[閒聊] 絕命毒師老白老婆:大家近來對我友善多了

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作者 LABOYS (洛城浪子)
時間 2024-04-23 21:17:56
留言 45則留言 (26推 1噓 18→)

https://twitter.com/IGN/status/1782726385078824964 https://reurl.cc/OM0Kp7 https://i.imgur.com/xUmyKqy.png
Throughout Breaking Bad's run, the beloved AMC series introduced all manner of drug dealers, murderers, and generally Bad Dudes while sending its protagonist, Walter White (Bryan Cranston), down a darker and darker path himself. But, at the time, few characters got more hate than Walter's own wife , Skyler. 在《絕命毒師》的整個播出過程中, 這部深受歡迎的戲劇,介紹了各種各樣的毒品販子、兇手和多數惡棍, 同時也讓主角老白走上了越來越黑暗的道路。 但是,當時很少有角色,比老白的妻子 Skyler 招致更多的仇恨。 "It did become alarming when it turned violent," she remembers. "Sometimes, the comments could turn threatening or violent, and that concerned me. So I just didn’t want to feel bullied by all that, and I felt that it was my responsibility to stand up and answer to it, which is what I did." 不過最近演員安娜·岡恩宣傳新戲受訪時,表示似乎情況改善許多: 「當情況發展成暴力化時,這讓我開始感到驚慌。」 「有時評論會充斥著威脅性和暴力性,讓我心驚肉跳,但我不想吞忍所有的仇恨, 所以我選擇站出來回應這些批評和仇視。那就是我當時所做的」 Gunn's referring to an op-ed she wrote for The New York Times as Breaking Bad was finishing its run titled "I Have a Character Issue." In the op-ed, she wrote about the fan forums and Facebook pages dedicated to hating her character, writing that she "was unprepared for the vitriolic response (Skyler ) inspired." 岡恩提到絕命毒師即將完結前他為紐約時報寫的一篇專欄, 標題為:I Have a Character Issue(我有一個角色方面問題), 專欄中她寫道,她「對於 Skyler 會激起如此大量的惡毒回應毫無心理準備」。 "And now, when people come up to me, it’s incredibly different because of all the seismic changes that have happened," she continues. "There’s still a long way to go, but we really have made seismic changes since then. So people come up to me now and say, 'You were the linchpin for me. You were the conscience of the show. You were what pulled me into the show.' Or they say, ' The first time I watched it, I hated that character. But the second time I watched it, I realized, ‘Oh my God, that poor woman.’ " 「不過現在當人們走向我時,情況完全不一樣了,變化可以說是驚天動地。」 「雖然還有很長的路要走,但跟那時候相比,差別真的非常劇烈。 現在人們走過來對我說的話完全不同了,她們會說: 『妳是我心中的本劇的關鍵人物,妳是本劇良心,吸引我追劇的原因。』 或是說 『第一次看時我很討厭妳的角色, 但第二次重看,我才領略到『天啊,那個可憐的女人。』』 The hate toward both Skyler and Gunn is something even Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan has slammed in retrospect, telling the New Yorker in a 2022 interview: "I can tell you it always troubled me, because Skyler, the character, did nothing to deserve that. And Anna certainly did nothing to deserve that. She played the part beautifully.” 這種對於 Skyler 和岡恩的仇恨,即使是原作者 Vince Gilligan 都曾公開譴責過。 他在2022年接受採訪時表示: 「我可以這麼說,這總是害我良心不安, 因為 Skyler 並沒有做任何應該遭致如此對待的事情, 當然安娜也沒有,她演得非常出色。」 下面回應: She was the reason Walt didn't take over the East Coast. Evil woman 她就是老白未能接管 East Coast 的主因,邪惡的壞女人。 It’s so embarrassing watching people get angry at an actress for playing her role well… 觀眾因為女演員演技太好而生氣,這太尷尬了... My opinion on the character hasn't changed, but she's a good actress. 我對這個角色的看法至今未變,但她確實是個好演員。 Nope. My son asked me to watch it with him. Currently binging along with my son. Still can’t stand her. 沒有喔。我兒子央求我和他一起看。近來我正和我兒子一起重刷。 我還是受不了這咖。 Yeah right 是喔最好啦 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GL2dcjHa0AAAqxl.jpg
原來是鄉土劇啊 壞女人演太好走在路上會被婆婆媽媽罵 XDD 補一個洽點 刃牙版絕命毒師 https://youtu.be/sFVrvRjlXH4?si=Q_cXT7peKEK-SIRg
-- 「胡鐵花,我希望你以後知道,世上的女孩子, 並不是每個都像高亞男那麼好對付的,你覺得高亞男好對付,只因為她喜歡你。」 「不錯,從今以後,我再不敢說我會對付女人了, 我現在簡直恨不得跪在高亞男面前,去嗅她的腳。」 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFVrvRjlXH4
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1713878283.A.00C.html

gremon131: 有她的戲份都快轉 04/23 21:19

afjpwoejfgpe: 八點檔反派演員:我懂 04/23 21:19

Tiosocute896: 我當時也覺得老白老婆就是被老白逼到發瘋的,但偷 04/23 21:20

Tiosocute896: 吃這點還是讓人討厭 04/23 21:20

abccbaandy: 這角色就爛阿,整天扯後腿 04/23 21:20

GyroZeppeli: 跟台灣連續劇一樣 都會被入戲很深的觀眾嘴 04/23 21:20

kirimaru73: 比如說那個張庭什麼的......抱歉我老人臭太濃 04/23 21:21

Tiosocute896: 律師的女主角就塑造的比較好 04/23 21:21

Timba: 美國八點檔XD 04/23 21:21

leon1309: 這演技真厲害吶 04/23 21:21

asiakid: 觀眾入戲太深ww 04/23 21:21

zarg1043: 她的部分沒反感 但不想看 雞叔叮哥律師部分就好看多了 04/23 21:22

kirimaru73: 這是台灣二十世紀版本的以後我怎麼教小孩 04/23 21:22

willywasd: 八點檔演員:我懂 04/23 21:22

labe32525: 剛好在重刷,第一次看很躁,這次看比較能從上帝視角來看 04/23 21:24

labe32525: 真的演的很好 04/23 21:24

mashiroro: 她就演太好了XD老白又這麼重要 04/23 21:24

rbull: 覺得這她演的這位女角色還是很機車的代表 04/23 21:24

puro: 以前我家老人也會這樣 帶他去看八點檔見面會他看到女反派直 04/23 21:25

puro: 接在那人面前說他壞女人 超尷尬 04/23 21:25

cor1os: 的確快轉,我可不想看家裡黃臉婆的內心戲 04/23 21:26

asiakid: 其實也不只女角 像溫昇豪也是後來演好幾部戲才擺脫負面 04/23 21:26

hoe1101: 苗可麗&馬律師:沒錯 04/23 21:26

asiakid: 形象 04/23 21:26

Fate1095: 演技是真的厲害,不然怎會讓一堆人恨得牙癢癢 04/23 21:28

YoruHentai: I fuck ted 經典 04/23 21:29

UrFather: 真TM雖小☺ 04/23 21:29

moritsune: 我還是很討厭skyler啊,不過戲劇跟現實要分清楚 04/23 21:29

YoruHentai: 我其實不算討厭他,因為老白後期也很討人厭 04/23 21:31

jayppt: 討厭她什麼 我看了N遍也不知道 她有什麼負面情緒或作為也 04/23 21:32

jayppt: 是老白逼出來的 04/23 21:32

hyChika: 不懂為什麼那麼多人討厭她+1,刷兩次都覺得sky很可憐老 04/23 21:33

hyChika: 白太可惡 04/23 21:33

NicoNeco: 有恰點嗎 04/23 21:33

Manaku: 這對姊妹花一出現就快轉 04/23 21:33

Manaku: 等等我以為這裡美劇板 04/23 21:34

windowsill: 她確實演得很好 我看的時候也很討厭她 04/23 21:35

jayppt: 她妹妹比她壁旗的多了 沒事偷東西 而且講話一開始就酸酸的 04/23 21:35

john0909: Skyler後面季數確實沒看起來這麼婊啊 因老白更壞了 04/23 21:35

jayppt: 而且可想而知 姐姐嫁給老白時 妹妹一定廢話很多 什麼“你 04/23 21:35

Wangisback: 女人你妨礙我cook了 04/23 21:35

jayppt: 怎麼嫁給一個那麼老的男人啊 還沒什麼錢”之類 04/23 21:35

john0909: 老白當初肯接受老友的幫助 就不會fuck Ted 惹 04/23 21:38

john0909: 其實最後老白不就承認了 他做的這一切不是for family 04/23 21:38

john0909: 是為了他自己 04/23 21:38
