[情報] Z魔神在蛇蛇春訓基地練球

看板 Baseball
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
時間 2024-05-18 23:14:29
留言 26則留言 (19推 0噓 7→)

https://t.co/FRWTmwFpAm Greinke, who is 40 years old and a free agent, was throwing a live batting pract ice session against Diamondbacks' hitters. He sounds interested in continuing hi s playing career, but he is not sure if he will. He is feeling it out, he said, and the Diamondbacks, one of his former employers, have been allowing him to do so at their facility. Z魔神最近在前東家亞利桑那響尾蛇春訓基地練球 https://i.imgur.com/w1ghrl3.jpeg
“My arm feels decent at the moment,” Greinke said. “I was trying to get as go od as I could at golfing the past two months, and I was like, ‘Why am I trying to be a pro golfer when I’m already kind of a pro baseball player?’ So I figur ed I’d throw a little and see how it goes.” 他覺得目前手臂感覺不錯 並表示過去兩個月,他一直在努力提高高爾夫球技 但他心想 「在我已經是一位職棒選手的情況下 為什麼我還要努力成為一名職業高爾夫選手呢 ?」 https://i.imgur.com/5CYCGdv.jpeg
差21K能達3000k 生涯薪資$315,974,948 --

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1716045272.A.516.html

PlayStation3: 高爾夫觀眾少阿 05/18 23:19

ctes940008: 高爾夫球獎金多到嚇人 05/18 23:20

asdfzx: Curry: 考職業不揪? 05/18 23:20

Idiopathic: +_+也該退了吧 名人堂應該OK的 05/18 23:20

Hemingway: 他40了喔 時間過的真快 05/18 23:21

kenro: 已經老了,真的就退吧 05/18 23:22

Hemingway: 應該想拿3000K的成就吧 05/18 23:23

eee60109: 加油 希望有球隊要 05/18 23:29

n613011: 蛇蛇今年怎麼又崩了... 05/18 23:33

sonichsuan: 3000K加油 05/18 23:33

edhuang: 希望能3000K啊... 05/18 23:34

riripon: 金龍:.... 05/18 23:35

oops7655: 希望3000K 05/18 23:47

bbbruce: 彩虹球衣 05/18 23:48

Tullio: 少一件可以變七彩 05/18 23:51

frog0824: 好希望看他3000K 05/18 23:56

alex2426chen: 21K要拚一定可以 但問題他退化得很嚴重 05/18 23:59

stu25936: 希望健康 05/19 00:00

fa88520: 今年沒約嗎 05/19 00:26

jianshrje: 圖二是2011/6/11比賽的特別球衣,當年有收藏這件 05/19 00:31

jianshrje: https://i.imgur.com/u9W7zn0.jpeg 05/19 00:32

jianshrje: https://i.imgur.com/AUYeZRQ.jpeg 05/19 00:32

joe0504: 收Z魔神道奇40、44球員版球衣(? 05/19 00:33

fjzd1267: 鼓人那張好帥 05/19 01:19

fash5896: 差21K就3000K了,不知道有沒有機會達成 05/19 01:24

jasongo: 發現野生joe大偷徵衣XD 05/19 01:29
