[Vtub] holoEN神話兩周年 粉絲設計超質感風格視覺

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作者 dogluckyno1 (lucky)
時間 2022-09-14 00:33:26
留言 32則留言 (27推 0噓 5→)

原文標題: 慶祝holoEN神話出道兩周年!粉絲設計5人超質感風格視覺 Gura海報「不夠鯊」? 原文網址:https://game.udn.com/game/story/122089/6607005 遊戲角落 芋仔 VTuber 事務所 hololive production 旗下 holoEN 神話組(Myth)近日迎來出道 2 周 年紀念週,由店長 Kiara 開頭,昨(12)日展開 12 小時紀念實況馬拉松,從《傳話遊 戲》《世紀帝國2決定版》《Rust》《HOLOCURE》、與 ID 組連動《超級雞馬》,與 Ina 、阿梅、Kronii 玩《一起來玩吧!Oink Games》。 同時,店長也公布新的 YouTube 會員徽章(最高等級 RGB 雞),德語副頻道初配信和 Holotalk 脫口秀新計畫,第一支 3D MV《DO U》也將在 9 月 18 日上線,小時候學青蛙 叫自豪的店長也透露將舉行「蛙蛙週」Frog Week,玩一些青蛙相關遊戲還有 Frogiara 模組。 另一方面,粉絲 manyAntHills 為慶祝 Myth 五人組迎來出道 2 周年,特別發揮平面設 計專業個別做出他們的風格海報,完成度與質感堪比官方設計: (影片)https://twitter.com/manyAntHills/status/1569197350307995649 首先是店長 Takanashi Kiara 的海報以鳳凰羽毛為基礎元素,搭配不死鳥永生的「無限 」符號發想: https://i.imgur.com/c5atFUG.jpg
圖/[email protected] | ALT KIARA 1 | #hololive #holomyth #artsofashes #絵ニックス. a more | stripped back vers. 8 feathers. 8 = rotated infinity symbol. Feathers | falling = ref back to the phoenix / bird idea https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FcJL4LHXoAASZNW.jpg
https://twitter.com/manyAntHills/status/1567900224227508225 | ALT KIARA 2 | #hololive #holomyth #artsofashes #絵ニックス. Whole piece is | a reference to Fever Night. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FcJL510XwAI4Q4i.jpg
https://twitter.com/manyAntHills/status/1567900230976258053 DAD Mori Calliope 設計不失死神的死亡、骷髏、肋骨與彼岸花元素,還加入華語文化「 死」的諧音數字「四」,除了羅馬數字與骰子 4 的那面,包括彼岸花的數目、四角菱型 都與 4 脫不了關係: https://i.imgur.com/RX37qNV.jpg
| ALT MORI 1 | #hololive #holomyth #callillust. Calli is a rapper and many of | her outfits tend to touch on streetwear or more modern fashion. I wanted to | play with that idea a bit https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FcEDMRQXwAchUl6.jpg
https://twitter.com/manyAntHills/status/1567541113212354561 | ALT MORI 2 | #hololive #holomyth #callillust. This idea was emphasis on 4 + | spider lilies. The square is actually inspired by Kroni's first stream | background. The square is slightly off kilter. The fact that isn't fully | straight/aligned forces your eyes to it which is dope https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FcEEYJuWAAAeRhZ.jpg
https://twitter.com/manyAntHills/status/1567541120531415042 再來是古神祭司 Ninomae Ina'nis 的風格海報,為強調異世界古老神祇帶來的超自然感 應,透過「連接神域與凡世」的日本神社傳統建築「鳥居」圖示,加入神秘的眼球符號: https://i.imgur.com/fudASta.jpg
| ALT INA 1 | #hololive #holomyth #inART #いなート How i see this vers is a | more direct version of the main design. like, what would it look like if you | give in to the eldritch horror https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FcOPKv1WAAEfRbU.jpg
https://twitter.com/manyAntHills/status/1568255634042228738 | ALT INA 2 | #hololive #holomyth #inART #いなート More subtle vers of main | graphic. More minimal and simple. Uses Ina's crown thing as the focal point | instead of the eyes, making seem more like she is the reason why your | entering the torii gates https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FcOPpitWIAEifB_.jpg
https://twitter.com/manyAntHills/status/1568255640396603395 鯊鯊 Gawr Gura 的風格海報則意外抽離了鯊魚的直接相關元素,設計者加入了月亮,來 襯托亞特蘭提斯神廟石柱的典雅宏偉;紅藍分明的氣泡象徵《Reflect》鯊鯊的殺戮與普 通模式,以及該曲的希臘語歌詞「Εκ λογου αλλο εκβαινει λο γο」(屋漏偏逢連夜雨),水面與三叉戟則代表著鯊鯊的家鄉海洋: https://i.imgur.com/LQTGjdP.jpg
| ALT GURA 1 | #hololive #holommyth #gawrt #gawrgura More focus on Atlantean | feel then the water or reflect https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FcTqmlDWIAMDtyn.jpg
https://twitter.com/manyAntHills/status/1568637311931277313 | ALT GURA 2 | #hololive #holommyth #gawrt #gawrgura Another perspective on | water/reflect. bit more minimal then the main graphic https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FcTrCUeXoAIlL4U.jpg
https://twitter.com/manyAntHills/status/1568637318763880448 最後則是我們的王牌偵探阿梅 Amelia Watson,透過時鐘凸顯出她時間旅行者的身分,重 複出現的懷表則代表著時空跳躍,格狀的線條則構成時空旅行的空間感: https://i.imgur.com/0x64evD.jpg
| ALT AME 1 | #hololive #holommyth #ameliaRT Same idea as main grapahic but | ina different perspective https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FcYi8-8XEAAQsgc.jpg
https://twitter.com/manyAntHills/status/1568980719883386881 | ALT AME 2 | #hololive #holommyth #ameliaRT This piece has many references | and callbacks to my Kronii design. Kronii = Warden of Time. Ame = Gremlin of | time https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FcYjZPdXkAE9Z-6.jpg
https://twitter.com/manyAntHills/status/1568980727374483462 https://uc.udn.com.tw/photo/2022/09/12/0/18580555.jpg
-- 清廉正直射命丸文,世界第一可愛 https://i.imgur.com/XqOptr2.jpg
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1663086827.A.7F5.html

diabolica: 前三位的都很適合畢業放== 09/14 00:34

herbleng: 很帥 09/14 00:35

wayneshih: 阿梅的超級讚 09/14 00:36

storewater: 一樓你他媽 09/14 00:38

YOAOY: 好美! 09/14 00:39

pHyrz: 好帥 09/14 00:39

a5513250: 帥慘了 09/14 00:41

Noir3068: 帥炸 09/14 00:42

ckwing03: 怎麼會有人看這些圖會想到畢業? 09/14 00:43

crossworld: 好猛 09/14 00:44

crossworld: 印衣服直接當潮牌 09/14 00:44

chienhank: 有夠讚 09/14 00:45

greg90326: 推 09/14 00:49

sufate: 太屌了吧 09/14 00:58

Sunming: 店長的也太好看 09/14 01:00

asasas0723: 羽毛那張第一眼看到以為是人像 09/14 01:01

Wusha: 太讚 09/14 01:04

tt1034: 一樓共三小 09/14 01:07

guepard: 好厲害 09/14 01:08

kent00216: 讚 09/14 01:21

CLawrence: 好有藝術感 09/14 01:22

jastin2000: 撰文者的日文是不是不太好啊== 09/14 01:42

marsbabada: 讚欸 09/14 01:58

chairk: 好好看 好潮 09/14 02:01

jeff666: 只覺得很潮 09/14 02:03

SaberTheBest: 心裡想什麼就說出來了 09/14 02:17

turboshen: 好看耶 09/14 02:59

rastsol: 太神了 09/14 04:27

kill78941: 這出衣服或周邊一定買 09/14 05:46

nilr: 推 09/14 07:16

qwe1487738: 好看 09/14 08:56

TonyYo: 帥炸 09/14 08:58
