[情報] 金河成:休賽季做很多重訓,想打更多長

看板 Baseball
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
時間 2024-01-20 22:27:37
留言 17則留言 (9推 0噓 8→)

https://t.co/ccIEEESyRI Kim left for Los Angeles in the day to begin his preparation for the new season, before reporting to spring training in Arizona. Last year, Kim left South Korea on Jan. 27. 去年金是1/27前往美國,今年提早到1/20 "I am leaving earlier than usual because I really want to do well this year," Ki m told reporters gathered at Incheon International Airport, just west of Seoul. "I've been working hard this winter, and I think I will be even better this year than the last." 提早出發是因為真的希望今年成績能不錯($$$) "I wanted to increase my slugging percentage last year, but I didn't have the ki nd of number I'd wanted," said Kim, who had slugged at a .383 clip in 2022 and o nly had a .015 increase in 2023. "I've been doing a lot of weight lifting, and I 've bulked up. I should be able to hit for more power this year." 休賽期做很多重訓+增重,想打更多長打 他去年手臂就蠻粗的了 https://i.imgur.com/x6RislI.jpg
The Padres may also choose to give Kim a contract extension and keep him around for a few more years. Some reports have claimed Kim could commend as much as US$ 150 million over seven years. "I don't know if I will get that kind of offer or not, but I am grateful," Kim s aid. "This gives me extra motivation to play well this year." 有媒體說他可以拿到一張七年150M合約 對此金表示: 我不知道我是否能拿得到那樣的報價,但我很感激,這給了我額外的動力,讓我今年能發揮 得更好 "I am so happy to have Woo-suk as my teammate. Having a fellow Korean on the sam e team will help with life on and off the field," Kim said. "I will try to help him as much as I can, starting in spring training. Hopefully, we'll both have a good season." 然後很開心高佑錫來到教士 「很高興能有佑錫作為我的隊友,在同一支球隊有一個同鄉,對場內外都會帶來幫助。」 他繼續說:「我會盡我所能在春訓中幫助他。希望我們兩個都能有一個很好的賽季」 "I am going to catch everything he hits in my direction," Kim said. "I was reall y hoping he would come to my team, but I also want to congratulate him on his de al. At the same time, he's the younger guy, and I think I am supposed to play be tter than Jung-hoo." 對於好朋友李政厚跑去巨人 金:我之後要接殺他所有打到我防區的球 Lim is under investigation for extorting large sums of money from Kim and anothe r MLB player from South Korea, Ryu Hyun-jin, in settlement after alleged alterca tions with the two big leaguers. Kim declined to offer details on the situation, only saying, " clearly stated my case with the authorities, and I hope there will no longer be any more victims. " 對於林惠東的勒索案 金:希望不會再有更多受害者 不打球真的會快速變胖 球員時期 https://i.imgur.com/RTqfFLW.jpg
恐嚇犯時期 https://i.imgur.com/wr8mlm9.jpg
林惠東 1996/9/7(27歲) 2015年二次選秀英雄第8輪第78指名 簽約金6000萬韓元 生涯無一軍出賽記錄 二軍成績 https://i.imgur.com/rbTLhK0.jpg
2016結束就離隊 — https://i.imgur.com/Fafaxvn.jpg

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1705760859.A.D23.html

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