[揪團] 七月生/熟豆 肯亞+Costa Rica!

看板 Coffee
作者 m106537 (Tree)
時間 2014-07-03 16:17:07
留言 0則留言 (0推 0噓 0→)

本月所選兩支豆子分別為哥斯大黎加的日曬波旁與肯亞 Gondo合作社的單一 品種圓豆批次! 除此之外,本月開始提供低咖啡因義式用豆試賣,選這兩類加量 10%!!    第一支,來自 Costa Rica,Tarrazu,知名的 Don Mayo處理廠,罕見的日 曬波旁,2014 CoE #6非競標批次! 第二支,來自 CoffeeShrub 所選的肯亞 Murang'a縣, Gondo合作社的單一 品種, SL-27,圓豆批次。   本月套餐同樣有兩種玩法: 一,Costa Rica, Don Mayo Mill, 360g+Kenya Murang'a Gondo PB 180g,750元   二,Costa Rica, Don Mayo Mill, 180g+Kenya Murang'a Gondo PB 90g, 加豆單任選三種,1000元,免運。 詳細資訊與訂購表單:http://goo.gl/7VHcCj 訂單查詢:http://goo.gl/cVoqYf 小熊. -- 以下文章譯自 coffeeshrub官方的介紹與杯測記錄, 由翁宗睿同學翻譯,羅士庭同學潤稿。http://goo.gl/VO7Ze4 肯亞 穆拉雅 剛多 圓豆 Kenya Murang'a Gondo PB Farm Description 農場描述 This Kenya lot is from the Gondo Cooperative, and is part of the New Kiriti Farmers Cooperative Society in Murang'a County. Kiriti has a couple other Cooperative members - Kayu and Karamahiga - who we also picked up coffee from this year. Murang'a lies to the south of Mt Kenya, just below Nyeri. 本批次的肯亞豆來自剛多合作社,隸屬於穆拉雅縣的新基利提農民合作社聯 盟。公司今年還挑選了基利提另外兩個合作社成員的豆子 — 凱優及卡拉瑪 希佳。穆拉雅縣座落於肯亞山南方,北接尼耶利縣。   The cooperative is made up of many, many small holder farmers, most with less than a hectare of planted coffee. The farmers deliver their cherry from the highlands to Gondo where it is wet- processed and then dried on raised beds. Water flow is provided by the nearby river of the same name, "Gondo". Once properly dried, the parchment is trucked down to a miller in Kiambu, several miles southeast, where it is hulled, sorted, and graded. 剛多合作社由此地棋羅星布的小農場主組成,多數種植的咖啡園面積尚不足 一公頃。農民將生長於高地的咖啡果實送至剛多合作社,接受濕式處理,並 置於高架床上乾燥。水源來自於臨近的同名河流「剛多河」。妥善乾燥後, 帶殼豆將運至東南方數哩外的基安布鎮,進一步去殼、挑選、評級。   We only saw a few samples from Kiriti this year, and this peaberry lot from Gondo was at the top of the heap. Peaberry's a defect, really, so naturally there's less of it than the flats from the out turn (AA, AB, etc). This lot is only 13 x 60 KG bags, but we got it all. 本公司今年從新基利提農民合作社聯盟取得了幾份生豆樣品,這支來自剛多 的圓豆,無疑是出類拔萃之選。這麼說吧,圓豆,作為一種瑕疵豆,它的總 產量自然要比平豆來得少(包含 AA、AB 等)。不過本批次僅有的 13 袋, 每袋 60 公斤,本公司全納入囊中了。   This coffee is part of our Farm Gate pricing program. 這款咖啡屬於本公司「農場大門」定價計畫的一環。   Cupping Notes 杯測風味調性紀錄 Gondo's aromatics leave a lasting impression, with nice spiced punch, and a deep, honeyed sweetness. The dry grounds harness a complex smell of berry, tropical fruits, citrus peel, herbal tea, and more! Adding hot water brings on an intense scent of berry/ maple syrup, fruited and crystalline sweet, along with guava and candied citrus on the break. 剛多圓豆的香氣予人久久縈迴的印象,有著宜人且強勁的香料味,及深沈的 蜂蜜甜味。乾粉複雜的香氣包括漿果、熱帶水果、柑橘皮、香草茶,且不僅 如此!加入熱水能帶出強烈的香氣,包括漿果/楓糖漿、水果的清澈甜味, 破粉時還能聞到芭樂及檸檬蜜餞。   This PB lot is bursting with sweet fruit flavors, even all the way up to a Full City roast. City roasts have quite the list of tropical fruit notes - guava, papaya, mango, and floral passion fruit. It's like fruit nectar, thick and juicy. Gondo has a brightness that is on the citric side, like pink grapefruit or pomello citrus, tart and lively. There's the bittering aspect of the aforementioned citrus that is present too, adding even more depth to this complex cup. Black tea and bergamot florals carry through into the finish, definitely leaving us on a high note (pun intended). 這批次的圓豆即使烘焙到滿城型,依然能綻放出甜美的水果風味。城市型烘 焙的水果調性非常豐富 — 芭樂、木瓜、芒果與帶花香的百香果,宛如水果 甘露,濃而多汁。剛多圓豆有著柑橘調性的明亮感,如同紅葡萄柚或文旦的 柑橘風味,酸而活潑。而上述柑橘果實的苦澀一面也出現於其中,替本已複 雜的風味增添更多深度。紅茶及佛手柑花香飽滿馥郁,風韻能纏綿至後味, 著實讓我們留下了餘韻不絕的完美結尾(此處刻意雙關)。   Our City+/Full City roast seemed to boast a bit more of a lemon- lime citrus note, burned sugars, and a continued allusion to tropical notes. This is one juicy cup of coffee, and will also make an intense and delicious SO espresso. 若烘焙至城市型略深至滿城型程度,能凸顯出多點檸檬—萊姆的柑橘調性、 焦糖與持續不斷的熱帶水果的影子。這支如水果般多汁的豆子,能萃成強勁 又美味的單品義式濃縮咖啡。   Score 評分 91.5 -- 小熊苦味堂 https://www.facebook.com/groups/bear.coffee/ http://www.knutkaffee.com --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Coffee/M.1404375432.A.E8F.html
