[情報] 波切蒂諾:精采的比賽,信念得到回報

看板 Chelsea
作者 PowderSnow (恋色空)
時間 2023-12-20 15:07:46
留言 0則留言 (0推 0噓 0→)

https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/article/pochettino-on-belief-being-rewarded- and-enzos-early-withdrawal Pochettino on belief being rewarded and Enzo’s early withdrawal 波切地諾談信念得到回報以及恩佐的早退 Mauricio Pochettino was as animated as anyone during the closing stages of our dramatic Carabao Cup penalty shoot-out victory over Newcastle, and the head coach reflected afterwards on another beneficial evening for his young side. 在我們戲劇性的聯賽盃點球大戰中戰勝紐卡索聯的最後階段,波切蒂諾像任何人一樣充滿 活力。在比賽結束後,這位主教練反思了他年輕球隊的又一個有益之夜。 The head coach joyously celebrated Mykhailo Mudryk’s stoppage-time equaliser when it had looked like we would be in for a frustrating day. More was to come as when our flawless spot-kicks could not be matched by the visitors. 主教練在看似我們將要度過沮喪的一天時,歡欣慶祝了穆德里克在傷停補時的扳平進球。 當對手無法媲美我們完美的點球時,更多的驚喜陸續而來。 ‘It was a really good game,’ was Pochettino’s verdict at the final whistle. 波切蒂諾在比賽結束哨聲中給出了他的評論:“這是一場真正精彩的比賽。” ‘We suffered when we conceded, it was our mistake. I said to the players to always believe until the end. The goal was possible because we believed. “當我們失球時,我們經歷了一些困難,那是我們的錯誤。我告訴球員要一直相信到 最後。這個進球是因為我們的信念。” https://imgur.com/rMwPwem Raucous celebrations as a deserved equaliser finally arrives ‘Sometimes in football you need some luck, and it came. Credit to the players because they were fantastic. We are so happy. The fans and the club deserve this sort of feeling. It's a big motivation. We are waiting for the draw tomorrow.’ “有時在足球中,運氣也是必要的,而這一次運氣降臨了。要歸功於球員,因為他們表現 得太棒了。我們非常開心。球迷和俱樂部值得擁有這種感覺。這是一種巨大的動力。我們 正在等待明天的抽籤。” Pochettino explained why Enzo Fernandez and Levi Colwill were withdrawn early … 波切蒂諾解釋為什麼恩佐.費爾南德斯和列維.科爾維爾被提前換下場... ‘He asked to go out because he was a little bit sick before the game. He suffered some problems in his stomach. He tried, he wanted to play and see if it went well. It didn’t go so well so that is why he had to come off. “他(恩佐)在比賽前有點生病,他胃部有些不舒服,因此他要求被換下場。他試過,他想 試著打比賽看看會不會好轉。但情況並不理想,所以他不得不提前離場。” ‘My perception was Levi was a little bit tired and we wanted to put some more offensive players like Malo on and provide more energy in the side,’ added Pochettino. “我覺得列維(柯爾維爾)有點疲憊,我們想換上像馬洛(古斯托)這樣的進攻球員,為球隊 提供更多的能量。”波切蒂諾補充道。 https://imgur.com/PL5lVdS It was Gusto's cross that led to the equaliser ‘That was why we went for the option for Malo in the second half, but Levi is going to be ready for the next game.’ ‘這就是為什麼下半場我們選擇了馬洛的原因,但列維會準備好參加下一場比賽。’ The head coach analysed the broader context of an outcome like tonight’s… 主教練分析了今晚比賽結果的更廣泛背景... ‘These types of games and the way we went through are important for the development of the team. It’s the same as games when you don’t play well. Both are really important for this group to evolve and develop. ‘這類型的比賽以及我們的過程對球隊的發展非常重要。這與那些表現不佳的比賽一樣重 要。對於這個團隊的發展和進步,兩者都至關重要。’ ‘When you saw the whole squad, including players who were injured and wanted to share their happiness in the middle of the pitch, it looks like we are a healthy group of players that only need time. ‘當你看到整個陣容,包括那些受傷但仍想在球場中分享快樂的球員,看起來我們是一支 健康的球員團隊,只是需要時間。’ https://imgur.com/Mz60d88 That winning feeling! ‘Our responsibility is to guide them and create a platform for them to really improve. With time we are going to create a very good team that can compete, increase the competition, and be in the place Chelsea should be in.’ ‘我們的責任是引導他們,為他們創造一個真正能夠進步的平台。隨著時間的推移,我們 將建立一支非常強大的球隊,能參與競爭,提升競爭力,並處於切爾西應該在的位置。’ --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Chelsea/M.1703056068.A.480.html
