[情報] 波特:奧巴梅揚很期待德比戰、球隊還有許多改進的空間

看板 Chelsea
作者 JamesCaesar (首席百人隊長)
時間 2022-11-05 19:35:33
留言 0則留言 (0推 0噓 0→)

https://www.chelseafc.com/zh/news/article/ potter-on-aubameyangs-motivation-and-how-recruitment-will-be-key-to-close 波特談奧巴梅揚及縮小差距的關鍵 04 11月 2022 波特毫不懷疑奧巴梅揚將會集中精力並做好準備,儘管他在離開阿森納後的第一 次會面引發了各種關注。 https://i.imgur.com/4Sz3r8j.jpg
今年二月,這名射手從酋長球場轉會到巴塞隆納,引起了很多人的關注,有報導 稱槍手更衣室內不和諧。在西甲效力了六個月後,他發現自己回到了英國首都,在最 後期限轉會到切爾西。 在為藍軍效力的前11場比賽中打進三球之後,奧巴梅揚非常渴望當週日午餐時間 阿爾特塔的球隊來到斯坦福橋時再次取得進球,但波特卻極力淡化這次特殊的重聚的 重要性。 “這是一場重要的比賽,兩支強隊之間的倫敦德比,”主教練說,“阿森納做得 非常好,歷史讓奧巴梅揚成為了焦點,但對我們來說,過去的已經過去了,我們只是 期待比賽,努力踢好比賽。” https://i.imgur.com/ZLanj5d.jpg
奧巴梅揚最近在對陣曼聯的比賽 “我認為我們不應該以他為中心。這是整個球隊的問題,他是球隊重要的一員, 我們要取得想要的結果,這需要每個人。我知道頭條新聞都是關於奧巴梅揚的,這是 阿森納的新聞,有關於他的故事。對此我們無能為力,只能作為一個團隊努力打好比 賽。” “我想他很期待這場比賽,他很興奮。在我看來,他相當正常。他是個很安靜的 人,但我相信到了比賽日他會充滿決心的。” 波特在斯坦福橋的頭兩個月是忙碌的,但也有積極一面,尤其是我們以小組第一 的身份進入了歐冠淘汰賽。雖然在科本訓練他所擅長的戰術細節的時間有限,因為切 爾西有太多的比賽,但在波特執教的早期,球員們的反應讓他深受鼓舞。 “客觀地說,我們已經取得了七勝三平一負的成績,”他反思道,“我們在很短 的時間內進行了很多比賽,實際的訓練時間非常有限。我們一直在了解球員們,對球 隊的反應感到非常滿意。” https://i.imgur.com/rAnFxaQ.jpg
“在球隊表現方面,我們可以做得更多,我們可以提升,所以這是令人興奮的。 但與此同時,考慮到我們一路走來的混亂賽程和傷病時,我們做得很好,但有改進的 空間。” 藍軍落後聯賽領頭羊阿森納10分,在這種情況下,波特指出了未來幾個月切爾西 要縮小與聯賽最好球隊的差距需要做些什麼。 “在更好地調配資源方面有很多事情要做,比如我們如何引進新援,以及如何發 展足球理念。”他補充道,“在這方面我們可能需要一些時間,我們已經經歷了一些 變化,可能需要一些穩定和一些聰明的引援來增強陣容,幫助球隊。” https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/article/ potter-on-aubameyangs-motivation-and-how-recruitment-will-be-key-to-close Potter on Aubameyang's motivation and how recruitment will be key to close the gap 04 NOV 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.chelseafc.com/zh/news/article/ potter-conversation-and-collaboration-will-take-us-far 波特:對話和合作會讓我們走得更遠 05 11月 2022 對比切爾西和阿森納在英超賽季到目前為止的表現時,兩隊首發的一致性反差非 常明顯。 https://i.imgur.com/PgTn3TQ.jpg
來自北倫敦的客隊在週末開始時排名英超榜首,他們能取得快速快局的一個主要 原因是對陣容的熟悉。阿森納有八名球員每場聯賽都首發,而隊長厄德高只缺席了一 場比賽。 在我們的陣容中,傷病和管理層的變動導致沒有一個藍軍隊員為我們首發出戰了 每場聯賽。為球隊帶來穩定,在人員和陣型方面更具辨識性和可預測性,這是波特的 首要任務,但他意識到有必要保留選擇權。 “我一直都在透露我們想要怎樣踢球,這取決於球員的位置、我們有什麼、什麼 時候傷員會回來,”教練說。 “我不是在做實驗。必須記住,當嘗試新事物的時候,就有出錯的可能,必須時 刻準備著。這聽起來有點奇怪,因為我們應該給人一種無所不知、無所不知的感覺, 但要想取得進步、嘗試不同的新事物,就必須做好看起來像個白痴的準備。” https://i.imgur.com/cJgvgs5.jpg
“如果失敗了,可以接受批評。另一方面,如果什麼都不做,只是做同樣的事情 那麼什麼都不會改變。我們必須有勇氣這麼做,並在事情不如人所願時接受後果,但 穩定遠比不斷變化好。” 波特在切爾西和週日的對手阿爾特塔在阿森納的對比也很明顯。槍手主教練已經 接近他執教的第三年,而波特進入了他執教的第三個月。他說他在與切爾西新老闆的 合作非常愉快,經過反思,他承認阿森納模式是值得嚮往的。 “他們認可阿爾特塔,支持他度過了困難時期,他們也有過來自外界的壓力。阿 森納應該站在現在的位置上,他們已經和阿爾特塔合作了三年,不斷地打造球隊。” “我們正處於一個令人興奮的計劃的開端,幕後發生了很多事情,很多變化,很 多不穩定,還有很長的路要走。如果輸了一場了,那就是世界末日,但我們理解這一 點。看看阿森納、曼城、利物浦,所有成功的球隊,他們都有過不順的時期。我們必 須處理好失望,然後繼續前進。” https://i.imgur.com/d1GjI1m.jpg
上個月波特與伯利和戈德斯坦 “我獲得老闆們的全力支持。”波特繼續說,“他們太棒了,非常冷靜,非常明 智,非常支援、關心球隊,非常關心俱樂部和我。我是主教練,必須以這種方式引導 球隊,然後就是支援。這關於對話和合作,這就是我們俱樂部的現狀,我們希望繼續 前進。” https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/article/ potter-conversation-and-collaboration-will-take-us-far Potter: Conversation and collaboration will take us far - 05 NOV 22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/article/ potter-on-imposing-our-style-and-bringing-european-form-home Potter on imposing our style and bringing European form home 06 Nov 2022 Graham Potter spoke about the dual challenges Chelsea will face when we host Arsenal in the Premier League today, as well as his desire to replicate our impressive Champions League performances in domestic football and why the World Cup break could be a vital period for him and his staff. https://i.imgur.com/vB30iFC.jpg
Chelsea are back at Stamford Bridge for our next match as we return to Premier League action, with high-flying Arsenal the visitors in a London derby, and Graham Potter is under no illusion about the difficulty of the task ahead when we take on a Gunners side who started this weekend top of the Premier League table and have lost just one league game this season, winning 10 of their 12 fixtures so far. Our head coach readily acknowledges that our opponents' form demands to be respected when we meet on the pitch, but insists that won't stop his Blues team from aiming to control the game at the Bridge. 'That's the challenge,' said Potter. 'Arsenal is a step up, so we have to respect the opponent and what they do well, and try to bring our own game. We're at Stamford Bridge and it's important we try to do that. We want to impose ourselves as much as we can. https://i.imgur.com/SrhBKc9.jpg
'It's an important game, but success isn't built by one match. You need to work, decide who and how you're playing. It's a process of pain and suffering, but you clearly need results along the way.' One place where the results and performances definitely have been coming is in the Champions League. Following a 1-1 draw with Red Bull Salzburg in Potter's first game in charge, and his debut in the competition, we won all four of our remaining European fixtures to qualify for the knock-out stages with a game to spare. The icing on the cake arrived in midweek, when we came from behind to defeat Dinamo Zagreb at the Bridge in our last group fixture, and Potter discussed the extra edge we seem to have in the Champions League compared to domestic games while highlighting the need to replicate that European form in the Premier League as another challenge for him and his team. 'I'm not 100 per cent sure why that is. The Premier League gives you a slightly different challenge in terms of how the game is played. 'It's not for the want of trying. It's just so happened we have had better games in the Champions League. The challenge for us is to try to reproduce that form in the Premier League.' Of course, the initial chances to do that are limited, as after today's match against Arsenal and next week's trip to Newcastle United, the Premier League will be put on pause until Boxing Day as club football takes a break for the upcoming World Cup. While you may expect our head coach to be frustrated by that interruption to any momentum he is building at Chelsea, in fact he believes it will be a welcome opportunity to take stock and review our progress, given the limited time he has had for planning ahead during the hectic fixture schedule since he arrived at Stamford Bridge in November. 'It's going to be very important. It's been a crazy time. Starting the season at Brighton, then quickly here, it happened so fast, international break and then October was 11 games, crazy. https://i.imgur.com/eEaDjou.jpg
On the touchline during Wednesday's victory over Dinamo Zagreb 'Trying to understand everybody, the players, you need a bit of time to reflect and give you time to settle, recharge and go again. We need to understand how we can help in January and moving forwards. It's a culmination of work and reflection. 'Fingers crossed the players come back healthy and positive and enjoying their football and they can hit the ground running with us.' -- Hoddle: 'Matthew will be sitting up there looking down now and loving Chelsea being winners. He'll just love Chelsea winning.' --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Chelsea/M.1667648135.A.8F2.html
