[密室] 迪士尼33號俱樂部即將拍攝殺人事件電影

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作者 STAV72 (刁民黨黨務主委)
時間 2024-05-22 19:09:08
留言 1則留言 (1推 0噓 0→)

希望不要變成紀錄片,偵探Kim是不是有獵人執照呀? https://reurl.cc/z1qrlk Disneyland's Elite Club 33 Is Getting Its Own Whodunnit Mystery Movie 迪士尼樂園的精英俱樂部 33 即將推出自己的偵探懸疑電影 THR shared a description of the film, which is less about high-society people trusting friends with their membership for an opportunity to have the fanciest meal at Disneyland—though there’s an element of that. The fictional spin, which is perhaps tied to the Society of Adventurers and Explorers who weave Disney attraction tales and universes together, will follow C“Kim, a young aspiring detective living in present-day New York, who receives a mysterious invite to the highly secretive Club 33. In this case, it ’s a magical and exclusive dining club that exists outside of time and space. The club’s members are the greatest and most iconic members from the past: geniuses, royalty, and history-makers.” THR 分享了對這部電影的描述,這並不是關於上流社會人士相信朋友擁有會員資格,以便 有機會在迪士尼樂園享用最美味的一餐,儘管其中有這樣的元素。這部虛構的作品可能與 將迪士尼景點故事和宇宙編織在一起的冒險家和探險家協會有關,故事將講述“金,一位 生活在當今紐約的年輕有抱負的偵探,他收到了一份神秘的邀請,前往高度機密的世界」 。 Club 33. 在這裡,它是一個存在於時空之外的神奇而獨特的餐飲俱樂部。俱樂部的成 員都是過去最偉大、最具標誌性的成員:天才、皇室成員和歷史創造者。 Just the outlandish nature of that makes us intrigued and we would love to see someone like Ayo Edebiri be the detective and get into wacky Disney timey-wimey-ness (we can say that now since Doctor Who is on Disney+) with historical figures. And that’s not even the whole story: things will take a turn when “a murder is committed moments after her arrival [and] the patrons look to Kim to solve it. Kim, who despite her brilliance can’t seem to get out of her own way, must rise to the occasion and find a way to capture the criminal amidst the greatest minds history has to offer.” 正是這種古怪的性質讓我們很感興趣,我們很高興看到像阿約·埃德比里這樣的人成為偵 探,並與歷史人物一起進入古怪的迪士尼時代(我們可以這麼說,因為《神秘博士》已經 在迪士尼+上播出了)。這還不是故事的全部:當「她到達後不久就發生了一起謀殺案, 顧客們指望金來解決這件事時,事情就會發生轉變。儘管金才華橫溢,但她似乎無法擺 脫自己的束縛,她必須挺身而出,在歷史上最偉大的頭腦中找到抓捕罪犯的方法。 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1716376152.A.D29.html

a205090a: 把Club33說得像光明會的意義在哪== 05/22 19:13
