[今倒] 任天堂解雇不少約聘測試人員 具體數不詳

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作者 silentknight (清純男)
時間 2024-03-31 17:26:44
留言 43則留言 (23推 2噓 18→)

Nintendo Is Laying Off An Undisclosed Number Of Contractors https://reurl.cc/67rb16 Nintendo of America is currently in the process of laying off an undisclosed number of contractors who help with testing games and hardware. It's unclear how many workers will be affected by this but it's estimated to be over 100 contractors. 美國任天堂目前正在解僱幫助測試遊戲和硬體的約聘人員,具體數量不詳。目前尚不清楚 有多少人會受到影響,但估計超過100名約聘人員。 In a statement given to Kotaku, a Nintendo spokesperson said, these changes "will involve changes will involve some contractor assignments ending, as well as the creation of a significant number of new full-time employee positions." The report explains that some contractors working alongside Nintendo of America feel as if they've been exploited and underpaid for some time, as they sought full-time employment with the company. Although some testers are being hired and moved out of software testing, the rest will be let go. Nintendo has stated that those impacted will receive severance packages. 任天堂發言人在給Kotaku的聲明中表示,這些變化“將涉及一些約聘人員任務的結束, 以及創建大量新的全職員工職位。”該報告解釋說,一些與美國任天堂一起工作的約聘 人員在尋求該公司的全職工作時,感覺自己在一段時間內受到了剝削,而且工資過低。 儘管一些約聘人員被聘用並退出軟體測試,但其餘的將被解僱。任天堂表示,受影響的人 將獲得遣散費。 The full statement given to Kotaku reads: "Nintendo of America (NOA) has reorganized its Product Testing functions to drive greater global integration in game development efforts. The changes will also better align NOA with interregional testing procedures and operations. These changes will involve some contractor assignments ending, as well as the creation of a significant number of new full-time employee positions. For all assignments that are ending, the contractors' agencies, with NOA's support, will offer severance packages and provide assistance during their transition. For those contractor associates who will be leaving us, we are tremendously grateful for the important contributions they've made to our business, and we extend our heartfelt thanks for their hard work and service to Nintendo." 給 Kotaku 的完整聲明如下: 「美國任天堂 (NOA) 重組了其產品測試職能,以推動遊戲開發工作的全球一體化。這些 變化也將更好地使 NOA 與區域間測試程序和營運保持一致。 這些變化將涉及一些約聘人員任務的結束,以及創建大量新的全職員工職位。對於所有即 將結束的任務,約聘人員的機構將在NOA的支持下提供遣散費,並在過渡期間提供協助。 對於那些即將離開我們的約聘人員員工,我們非常感謝他們為我們的業務做出的重要貢獻 ,並對他們的辛勤工作和為任天堂提供的服務表示衷心的感謝。” The report goes on to explain that three contractors speaking to Kotaku noticed a "lull," during which time no new first-party games had been tested. In addition, none of them had tested the upcoming Switch 2, which was initially suspected to drop during the second half of this year. Due to these cuts, some contractors have voiced concern about being able to adequately test Nintendo's bigger games. 該報告接著解釋說,與Kotaku交談的三名約聘人員注意到了“平靜”,在此期間沒有測試 任何新的第一方遊戲。此外,他們都沒有測試過即將推出的Switch2,該產品最初被懷疑 將在今年下半年發布。由於這些削減,一些約聘人員對能否充分測試任天堂的大型遊戲 表示擔憂。 Unfortunately, layoffs continue to be a trend this year. Just recently, Certain Affinity laid off 25 of its employees and last month, Sony laid off 900 of its employees. 不幸的是,今年裁員仍然是一種趨勢。剛剛,Affinity解雇了25名員工,上個月索尼也 裁員900名員工。 --------------------------------- -- 今晚你選那一個姿勢?? ○ "○ ○" ○" (|\ (|\ )) )) ○╭○rz ○rz ○rz-st○ /`○rz /`○r27\" ○r27\"  ̄′ ○=^ -- 查了一下美任負責美國區銷售、在地化推廣、遊戲語音翻譯、各類影片製作、 美國區行銷計畫與品保
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1711877207.A.363.html

khfcgmbk: 我來到一個島 03/31 17:27

serding: 眼睛被割傷 03/31 17:27

chewie: 今年一定島 03/31 17:27

Fezico: 約聘就...約聘啊...不然? 03/31 17:27

medama: 島 03/31 17:28

spfy: 現在科技業一直在裁吧 03/31 17:29

xxhenryxx: 解雇數都輸索軟 今島 03/31 17:29

trialmoon: 一切合法 還在哭夭 03/31 17:29

Fezico: 約聘講白惹就是免洗職,時間到惹發現沒用就開開掉。有用的 03/31 17:30

Fezico: 自然會出現正職職位 03/31 17:30

jarvis652: 任又贏 03/31 17:30

AChiHuang: 何去何從 03/31 17:32

mizuarashi: 美國任天堂不是只負責銷售 03/31 17:33

attacksoil: 不太熟悉軟硬體測試約聘的概念 本宅遇過的都是本職的 03/31 17:33

jackyT: Mario club: 03/31 17:33

jackyT: NOA應該本來就不是負責第一方QA的主力 03/31 17:34

junior1006: 今島 03/31 17:34

alinwang: 美國區不意外 03/31 17:35

mn435: 說不定還會講正不正確 03/31 17:37

qweertyui891: 有人轉正職,沒轉到的當然不開心 03/31 17:37

lyt5566: 島了 03/31 17:37

bobby4755: 根本沒摸過NS2 別再乳摸了 03/31 17:38

fire32221: 這樣是不是可以反過來說,NS2已經測得差不多了,所以才 03/31 17:39

fire32221: 砍了一些約聘冗員 03/31 17:39

s32244153: 美任又不負責開發要那麼多測試人員幹嘛? 03/31 17:39

P2: 何去何從 03/31 17:41

ChunD: 假新聞拉,任天堂不是被吹上天的佛心公司嗎?怎麼會做這種 03/31 17:43

ChunD: 事 03/31 17:43

qweertyui891: 本土化測試的部分吧,語音字幕那一類 03/31 17:43

ckwing03: 才100吵個雞毛 03/31 17:45

CYL009: 蛤?真的假的 03/31 17:45

kmkr122719: 約聘本來就沒保證一定要續約吧,還是說美國有不同玩法? 03/31 17:46

jpnldvh: 約聘不就是這樣用的? 03/31 17:46

Pep5iC05893: 任今島 03/31 17:47

killerj466v2: 同一個時間段聘,那不就是一個計劃結束 03/31 17:49

killerj466v2: 然後該裁的結束付一付分手ㄇ 03/31 17:50

Well2981: 約聘到期能叫解僱嗎 03/31 17:51

jeff666: 約聘不就這樣== 03/31 17:52

efreet: Kotaku不意外,任天堂做甚麼事對他們來說都是負面的 03/31 17:53

needless0616: 內文明明有寫到約聘的工作結束還用解僱喔 03/31 17:54

fgh81113: 島 03/31 17:55

kase09521: 解僱了一群本來工作就不是測ns2的是要怎麼得出你的結 03/31 17:55

kase09521: 論的 03/31 17:55
