[閒聊] EOS鏡頭的低價替代方案

作者 ALPHONSE2501 (Misaka Nr.13666)
時間 2014-09-21 11:59:35
留言 4則留言 (3推 0噓 1→)

Old, Inexpensive, and Tack-Sharp: Canon’s Best Lenses You Don’t Know About http://petapixel.com/2014/09/18/old-inex pensive-and-tack-sharp-canons-best-lense s-you-dont-know-about/ http://tinyurl.com/okdqmuj First, a disclaimer: most of these lenses, while very good quality, are still below L glass. Modern advancements have made amazing improvements in lens technology, which is to be expected. However, if you can’t afford a $1,000 lens, you can’t beat the value these lenses provide. 這些鏡頭雖然比不上L鏡以及最新的鏡頭 但如果你花不起一千美元去買,妳應該不會拒絕這些鏡頭的價格 28–80 f/3.5–5.6 USM 70–210 f/3.5–4.5 USM 100–300 f/5.6 L 100–300 f/4.5–5.6 USM 24mm f/2.8 28–70 f/3.5–4.5 II 這文的結論很有意思: If you can’t afford an L lens yet, don’t just look for the cheapest option Canon currently offers. If you’re willing to buy a used lens, you can get L-like image quality for a fraction of the price. The quality you can find in these lenses for under $100 is astounding. So don’t limit yourself if you can ’t afford an L. -- 試用一句話描述老皮:(A)帥啊老皮 (B)猴腮雷啊 (C)皮卡皮卡 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DSLR/M.1411271991.A.65D.html

wcontainer: 我還以為是SIGMA、TAMRON.. 09/21 12:17

wcontainer: 而且這裡面有幾隻也都很難找了 09/21 12:18

lifemusic: 有用過無IS USM 的 24/2.8 還不差 就AF聲大了點 XD 09/21 18:01

pcshsky1201: 手邊有一支100-300 USM, 超利超好用XD 09/27 19:19
