
作者 lef1986 (303)
時間 2013-06-26 16:32:17
留言 13則留言 (9推 0噓 4→)

http://tinyurl.com/qa7krx6 第五等級乳摸 The new Panasonic 20mm f/1.7 II lens just leaked in Japan (Digicaminfo). And here are the full specs of the lens that will be announced very soon! - Seven lenses in five groups. 2 aspherical lens. - Filter diameter is 46mm - Total length 25.5mm, maximum diameter 63mm - 87g Weight - The exterior Barrel is of metal - It will come in silver and black - Estimated retail price of around 40,000 yen In short: The lens has the same lens design as the previous model although we don’t know yet if the image quality has been improved by using new single lenses. The good news is that Panasonic managed to make the lens even more lighter than the previous version (87g versus the 100g of the older pancake). I am not sure yet btu I think the autofocus performance has been improved too! 看圖片,新20mm塗裝類似X12-35mm,十分亮騷 -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DSLR/M.1372235539.A.1E4.html

ayler88:不知啥時有14mm二代鏡 06/26 16:46

wasiwatery:不漲反降? 是不是搞錯什麼 XDDDDDDDD 06/26 16:56

tyf99:pana的產品一直都走平價路線,請 google "自來水哲學" 06/26 17:46

pikach18:當初定價是50000 yen…希望有拆Kit呀XD,這樣才有便宜撿 06/26 17:56

seuil:很可能是 MIC 06/26 18:59

E6300:cd的極致 06/26 19:48

unowhat:二手快降吧!! 06/26 20:47

is1128:決心等新版~只要對焦速度夠快就掏錢了 06/26 21:11

tyf99:原來改成金屬鏡筒了...舊的塑膠鏡筒質感跟O家17mm差了兩條街 06/26 21:35

Richie1105:這顆出來就等著搭配42.5mm F/1.2 06/26 22:18

doglegbow:一代鏡二手快跳水阿!跳到三千我就接XD 06/26 22:26

sim3000:感覺拿來配O家防手震機身不錯 XD 06/27 01:36

sim3000:而且好輕喔 XDD 06/27 01:36
