[情報] 彼得羅維奇:滿意自己的表現,球迷很重要

看板 Chelsea
作者 PowderSnow (恋色空)
時間 2024-01-27 22:34:02
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http://tinyurl.com/3dvu2ret (CFC Official Site) Petrovic pleased to play his role 彼得羅維奇滿意發揮自己的角色 Djordje Petrovic was pleased to play his part during a goalless draw with Aston Villa in the FA Cup fourth round, with the shot-stopper making some crucial saves. 彼得羅維奇在足總盃第四輪與阿斯頓維拉的0-0平局中樂於履行自己的角色,這位門將做出 了一些關鍵的撲救。 Despite both sides having decent chances to break the deadlock, including Cole Palmer and Noni Madueke going close for the Blues, neither team were able to etch their names onto the scoresheet with a draw meaning there will be a replay at Villa Park. 儘管雙方都有不錯的破門機會,包括帕爾默和馬杜埃克為切爾西爭取機會,但兩隊都未能 在比賽中攻入球門,這場平局意味著將在維拉公園進行一場重賽。 Goalkeeper Petrovic played an important role in keeping the scores level, denying Villa during the closing stages of the cup tie. The Serbian was delighted to help the team and is hoping to impress in the replay and further games to come. 守門員彼得羅維奇在保持比分平局方面發揮了重要作用,他在盃賽的最後階段阻止了維拉 的進攻。這位塞爾維亞球員很高興能夠幫助球隊,並希望在重賽和未來的比賽中留下深刻 印象。 ‘I think it was a good performance,’ Petrovic said. 「我認為這是一場不錯的表現,」彼得羅維奇表示。 ‘I think goalkeepers today played well. I think Martinez made some good saves as well. In the second half I made a good save but I just did my job. 「我認為今天守門員表現得很好。我認為馬丁內斯也做出了一些不錯的撲救。下半場我也 做了一個不錯的撲救,但我只是完成了我的工作。」 ‘There were a couple of situations where maybe we could’ve done better, but in the end, we made some good decisions. 「有一兩個情況可能我們本可以做得更好,但最終我們做了一些明智的決定。」 ‘I think 0-0 is a fair result and the game was similar to the Premier League. We will see in the replay who is better and hopefully, we will beat them and play in the next round of the FA Cup.’ 「我認為0-0是一個公平的結果,比賽類似在英格蘭超級聯賽。在重賽中,我們將看到誰 更強,希望我們能擊敗對手,晉級到足總盃的下一輪。」 The 24-year-old has now kept four clean sheets in 10 Chelsea appearances with the goalkeeper pleased with his progress. 這位24歲的球員在10場切爾西比賽中保持了四場不失球,守門員對自己的進步感到滿意。 He continued: ‘I can’t believe I have played 10 games because it has gone quickly. I’m enjoying it and I’m just trying to implement what we do in training with the team to help us get a good result.’ 他繼續說:「我無法相信已經參加了10場比賽,因為時間過得很快。我很享受這個過程, 我只是試圖在比賽中實踐我們在訓練中所做的,以幫助我們取得好的成績。」 Petrovic also wanted to send a message to the supporters as the Blues made it 10 games unbeaten at the Bridge. 彼得羅維奇還想向支持者傳達信息,因為藍軍在主場已經保持了10場不敗。 https://imgur.com/LSdSNcF Petrovic makes a crucial save to deny Aston Villa ‘We are having a good run at Stamford Bridge,’ he added. 「我們在斯坦福橋球場連續的幾場表現不錯,」他補充說。 ‘The atmosphere and the support from the fans is really important for us. We feel that support and I think we play better. 「球迷的氛圍和支持對我們來說非常重要。我們感受到了他們的支持,我認為這樣我們 能夠發揮更好的水準。」 ‘Their support is with us everywhere, as well as in away games. They follow us and support us.’ 「無論是主場還客場,他們的支持都伴隨著我們。他們一直追隨著我們,支持著我們。」 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Chelsea/M.1706366044.A.058.html
