[Vtub] 疑似虹EN內鬼爆料

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作者 wahaha2005 (我是誰2005)
時間 2024-02-24 21:28:55
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https://boards.4chan.org/vt/thread/69804931 No.69822980 I take it you have noticed the "grassroot" push to shift the narrative that I' d mentioned in a thread a couple of days ago. This is only the beginning. The livers in question plan to make an even bigger splash in anticipation of Elira's return to streaming. They came to the conclusion the backlash is negligible, and that they can easily control their communities with 4-week subscriber chats, membership streams, and heavy moderation. 我想大家都注意到,我前幾天在某個帖子中提到從「基層」開始推動轉變敘事方式的情 況。 但這僅僅是個開始。在Elira回歸直播之前,那些有問題的Liver計劃引起更大的轟動。 而他們得出的結論是,那些反彈只是微不足道,他們可以通常限制4星期以上的訂閱者、 會限及嚴格的Mod來輕易控制他們的社群 Uki Violeta has been given a suspension, but management did not specify a set duration. He is already flirting with the idea of engaging his fanbase and nyfco for a twitter counter-attack. The livers are trying to distance themselves while walking on eggshells. Uki已被停播,但管理層沒有確定停播的期限。他已經考慮讓他的粉絲及nyfco(中之人 的網站)參考推特的反擊。Livers一方面試圖保持距離,一方面小心翼翼地做事。 Yes, the "support the artists" was a premeditated PR initiative. No, it did not come from management. There have been discussions on discord, and some livers took it to themselves to tweet. They were brainstorming ideas and checking with each other about how they should form their tweets. 無錯,「支持創作者」是一場有預謀的公關動作。不過這並非來自管理層。他們在DC上 進行討論,部份Livers自發地發推,他們正一起集思廣益及互相討論如何撰寫推文。 Vox was not given a suspension, as far as I know, he simply opted to take a break (citing mental health), even though management encouraged him to have a membership stream. 據我所知,Vox並沒有被停播,他只是選擇了休息(理由是心理健康),儘管管理層鼓勵 他開會限。 Enna, Millie, Elira, and Reimu have clamped up. Most of us have no idea what they've been told, but they have indeed been separately "coached" by the PR managers, as well as legal. Enna、Millie、Elira及Reimu都保持沉默。我們大部份人都不知道她們被告知了什麼, 但是她們的確分別接受了公關經理及法務的「指導」。 Rosemi, Scarle, Fulgur, Petra, Hex, and Meloco have been noticeably more distant. Rosemi、Scarle、Fulgur、Petra、Hex及Meloco的關係明顯地疏遠了。 Enna complained (extensively) about the noticeable decrease in revenue, in the wake of her latest "special" stream. Enna對於她最近的「特別」直播收入大幅減少而大聲抱怨。 Some livers have taken to calling Dokibird "Dookiebird". 部份Livers稱呼Dokibird是「Dookiebird」。 A lot of discussion about "dramatubers" on discord, but Slack is spotless. 在Discord上有很多關於「Dramatubers」的討論,但在Slack之中是毫無痕跡。 A lot of paranoid schizophrenia manifesting as fear of typing anything out on discord, with the livers opting to hop on Voice Chat even for simple confirmations / refusals. If you have questions ask away, so long as they don't jeopardize my OPSEC and non-disclosure and non-disparage agreements. 有很多偏執性精神分裂症表現出害怕在Discord中輸入任何內容,即使是簡單的確認或是 拒絕,Livers也會選擇使用語音聊天。 如果你有問題,只要不違反本人的網路作業安全、保密及非貶低協議之下會盡量回答。 No.69823192 A twitter counter-attack against what? Also why do they think the backlash and that Elira has lost a year of subscriber growth is negligible? 在推特反擊什麼? 而且他們怎麼認為反彈及Elira失去過去一年的訂閱者增長是微不足道? No.69823741 Livers were initially afraid of the sheer backlash, making their streams unmanageable. They now believe they can comfortably moderate their streams and employ methods that make the issue moot. They believe they overestimated the backlash they would get in their streams, in the form of chat and incendiary superchats. Livers最初的確害怕引起強烈反彈,令他們的直播變得難以管理。現在他們相信他們能夠 輕鬆地管理他們的直播,並採取一些方法去解決這個問題。 他們認為他們高估了反彈對於直播、聊天室及攻擊性SC的影響。 They have lamented over the loss in subscribers, concurrent viewers, and revenue, but they were considerably more afraid of their career ending. I know people on 4channel like to joke about 2% merchandise cuts, but the reality is that livers live very comfortable lives in comparison to what they were making in their Past Lives. 他們的確對於訂閱數、同接及收入感到痛惜,但是他們更害怕他們職業生涯的完結。我知 道4chan經常拿2%週邊收入來開玩笑,但現實是與他們的前世收入相比,Livers們現在的 生活非常舒適。 No.69823336 Uki isn't suspended, he streamed with Doppio yesterday. Other than that, I'd believe it Uki沒有被停播,他昨天還與Doppio連動。除此之外,我相信你。 No.69823741 Uki has been suspended, this is not speculative. He mentioned it on discord and an entire argument broke out. When a liver (from ILUNA) asked for the duration, he replied he didn't know if there even is a set duration. Uki的確被停播,這不是推處。他已經在Discord提及這件事並引發了一場爭論。其中一位 Livers(來自ILUNA)詢問期限時,他回答他不知道是否設定了固定期限。 No.69823531 While I don't want you to specify or reply to this post since NDA/NDisA may be able to be de-anonymized, I'm shocked that this wouldn't breach either/or as is. 雖然我不想你因為具體說明或回答這個帖子而被NDA/NDisA去匿名化,我很驚訝這不會令你 違約。 No.69823741 I know for a fact this much does not breach the agreements, because at least 2 other livers have divulged considerably more information anonymously, in another website. The management was made aware, and it was concluded that they were not in breach. 我所知道的這樣沒有違反協議,因為至少有另外2位Livers在其他網站匿名地透露更多資 料,而管理層已經發現這件事,而結論是他們沒有違反協議。 No.69823616 I'll bite. How are they viewing the stain on their company that has breached containment into the normiesphere? 我相信了。那麼他們是如何看待自己公司的污點已經出圈了? No.69823741 As soon as the tutoring/coaching session ended (PR managers that were either hired for this express purpose or PR managers from main branch, I don't know) we have not gotten a lot of information about what happens moving forward. I know for a fact Elira, Enna, Millie, and Reimu received more tutoring/ communication, but I don't know what it entailed. They simply stressed we should go back to streaming as soon as possible, provided we are certain we can control our community and avoid infractions. 當輔導或指導會議結速後(我不知道公關經理是特聘還是從虹JP來的),我們沒有得到更 多關於之後會發生什麼的資訊。 我只知道Elira、Enna、Millie及Reimu接受了更多的輔導或溝通,但我不知道具體內容。 他們只是強調我們應該盡快恢復直播,只是我們須確保能夠控制社群並避免違規行為。 No.69823905 >>I know for a fact this much does not breach the agreements Surely that would be down to clique in-groupness rather than the written NDA. Frankly this response reduces my assessment of plausibility, but a "I didn't read the NDA" response preserves anonymity at least. Don't respond further to this line of discussion. 當然這取決於公司內的派系而不是書面上的保密協議。老實說,這回覆降低了我對這件事 的合理性,但「我沒有閱讀保密協定」的回覆最少保留了匿名性。 不要對這個討論作出進一步回覆。 No.69824442 No, I genuinely know that it would not be in breach of the agreements, because two other livers were effectively caught leaking information with express timelines and names, as well as directing third parties to disclose a coworker 's PII. Management concluded they were not in breach. I have spoken to legal counsel. I am not an idiot. 不是,我確實知道這不會違反保密協議,因為有另外2位Livers在洩漏資料時被抓住了, 而洩漏的資料有明確的時間表及姓名,還指使第三方洩漏同事的個人隱私,而管理層認為 他們沒有違反相關協議。 我已經和法律顧問談過了,我不是白痴。 No.69823938 >He mentioned it on discord and an entire argument broke out A discussion about what? Were most livers against his suspension or were they split on that? >Some livers have taken to calling Dokibird "Dookiebird". Clique livers only? Also, why are you doing this? Do you dislike your work in nijien? What are you trying to accomplish? Do you hold a grudge? Why not just quit. 關於什麼的討論?大多數Livers是反對他被停播還是分成兩派? 只有那個小圈子Livers嗎? 此外,為什麼你要這樣做?你不喜歡你在虹EN的工作?你想達到什麼乳的?你是懷恨在心 嗎?那麼為什麼不辭職離開? No.69824442 An argument about "dramatubers", the nature of racism, and lamentations about white people. I have personally seen 6 people type the "pet name" out on discord. I don't know if there are more than have used it in voice calls. I gave my "two-week" notice more than 4 months ago. Interestingly enough, that 's not how it works in NijisanjiEN. Shame on me for not carefully reading the contract. 關於「Dramatubers」的爭論,種族歧視的本質及對白人的哀嘆。 我親眼看到6個人在Discord中打出「Dookiebird」。而我不知道有沒有更多人在語音中使 用這個字。 我在四個月前已經發出我的「兩個星期」通知。有趣地這並不適用於虹EN。我對於沒有仔 細閱讀合約內容感到慚愧。 No.69823944 1. when do the next two graduations happen/ are announced, did they move it cause you leaked it? 2. personal rrat: was rosemi selens manager and that is why she seems to feel guilty? I was wondering if she was just pushing info along as "manager" and was just following orders, ever since the follow the rose comment you made, assuming youre actually LK ignore 2nd if thats dangerous for you. 1. 那麼之後兩個畢業會何時發行或公告?他們會否因為你洩漏而延後畢業? 2. 個人問題:Rosemi是Selen的經紀人,這就是她現在感到內疚的原因?我想知道她是否 只是以「經紀人」身份發佈資訊並奉命行事,假設你是LK並發表了「follow the rose」的 評論之後。 如果第2點對你有危險,請忽略。 No.69824442 It was another liver that leaked the graduations. I never used the LK alias in any of my posts. No, Rosemi was not a manager. Rosemi was never quite *in* the clique, but she was a satellite. The worst she's done was nervous laughs when coworkers were disparaged in front of her. It's up to you whether you deem her an accessory or a victim. I never liked how they treated her, it reminded me of Nina's treatment (before she unfortunately embraced it and fell in line). I did not make the "follow the rose" post. I have only made two posts regarding Rosemi, and it was about the "save me pink girl" tweet, and about how characterizing her as "in cahoots" was not accurate. 是另一位Liver洩漏了畢業的資料,我從來沒有在任何帖子自稱LK。 不,Rosemi不是經紀人,她甚至不算是Elira幫,但她算是依附著她們的。她做過最惡劣 的事是,當有同事在她面前被貶低時,她會緊張地大笑。而這究竟是幫兇還是受害者,就 在乎你怎樣看待。我從來不喜歡他們這樣對待她,這讓我想起了Nina的遭遇(在她不幸受 到這種遭遇並配合她們之前)3。 我沒有發表過「follow the rose」的帖子。我只發表過2次關於Rosemi的帖子,一次是關 於「save me pink girl」的推文,另一次是否定她屬於Elira幫。 No.69824149 1. Did livers discuss that they should answer to baiters on twitter? Did they really think that would be a good idea? Did they try consulting PR first? 2. Is Scarle really being bullied somehow like some anons like to believe? 1. Livers曾否進行過討論,他們應該對那些釣魚言論回答嗎?他們是否真的認為這是個 好主意嗎?他們是否曾經嘗試與公關部門進行諮詢? 2. Scarle是否像一些匿名者選擇相信那樣被欺負了嗎? No.69824888 Yes, there were lengthy discussions. Scarle is not really associating too closely with coworkers, understandably. She is keeping a professional demeanor, is polite to everyone, and generally accommodating. She distanced herself after livers grouped-up and effectively pressured her to make-up with another liver, to signal how close they are. This is not at all uncommon in NijisanjiEN. These types of "interventions" are commonplace. 是的,這已經進行了長時間的討論。 Scarle並沒有與同事真正建立了很密切的關係,這是可以理解的。她保持著專業的風度, 對每個人都很有禮貌,總括而言為人隨和。當那些Livers開始組成小圓圈並有效地強迫她 與另一位Liver和好以表明她們很親近時,她與她們保持一定距離。而這些事件在虹EN之 中並不罕見,這種類型的「干預」是司空見慣的。 No.69824186 Are people turning on each other? Is there a chance we get to see public spats between livers? 人們之間會互相攻擊嗎?我們有沒有機昃看到Livers在公開場合之中爭吵嗎? No.69824888 No, people are not really turning on each other. People are distancing themselves and creating tight-knit groups, while maintaining the veneer of a big functional family. 不,人們並不會真正的互相攻擊。他們會互相疏遠並建立更緊密的團體,同時表面上保持 著一個功能強大的大家庭外貌。 No.69824380 Who's idea was the black screen - talent or someone in management? 那個黑色螢幕是誰想的主意——是某位成員還是某個管理層? No.69824888 I don't know, to be honest. Elira talked with the main branch, and then after some back-and-forth she, Millie, and Vox told us to retweet the "stream". I presume some livers watched it before retweeting/quote tweeting, but I didn't. 老實說,我不知道。Elira與虹JP進行溝通,經過幾次互相交流之後,她、Millie及Vox告 訴我們去轉推那個「直播」。我想或者有些Livers在轉發之前曾經看過那段影片,但我沒 有。 No.69824658 >>69815442 She is even playing FF14 alone when Millie has been collabing with others like Fulgur and Vanta. >>69816536 https://i.imgur.com/UHBXow6.png cool kids only
>>69816744 https://i.imgur.com/IkTqH4u.jpeg Anons.
Look at the top right. Its even the same server. They cant even put up the excuse of using different servers. They actually dont want her in. Explain >>69815442 她自己一個人玩FF14,而Millie與其他成員進行連動如Fulgur及Vanta。 >>69816536 只限酷孩子 >>69816744 各位。看看右上方。甚至是同一個伺服器。他們無法用不同伺服器作為藉口。他們實際上 就是不想她加入 請解釋 No.69825120 You were spot on in your deductions in that thread. I have nothing to add. 你在那個帖子找到的線索作出的推斷很準確。我沒有任何須要補充的。 No.69824528 >I gave my "two-week" notice more than 4 months ago. Interestingly enough, that's not how it works in NijisanjiEN. Shame on me for not carefully reading the contract. Shit, so you can't just quit? How long are you going to be stuck at nijien for? When you finally manage to graduate, how will we know who you are? I'd like to support you if you keep streaming. Shi 媽的,所以你不能夠直接離開? 你還須要呆在虹EN多長時間? 當你終於能夠準備畢業時,我們怎麼知道你是誰?如果你繼續直播的話,我願意支持你。 No.69825120 I know you have been joking about a queue. Well, there effectively is a queue. You can technically leave, but that you open you up for liability, suits, and severance fines. I don't think I will go back to streaming after this. At least for a good white. 我知道你們一直拿排隊來開玩笑。嗯,實際上的確有一個隊列。技術上你可能隨時離開, 但是會讓你承擔責任、訴訟及遣散費的問題。 我想這件事之後我不會繼續直播了。最少會是一段時間之後。(原文應該是while) No.69824645 Ok, another question. Are you the only liver, that you know of, that tried to give your notice but got fucked by the contract and is now stuck there? 好的,另一個問題。 據你所知,你是否唯一一個Livers嘗試發出離職通知但發現被合約綁住了而無法離開嗎? No.69825120 I only know of two livers that have confirmed talking with HR about contract termination. There could be more, but I am keeping virtually everyone at an arm's length. 我只知道有2個Livers已經證實與人事部討論關於終止合約的問題。可能會有更多,但我 現在幾乎與任何成員保持一定的距離。 No.69824963 Please, tell me that Doppio is a good guy. 請,告訴我Doppio是個好人。 No.69825746 We're not close, but he appears to be a good guy. No issues whatsoever. Not going to say more, lest you figure out my gen. 我們不是很親密,但他看起來是個好人。沒有發生過任何問題。我不想多說了,避免你知 道我是哪一期的。 No.69825005 >she, Millie, and Vox told us to retweet the "stream" >I presume some livers watched it before retweeting/quote tweeting, but I didn 't Were some livers upset after they found out the content of said stream? Anyone felt betrayed? I sure would feel. 有沒有部份Livers在發現直播的內容後感到不安?有沒有人感到受背叛嗎?我肯定感覺 到。 No.69825746 You appear to be assuming it was a livestream. 你看起來假設這是一個直播。 No.69825038 https://i.imgur.com/JG3ci8j.png
This is a bit more personal and I don't expect you to know, but what's with Kotoka? Is it mental issues, is she distancing herself or is she suspended? 這個有點個人問題,我不預計你會知道,但你知道Kotoka怎樣了?她是心理問題、與其他 成員保持距離還是被停播了? No.69825746 Sorry, no idea. We were told it was something stress-related, and she only mentioned stepping back for mental health issues. 對不起,不知道。我們被告知的是關於壓力的問題,而她也只提及是因為心理健康問題而 暫時離開。 No.69825060 >Millie Is she part of the management as well? 那麼她(Millie)是否管理層的一份子? No.69825746 There's no actual concrete management in NijisanjiEN. For the regular liver the closest thing to a manager is Elira. Millie and Enna are her little helpers. Unless of course you want to jump through hoops, trying to ping people on Slack and being passed around all the while receiving contradictory instructions. 虹EN實際上並沒有具體的管理架構。對於一般的Liver,最接近的管理層是Elira。而 Millie及Enna是她的小助手。除非你想跳過重重的關卡,否則在Slack之中向人們發出訊 息只會被傳來傳去,並同時收到互相矛盾的指示。 No.69825150 https://i.imgur.com/hHAEa1u.png
Assuming this is from the same person. 個人假設這是來自同一個人。 No.69825746 Yes, this was a post I made. 是的,這是我所發出的帖子。 No.69825246 >I know you have been joking about a queue. Well, there effectively is a queue . You can technically leave, but that you open you up for liability, suits, and severance fines. How long is the queue? Is it just for NijiEN or do you have to wait for the JP graduations too? 那個隊列多長?那個隊列是否只限於虹EN,還是連虹JP也包括在內? No.69825746 A liver had to wait close to a year, and another had to wait a little over six months. Beats me. 某個Liver須要等待接近一年,而另一個則等待六個月多。我不知道。 No.69825262 Are you aware of any other communication from up above other than PR people and those you've mentioned already? 你知道除了那些公關人員及已經提及的成員之外,還有其他與高層的溝通方法嗎? No.69825746 Elira is in communications with the main branch as well as NijisanjiEN " managers" that interestingly enough can't really speak english, but I don't know the specifics on who she's in contact with or what that entails. As for the rest of us, we've talked with HR during orientation, the onboarding managers, and the PR managers just recently. Elira會與虹JP及虹EN的經紀人進行溝通,有趣的就他們不會說英語,但是我不知道她與 誰接觸的具體情況,也不知道溝通的具體內容。而其他人如我們,關於方針時會與人事部 溝通,培訓時的經紀人,以及最近的公關經理。 No.69825323 Has there been any communication/fallout from JP management? The fact that the CEO himself made a video bowing and addressing the situation shows that they' re at least a bit concerned about the entire shitshow. Also, just curious on how the whole debacle has affected the newly joined livers like victoria. She seems to be siding with the company, if what you're saying is true. Regardless, it's going to be a massive uphill battle for them. 請問JP的管理層是否有任何溝通及影響?事實上,CEO已經製作了一段鞠躬道歉兼會解決 問題的影片,這表明他們至少對於整個爛攤子有點擔心。 此外,我很好奇這場災難對於新加入的成員如Victoria有什麼影響。如果你說的是真的, 她似乎是站在公司那一邊。無論如何,對於他們來說,這是一場很艱鉅的戰鬥。 No.69826120 The only communication we've gotten was in the form of the tutoring/debriefing from the PR team. Again, Elira, Enna, Millie, and Reimu got further communication, but I don't know what that entailed. Newer members are understandably not intimate with how things work, and might believe most, if not all, of what's been happening is not representative of reality. They might genuinely believe their "family" is infallible, and everything's an elaborate mischaracterization. You cannot overestimate ignorance and preconceived notions. 我們得到的唯一溝通是公關團隊的輔導及解說。 再說一遍,Elira、Enna、Millie及Reimu得到進一步的溝通,但我不知道這意味著什麼。 可以理解的是,新成員對於事情如何運作並不熟悉,他們可能會認為,即使不是全部,現 在發生的大部份事情也不能代表著事實。他們可能真的相信他們的「大家庭」是絕對正確 的,一切都是精心策劃的錯誤描述。你不能夠高估無知及先入為主的觀念。 No.69825589 Are you upset with your fans for defending the company? I'm assuming you don't let them know about your unfortunate situation but are you looking for options outside? Like a real world job, trade, etc? 你對於你的粉絲為公司辯護感到難過嗎?我想你不會讓他們知道你身處於不幸的環境,但 是你會尋求外面的選項嗎?例如現實中的工作,交易等? No.69826120 I am effectively living a double-life. I have emotionally distanced myself enough to not let it affect me too much. Yes, I am actively considering my options and making plans. 實際上我以兩個身份生活著。情感上我會讓自己保持了保夠的距離,不會襲它對我產生太 大的影響。是的,我正在積極地考慮我的選擇並制定計劃中。 No.69825713 I know I'm just an anon, but for your own mental health, it sounds like it's time to lawyer/solicitor up (more than you already have), see how you can mitigate your exposure, and perhaps grit your teeth and set aside some of your rainy day fund to pay out the minimum fine possible. Getting ahead of a potential Selen-esque smear by priming your trusted contacts with social media followings to get a message out and soften your reputational damage wouldn't hurt either, even if you plan on taking a break from streaming for a while. Good luck. 我知道我只是路人,但是為了你的心理健康,聽起來是時候聘請律師(比你現時有的更 多),看看如何降低你的風險,也許可以咬緊牙關,拿出一些應急資金來減少可能的罰 款。 在未來可能出現的Selen式誹謗前,與你信任的聯絡人及社交媒體粉絲建立聯繫,傳達適 當的資訊以減輕你的名譽受損,這不會有什麼壞處,即使你的計劃是暫時停止直播一段 時間。 祝你好運。 No.69826120 This was the first thing I did. Fortunately I have a solid support structure outside the industry, which includes family and real life friends. 這是我已做的第一件事。幸運的事,這行業之外我有很強硬的支持,包括我的家人及真實 朋友。 No.69825527 I do have a couple questions: Have the livers that are still inside the company changed their feelings towards it? For example, have they been talking back against management more often or expressed their disappointment in it? And second, have any of them supported the decisions made by the graduated or terminated livers like Pomu or Selen? 我有幾個問題: 仍然在公司的Livers是否改善了他們對公司的看法? 例如,他們會否更頻密地反駁管理層,或者表達他們對這件事的失望? 其次,他們之中有沒有人支持像Pomu或Selen這樣的Livers一樣決定畢業或解約? No.69826569 Yes, "jokes" about the branch shutting down and going unemployed are something of a regular pastime. They never quite go so far as to attack the company, but they let it slip often. The only "correct" stance to take is to bemoan the damage Selen has done, and how even though her qualms are justified (no one dares to minimize suicide outright), the "dramatubers" and toxic antis blew it out of proportion and mischaracterized the whole ordeal. This is the gestalt. They often qualify how serious and scary suicide is, only to proceed to besmirch and attack Selen's character. Duplicity is a forte of many. 是的,對於分部關閉並失業的「笑話」是他們一種常見的消遣。他們從來沒有攻擊過公 司,但容許她經常錯漏百出。 唯一「正確」的立場是抱怨Selen所作出的傷害,以及儘管她的疑慮是合理的(沒有人敢 完全淡化自殺這件事),那些「Dramatubers」及有毒的黑粉是如何將這件事跨大,並錯 誤地描述整個審判。這就是格式塔。他們經常說自殺是多麼的嚴重及可怕,但是最後卻 玷污及攻擊了Selen的形象。口是心非是很多人的長處。 No.69825643 Question: Why are you feeling so comfortable on sharing so many details? They could easily guess who you are, are you not worried about it? 問題: 為什麼你會那麼舒暢地分享那麼多細節?這樣不會令他們容易猜出你是誰,你不擔心嗎? No.69826569 They cannot afford to action against me, even if they managed to figure out who I am. What I am doing is considerably more benign than what others have done, without so much as getting a suspension. 即使他們設法找到我是誰,他們也負擔不起對我採取行動的成本。我所做出的事情比起其 他人所做出的溫和很多,我甚至沒有被停播。 No.69825711 Are any of the organs openly seething about Doki's success? I'm not asking for names, just if there are any. 有沒有任何人公開地對Doki的成功感到憤怒? 我不是詢問任何名字,只是想知道有沒有。 No.69826569 Yes, predictably. Very much so. 是的,不出所料。有很多。 No.69826190 Last questions from me: have the livers ever talked about the harassment that Zaion got when she was terminated? did anyone of them feel bad about throwing her under the bus? were finana and kotoka encouraged to talk bad about her? 我的最後一個問題:有沒有Livers談論過Zaion被解約時所受到的霸凌?他們有沒有人因 為將她扔下公共汽車而感到難過嗎?Finana及Kotota是否被鼓勵去說她的壞話? No.69826569 Expressing solidarity or coming to the defense of Zaion is verboten in NijisanjiEN. You have to realize what the culture is like. I am sure a lot of us were awestruck she was terminated over such minor infractions, but no one outwardly expressed it. There is only one "correct" opinion. 在虹EN之中,聲援或者為Zaion辯護是完全被禁止的。你必須認知到整個環境是怎樣。我 們很多人都對她因為輕微的違規行為而被解約感到震驚,但是沒有人會表達出來。 這裡只能夠有一個「正確」的意見。 No.69826194 What happened with Scarle's stuff? Did she take it down? Did management make her? Scarle發生什麼事?是她把它取消的嗎?還是營運要求她的嗎? No.69826930 If you are referring to Valentine's, it was most likely miscommunication and time management. If you are referring to the hearted comment, she was technically reprimanded, but no action was taken, and it was not considered to be a major infraction. Management cannot afford to make martyrs out of livers. 如果你是說關於情人節,那很可能是溝通問題或者時間管理問題。 如果你是說留言按心事件,技術上她已受到譴責,但是沒有採取任何實際行動,這並不認 為是重大的違規行為。管理層不能承受更多Livers成為烈士。 No.69826272 Any talks/rumors about planning new attacks on Doki? And (a long shot) on Sayu ? 有沒有任何對Doki進行新攻擊的對話或傳聞?(更長遠來說)或者是Sayu? No.69826930 I suspect they are going to keep fabricating PR initiatives and grassroot stunts. A recently graduated liver expressly agreed to get in touch with influencers and twitter personalities, after all. 我懷疑他們會繼續編造公關行動或是基層的噱頭。畢竟,一個剛畢業的Liver明確地同意 與有影響力的人士及推特名人保持接觸及聯繫。 No.69826380 What happened to the 3D pipeline that keeps it stuck with Obsydia still having nothing a solid year later? Has there been any revolt or any other unpleasant reactions for this long wait? 究竟3D化的進度發生什麼事,Obsydia在一整年之後仍然沒有得到任何東西?對於這漫長 的等待,是否有任何反抗或者不愉快的反應? No.69826930 Just a lot of confusion and disappointment. It's not even a major point of discussion, all things considered. 只是充滿了困惑及失望。綜合來說,這甚至不是討論的重點。 No.69826851 1. Is the clique real? 2. How much influence does Elira really have? 3. Can you provide some insights on the specific reason why some livers left? a. Pomu b. Kyo (like he was allegedly a close friend of Enna, so one would think he was not really antagonized) c. Selen (do you know of any specific case of bullying against her by other talents) 1. Elira幫是真的存在嗎? 2. Elira的影響力到底有多大? 3. 你對於以下Livers離開的具體原因作出一些見解嗎? a. Pomu b. Kyo(他被認為是Enna的親密朋友,所以人們認為他沒有被對立的) c. Selen(你知道她被其他成員霸凌的具體例子嗎?) No.69827054 Yes. A lot. Outsized. Mismanagement. Lack of clear goals. Stagnation. Lack of structure. High-school politics. Miscommunication. Sabotage / ostracization. 1. 真的。 2. 很多,還很大。 3. 管理不善。缺乏明確目標。發展停滯。缺乏結構。高中生的政治。溝通不良。蓄意破 壞或排斥。 No.69827064 Is Eliera the sole liaison between the EN japanese management? Or is there anyone else their with enough clout/trust with the actual management who can match her? Because it sounds to me like she's been selling herself as the perfect subordinate, and since Japan's culture has a heavy focus on willing senpai-kouhia thing, is that how she has the power she does? 那麼Elira是否與虹EN日本管理層之間的唯一聯絡人?或者,在實際的管理層中,還有其 他人可以與Elira一樣有足夠的影響力及信任嗎?因為在我眼中,她一直標榜自己是完美 的下屬,而日本的文化非常注重上下屬的關係,她是怎樣擁有這樣的權力嗎? No.69827064 I know Petra used to help out at first, but she withdrew and just stopped engaging. I don't know what transpired. 以我所知最初是Petra負責的,但之後她就退出並不再參與了。我不知道發生了什麼事。 No.69827230 Could we get a name or hint as to the next graduation is? 我們可以知道下一個畢業成員的名字或者提示嗎? No.69827549 I honestly do not know, because even though there's effectively a queue, the places in that queue are not known to me. 老實說我不知道,因為即使知道實際上有一個隊列,我也不知道隊列之中的位置。 No.69827246 Do you know if the internal investigation finished and if they're going to terminate Elira or the clique or not? 你知道內部調查是否已經完成,他們會否對Elira或者她的小圓圈進行解約嗎? No.69827549 Well, when it comes to us that are only tangentially relevant, the investigation is probably finished. I don't know about the ones directly implicated. 好吧,當涉及到我們一些無關重要的事情時,調查就可能完成了。我不知道那些直接受到 牽連的人會怎樣。 No.69827286 Do people feel Selen overreacted or is there non-discord communication that things were bad 有沒有人認為Selen反應過度,或者一些非Discord的溝通方法表示情況不太好 No.69827549 No one is callous or bold enough to assert that, because suicide is a big deal in this "culture", but many have insinuated that she overreacted or that the dramatubers made it a bigger deal than it is. There are some that even tacitly asserted that what was alleged in the documents does not actually constitute harassment because there was no physical violence employed. Some people are genuinely morally insolvent or solipsistic. 沒有人是冷血無情或者大膽地斷言,因為自殺在這種「文化」中是一件大事,但是很多人 都認為她反應過度,或者那些「Dramatubers」將整件事形容得比實際情況更嚴重。有些 人甚至默認,文件中的指控實際上並不構成霸凌,因為沒有身體上的暴力。 有些人真的道德淪亡或者唯我論。 No.69827314 It's obvious that graduated liver is Kyo, confirmed by Daph's recent attacks against Doki, anons keep coping about Pomu's "solidarity" with Doki but her interactions with not-Nina (who had no problem being friendly with not-Kyo) make believe she's more likely to openly side with Elira than to do it with Doki. 顯而易見畢業的Liver是Kyo,最近39daph針對Doki的攻擊證實了這點,大家一直應對 Pomu與Doki的「團結」,但是她與Nina(她與除了Kyo之外都很友好沒有問題),互動令 人相信她更可能公開地站在Elira那邊,而不是Doki。 No.69827549 Nina was the recipient of very much the same flavor of harassment as Selen, but she very quickly internalized her place in the hierarchy. Selen was independent, ambitious, and honest. This was her gravest sin. Nina曾受到與Selen類似的霸凌事件,但是她很快就內化自己並在等級制度中找到自己的 位置。而Selen個性獨立、雄心勃勃、以及誠實。這是她最嚴重的罪。 No.69828167 I won't be able to provide concrete information that would substantiate my assertions, because I genuinely don't know much when it comes to future events . I keep my interactions to a bare minimum, and have been for a while now. Finally, I don't know how the original LK poster was, but I posit they must have been a liver. I don't think a moderator would be privy to imminent graduations. 我無法提供具體的證據來證實我的斷言,因為我真的不知道未來會發生什麼。我會將我 的互動保持在最低的限度,而且已經進行了一段時間了。 最後,我不知道LK最初那張海報是什麼回事,但是我認為他們一定是Liver,因為我不認 為MOD會知道即將發生的畢業公告。 No.69828127 My assumption is that there would be a complete rebranding and restructuring of NijiEN (Niji Global or something). Terminations and graduations would be baked into the announcement as a 'change in contract' issue and invariable attrition as the company streamlines. (or some other horse shit). Basically, it rips the band aid off for investors and allows Riku to pretend he's in some kind of control whilst also pointing to an optimistic future. This is in the pipeline, isnt it? 我的假設是虹EN(虹全球或者其他)會進行徹底的品牌重塑及架構重組。隨著公司精簡, 會出現以「合約變更」或者人員流失等而原因的解約及畢業公告(或者是其他謊話)。 基本上,對於投資者來說長痛不如短痛,讓田角假裝自己處於某種控制之下,同時也指 向樂觀的未來。 這件事正在醞釀之中,不是嗎? No.9828318 Yes, actually. The PR team spoke of restructuring, new management structure, and an on-boarded psychologist. This is something I expanded on in a previous thread, if I remember correctly. 實際上是的。公關團隊曾提及重組、新的管理架構,以及到職的心理專家。 如果我沒有記錯,這些是我在上一個帖子提及的東西。 No.69828275 Has Selen been "a target" for a while or are efforts against her limited to a few months? 那麼Selen成為「目標」是已經有一段時間,還是只是近期幾個月內針對她的努力? No.69828419 It became noticeable to me early last spring. 從去年春天初,我就開始注意這一點。 No.69829915 Hi leaker-san, considering that you've said elira is like the "manager" of EN, how is the thought process on collabing with vtubers from indies and other companies? (Like holoEN and vshojo etc.) Are you like not allowed or stop collabing with others for the mean time? Just to add does the Hyte Collab cancellation affected the talents that should have been benefited? Thanks 你好,考慮到你說過Elira是類似虹EN的「經紀人」角色,那麼與個人勢或其他企業勢的 Vtubers(如齁EN及V燒酒等)連動的思考過程是怎樣?你會否喜歡不允許或者停止與其他 人進行連動嗎? 只是想補充一下,HYTE的連動取消會否影響成員獲得的利益?謝謝 No.69830171 We don't have the freedom to collaborate with talents of our choosing. We are assigned collaborations. It's in management's purview, exclusively. Yes, it immediately affected three talents negatively. 我們沒有選擇與那些人合作的自由。我們只會是被分配。這完全屬於管理層的職權範圍。 是的,這件事對三位成員即時有負面影響。 No.69830358 Do you feel that there is enough text in Discord that if leaked to the public would doom the branch? 你覺得Discord中擁有的資訊,將其洩漏給大眾眼中,會將這分部毀掉嗎? No.69830505 As of right now, no. If you asked me in January, it would have been a definitive yes. 現在的話,不能。 如果你是一月的時候問我的話,那就十分肯定可以。 No.69830387 So was the one responsible for the Holo collab block early on Elira, or someone else in the upper management? What was the reasoning? 那麼早期禁止與齁連動的誰的指示,Elira還是高級管理層的某人?原因是什麼? No.69830505 I don't know. What I know is the average liver is told to jump, and the only correct response is how high. I don't know how someone like Elira, with her connections and reach, handles things. 我不知道。我所知道的是一個普通的Liver不能夠問問題,只能夠服從。我不知道一個像 Elira這樣有人脈的人,會如何利用她的人脈去處理事情的。 No.69830668 Given that then, you might not be able to (or want to) answer this very dumb question: (you can plead the fifth :)) Who fucked over Pomu's dream? My assumption is Japan management (i lived there for 7 years, i know that 'no' is the automatic reaction to anything that deviates from the manual). It'd genuinely break my heart to find it was EN ' management'. 考慮到這一點,你可能無法(或者想)回答這個非常愚蠢的問題:(你可以拒絕回答) 究竟是誰破壞了Pomu的夢想?我的假設是日本的管理層(我曾經在那裡居住了7年,我知 道任何偏離指引的做法,所得到的結果都是反射性地回答「不」)。如果真的發現是虹EN 「管理層」的話,我真的會心碎。 No.69830907 Miscommunication and covert sabotage. It's as trite as many of you might have already surmised. It has to do with whom the "face" of the branch is supposed to be, coupled with general incompetence. Incidentally, it goes well beyond an MGS promotional initiative. 溝通不良及暗中破壞。 這件事和很多人可能猜到的一樣老套。 這與分部的「代表人物」應該是誰有關,再加上營運一貫的無能。 順帶一說,它遠遠超出了MGS的宣傳計劃。 No.69830844 Leaker-san, do you have any insights on the potential of the embezzlement rratt? Is it possible the "managers" were misusing NijiEN funds? Could any of that be related to Selen having to pay the artists herself even though Niji was supposed to be the ones to pay (according to the artists). Has Luca been punished or reprimanded over the the stuff that was revealed from his ex-mod? 你對挪用公款的可能性有何想法?是否有可能是「經紀人」盜用了虹EN的資金?這是否 可能與Selen不得不自行付費給創作者有關,儘管這應該是由虹EN負責付款的(根據創作 者的說法)。 Luca會否因為向他的前MOD透露資訊而受到懲罰或斥責? No.69831099 I have already commented on this. There is no embezzlement. The closest to that would be the passing comment that misappropriation of funds/assets and trade secret misappropriation would be investigated as part of the internal investigation. No new information came out. 我已經為此發表了評論。 不存在挪用公款的情況。最接近這情況的就是透過評價對挪用資金、資產或商業秘密將會 作為內部調查的一部份進行調查。 沒有新的消息傳出。 嗯,我翻譯這東西是幹什麼…。 --
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