版本 因為,作為發行者,他們可以將這科技應用到現有的流通量,制定手續費等等 如果被迫要和央行的版本競爭方便性的話,去中心化的貨幣可能會留在風險端 吸引喜歡波動性的投機/投資人、不法交易、還有渴求匿名性的顧客 評論: 有些同意有些不同意,老是提犯罪有點倒胃口 不過它確實指出現在比特幣最大的問題:手續費太高啦 雖然只是篇專欄文章,bloomberg平台還是有它的影響力 加減看看金融界那邊的觀點 --
喔喔謝謝 來改一下好了
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DigiCurrency/M.1510686513.A.436.html

wahaha99: BTC就是靠這三個字金貴, 不然他的技術實在是最落後的 11/15 04:24

wahaha99: 這是合理的, 因為他是第一個成為主流的加密貨幣, 11/15 04:24

wahaha99: 而這曝露了加密貨幣的價值本質 -- 信仰 11/15 04:25

wahaha99: 只要大家都認同, 那麼狗屎也能變成黃金, 11/15 04:25

wahaha99: 那這樣一來, 知名度遠比什麼零知識證明、環狀簽名、 11/15 04:26

wahaha99: 拜占庭容錯、Anti-ASIC、智慧合約....都重要 11/15 04:26

wahaha99: 這是行銷的力量, 也是人類共有的盲點 11/15 04:26

somanyee: btc之父中本聰的形象,是其他幣無法模仿或超越的 11/15 06:50

IamSkyBlue: 推一樓,現在fb上顯現出的台灣文化也是進場只想知道 11/15 06:54

IamSkyBlue: 怎麼賺"比特幣",然後就一大堆直銷,對於用甚麼技術 11/15 06:54

IamSkyBlue: 完全不想去了解,而且就算最近塞車好像也沒使用其他 11/15 06:54

IamSkyBlue: 幣的趨勢,但想一想這不就只是他們進場的唯一目的嗎QA 11/15 06:54

IamSkyBlue: Q 11/15 06:54

dans: 只有我大擴容派支持的比特幣未來可廣泛支付使用 11/15 07:03

tcn1john: 推翻譯 11/15 08:27

st943617: 比特幣遇到的問題 其他幣遲早也會遇到? 那我大ETH也可 11/15 09:00

st943617: 以7000鎂嗎? 11/15 09:00

JoyRex: 看看LTC和BTC這2種半斤八兩的幣價差多大就知道都是靠信仰 11/15 09:11

darkdixen: 好險中本聰消失了 不然早被core打成支持擴容的既得利益 11/15 09:46

darkdixen: 者 11/15 09:46

kuma660224: 中本聰的消失也幫BTC傳奇化加深信仰 11/15 11:19

kuma660224: 因為不存在所以不會犯錯。 11/15 11:19

kuma660224: 信仰需要先知的神秘感與傳說來加持。 11/15 11:21

kuma660224: 先知離開了,但留下BTC神蹟與白皮書 11/15 11:22

darkdixen: kuma大說的很有禪意 有點感嘆 11/15 11:26

kuma660224: 像DAO或ETH小金童就只是凡人。 11/15 11:38

kuma660224: 會為自身利益而戰,終究無法變成傳奇。 11/15 11:38

ptt80357: 就跟畫家死了,畫暴漲的道理大致相同,因為已經變成獨一 11/15 11:46

ptt80357: 無二 11/15 11:46

JoyRex: 現在有交易後10秒內就可確認入帳的虛擬幣嗎? 11/15 12:01

DarkerDuck: 再Core領導下,BTC技術只能是最落後的啊 11/15 12:01

DarkerDuck: 乙太幣閒著沒事幹就在硬分叉升級 11/15 12:02

DarkerDuck: 交易卡住的情形也變少 11/15 12:02

DarkerDuck: 但在Core詛咒下,BTC永遠不得硬分叉升級 11/15 12:02

DarkerDuck: 除非你用Tangle那種非區塊鏈技術的 11/15 12:03

DarkerDuck: 不然10秒產生一個區塊的區塊鍊無法穩定存在 11/15 12:03

DarkerDuck: 最短就大約30秒了,不可能更短,更短會有大量孤立塊 11/15 12:04

DarkerDuck: 早在2014年早期的比特幣開發者就已經有完整的擴容 11/15 12:07

DarkerDuck: 路線圖 http://i.imgur.com/VIGwE80.gif 11/15 12:07

DarkerDuck: 甚至連現在的Core開發者本來都是支持上百MB的區塊大小 11/15 12:08

DarkerDuck: https://goo.gl/GTHdYn 11/15 12:10

DarkerDuck: 但在Blockstream設立後,一切都停滯了,為什麼呢?? 11/15 12:10

DarkerDuck: 自己想想看吧 11/15 12:10

Ash1taka: 第111~114行:應該不是10億筆/6.3兆筆交易 11/15 19:29

Ash1taka: 是總額10億美元/6.3兆美元的交易量 11/15 19:29

Ash1taka: DD貼的今昔對照真讓人感慨... 11/15 19:46

Ash1taka: 如果有一天IOTA foundation被BS那樣的公司把持 11/15 19:47

Ash1taka: 我應該也會因為發展路線違反初衷超恨的 11/15 19:48

rmp4rmp4bear: 看這路線圖如過往雲煙就難受想哭 11/16 02:28

DarkerDuck: 回到手續費這個問題,其實高手續費有個極端嚴重的問題 11/16 02:34

DarkerDuck: 就是情形再嚴重下去的話,大部分地址內的比特幣根本 11/16 02:35

DarkerDuck: 無法移動,因為手續費超過地址內的餘額 XDDD 11/16 02:35

DarkerDuck: 而這個問題用閃電網路也是完全無法解決的 11/16 02:35

DarkerDuck: 像這種荒謬的案例近來已經越來越多了 11/16 02:37

DarkerDuck: 尤其是用比特幣收取捐款的機構,他們的比特幣 11/16 02:37

DarkerDuck: 全部都被 "凍住了" 感恩扣而,讚嘆扣而 11/16 02:38

DarkerDuck: 希望閃電網路能夠把這些"dust" transaction "解決掉" 11/16 02:42
