[情報] Tamron:17-28預購超乎預期,供不應求

作者 LinuxKernel (Linus Torvalds)
時間 2019-07-04 19:06:10
留言 28則留言 (23推 0噓 5→)

大意: Tamron 17-28 預購數量大幅超過預期,產能無法趕上市場需求,預期供貨進度可能會有 所延遲。 MTF 邊角崩 焦段不夠實用 17mm 不夠廣 真香~ ----- 英文翻譯: The new product “17-28 mm F / 2.8 Di III RXD (Model A046)”, scheduled to be released on July 25, 2019, has a reservation significantly exceeding our forec ast. , It is predicted that the production number will not catch up with the c ustomer’s request. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to the parties concerned, including customers who are waiting for the release of the product. Delivery to some customers who have already made a reservation may be after th e release date.啱n addition, customers who will be making reservations in the future will also be delivered one by one, so it may be time to deliver the pro duct. We will do our best to deliver as quickly as possible, so we ask for your unde rstanding. ----- 日本官網原文: 「17-28mm F/2.8 Di III RXD (Model A046)」 供給に関するお詫びとお知らせ http://bit.ly/2LArcoA --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DSLR/M.1562238372.A.A9F.html

PF30: 現貨搶起來 07/04 19:48

andy3020: 買~都買 07/04 19:51

mage594088: 所以台灣有辦法預購了嗎?@@a 07/04 19:52

maple486: 有預購了嗎? 07/04 20:11

pptricky: 又來這招 07/04 20:21

mtoj: 新鏡頭每個都要預購 07/04 20:42

ferrinatice: 真香 07/04 20:46

IcebearK: 不是邊角和GM互有輸贏? 07/04 20:47

rubinvega: 這顆也是MIC嗎? 07/04 21:16

vincealan: 如果有28-75的90%水準就搶翻了,不知道星芒如何 07/04 21:30

xiemark: 那麼輕,是不是很多樹脂鏡片? 07/04 22:04

newti: 跟28-75一樣 當初排了3個半月才拿到 07/04 22:08

wheat1130: 希望sony官網1635za再降個6000 XD 07/04 22:16

Yifong: 真香 07/04 22:45

kenneth17: 還等什麼,買了 07/04 23:12

mig: 真香 07/04 23:44

Calderon: 愛嫌棄的同學可以不用排隊 07/04 23:53

yy222: 真香 07/05 00:46

stock5566: 香 07/05 00:53

TaoYPingS: 已有16-35ZA跳過 07/05 10:59

sim3000: 已有1224 當互補(?) 07/05 12:54

kkrichard: 昨天看完國外評論是17、28中央與GM比略好一些些,邊緣 07/05 19:11

kkrichard: 略輸一些些,色彩較GM活潑,散景比GM差但見人見智 07/05 19:11

kenneth17: 暗部對焦有評比嗎? 07/05 20:11

PF30: 尊嚴網Kimin大已經有一些樣片,全開"右邊"邊角很強 07/06 01:32

gmoz: 超香 07/08 11:25

gmoz: 但如果這顆對焦速度跟2875一樣慢 應該也不會想買 07/08 11:25

s899456: 罵死=賣爆 07/09 14:10
