[蔚藍] 優香cosplay甘雨

看板 C_Chat
作者 Gwaewluin (神無月 孝臣)
時間 2023-02-06 20:02:45
留言 0則留言

https://twitter.com/JJJ______SSS/status/1622528547310141440 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FoRcJPxagAQseBa.jpg
除了頭髮以外應該是都有好好再現出來了 本來的頭髮和甘雨的頭髮還是差異太大了 應該除了用假髮外不然無解 -- Deserves death! I daresay he does. Many that live deserve death. And some die that deserve life. Can you give that to them? Then be not too eager to deal out death in the name of justice, fearing for your own safty. Even the wise cannot see all ends. Gandalf to Frodo --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1675684968.A.E90.html
