[情報] Canon camera with Fullframe Sensor

作者 AsusPadfone (ASUS Padfone)
時間 2016-01-28 18:09:23
留言 13則留言 (7推 1噓 5→)

http://www.mobile01.com/topicdetail.php?f=244&t=4694046 消息來源:Mobile01 Canon G series Compact Camera with Fullframe Sensor Coming http://thenewcamera.com/canon-g-series-compact-camera-with-fullframe-sensor- coming/ According to latest rumors Canon is seriously working on a fullfame compact camera with a fixed 35mm F1.2L lens. If the rumor is correct than the compact camera will sure arrive under its advance G series compact line-up. Currently the flagship crown is being hold by Canon G1X Mark II with largest 1.5 inch sensor. The upcoming camera will directly compete with the Sony RX1 series fullframe compact camera and will cost you around $3000. Not only Canon fullframe sensor based compact camera Canon may also announce fullframe sensor based mirrorless system cameras very soon. 咦,我有跑錯棚嗎? --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DSLR/M.1453975765.A.EBE.html

lef1986: 感覺會是巨巨 01/28 18:12

lef1986: 有1.2跟2.0的傳聞,1.2不太可能吧,會很大台欸 01/28 18:18

rugger5566: 什麼?鏡頭專業廠要出全幅DC了? 01/28 18:27

breadf: 先試個水溫,就跟Sony和Leica一樣,反應好就直接出MILC 01/28 18:35

breadf: 1.2太狂了,2.0比較有可能XD 01/28 18:37

Laviathan: 噓canon 3000鎂 01/28 18:55

qwe753951: 對焦不要太悲劇阿! 01/28 19:01

dezuphia: canon 曾經在底片時代做過L39旁軸的50/1.2鏡頭啊,光是 01/28 19:30

dezuphia: 純手動對焦、最近1公尺,口徑55mm。要做自動和縮短最短 01/28 19:32

dezuphia: 對焦、還要有更好的畫質,很難想像會有多Compact 01/28 19:33

speedshuffle: 覺得CANON不會做實力展現的事情 像是RX1R叫好不叫座 01/28 19:37

sat800g: 看看就好 感覺機率蠻低 01/28 20:05

sunny810: 以它擠牙膏速度,可以5年後再考慮啦。 01/28 22:32
