[討論] Evan Gattis 分享2017太空人時期作弊經驗

看板 Baseball
作者 ccpz (OoOoOo)
時間 2023-04-11 09:12:30
留言 42則留言 (23推 7噓 12→)

https://www.twitter.com/BulldogBeing/status/1645319921834885120 I can guarantee I was terrified and probably on a performance enhancing drug both times (有人說 Gattis 2015 只守11場LF,他很幸運看到其中兩場) 你看的那兩場,我應該是吃了PED才上。但還是怕得要死 https://www.twitter.com/BulldogBeing/status/1645339366464671747 Depended on the pitch 2017 季後賽時,球隊根據球種給鼓聲暗號 https://www.twitter.com/BulldogBeing/status/1645340449815556098 Yes. I’m pretty sure. Back door cutter slider. 2017 ALCS 對上洋基 G7 的勝利打點HR,的確是先知道球種了 (補 Box: https://bit.ly/3MwInXq) https://www.twitter.com/BulldogBeing/status/1645490981372829696 I did worse that year than all other years 不確定其他人如何,但我自己在2017作弊次數比其他球季還多 https://www.twitter.com/BulldogBeing/status/1645490831212650508 Dodgers used multiple signs w nobody on base i think 道奇老早就懷疑被偷了,所以即使壘上無人一樣用好幾組暗號 https://www.twitter.com/BulldogBeing/status/1645496200374673408 I think they knew and used multiple signs but it’s been a while. I remember knowing what was coming against kershaw. As a team we swung and missed a handful of times only against him. 大概因為這樣,太空人對 Kershaw 才打不好 https://www.twitter.com/BulldogBeing/status/1645504245179793410 I personally was a proponent of the idea at the time but it definitely rubbed people but the situation was more powerful than any individual like the milgrim experiment at Stanford Gattis 一開始就支持打鼓,雖然球隊中有些人反對,但還是太香了。 這就像米爾格倫實驗一樣有效 https://www.twitter.com/BulldogBeing/status/1645501446220128269 Just got really good at deciphering signs when runners on base. Even from first and third.tipping pitches etc. We were the best team on the planet at everything. 雖然在客場不好打鼓,但我們打者就算在一三壘也可以很快破解暗號 那時期的太空人是地球上最擅長破解的球隊 https://www.twitter.com/BulldogBeing/status/1645499324972036096 I don’t know if there’s any truth to buzzers. If there was Altuve wouldn’t want it anyway. He’s a reactionary hitter 他不知道任何關於 Altuve 蜂鳴器的事情,但他認為 Altuve 是老派球員 應該不會用上這種東西 https://www.twitter.com/BulldogBeing/status/1645498857252622336 Honestly I have no idea. It used to be possible and I researched it. If anyone used them they were smart enough to not tell me 但是蜂鳴器作弊的確是可行的,Gattis 也想過這樣作弊。 假如有人真的用了,那他一定很聰明才不告訴我 https://www.twitter.com/BulldogBeing/status/1645535986586140672 They probably Did. Just rumors but I’ve got no proof. Stories. 球員間也有道奇作弊的傳聞,不過沒證據 https://mobile.twitter.com/BulldogBeing/status/1645534947757760515 I don’t know but the league warned them of something I think 我不知道洋基有沒有作弊,但聯盟應該有警告過他們 --
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1681175563.A.E02.html

kevinduh4: 對啦對啦其他隊也有只是沒被抓 04/11 09:16

polanco: 直接大自爆 04/11 09:19

cocytus39: 連用ped 都直接說了 04/11 09:20

edhuang: 嘻嘻 04/11 09:21

ericisfish: 客場的破解暗號應該是合法的吧,為什麼不都用這種方 04/11 09:22

ericisfish: 式就好?內文不是說有效嗎 04/11 09:22

Elmo: 大作弊時代 04/11 09:22

md01yo30: 2017那句,代表每一季都在作弊做多做少而已嗎? 04/11 09:23

WasJohnWall: ………… 04/11 09:24

pollux945: 兵者,詭道也,人性就是會作弊,何況都是跟錢有關 04/11 09:26

lyk7304: 難怪雷聲大雨點小…真的查下去會拉出一大串 04/11 09:26

Y1999: 破解合法,但你用場外的方式傳遞不合法 04/11 09:28

Blackie9211: 作弊欠噓 04/11 09:28

alpacaHong: 人性是貪婪的,當你一開始破解成功當然會想破解更多 04/11 09:29

Notif520: 破解當然合法 但你用場外的方式電子設備來傳遞就不合法 04/11 09:30

lucian5566: 本斥但香 04/11 09:30

shifa: 米爾格倫實驗都來了 XD 這算合理化嗎? 04/11 09:31

polanco: 太空人應該破解的方式也不合法吧? 04/11 09:32

ShaEric63ck: 終生噓太鼓作弊仔 04/11 09:33

ruffryders: 全面徹查 04/11 09:35

AAaaron: 作弊做成這樣,然後名人堂是聖人堂 04/11 09:36

dhec10701p: 翻的不太好 04/11 09:37

hornet01: 見好就收,再下去就會拉出一大串球隊下不了台 04/11 09:37

zouelephant: 歷史共業 動搖盟本 04/11 09:38

laking: 如果未來太空人有球員入圍名人堂候選應該這個作弊事件也會 04/11 09:41

laking: 影響吧 04/11 09:41

ruffryders: 全部說出來了 04/11 09:41

ashitaark777: 太鼓達人 04/11 09:41

AAaaron: 應該出書賺一筆的 04/11 09:42

Timekeeper: 世界棒球最高殿堂也不過是個作弊聯盟而已 哈哈 04/11 09:44

Herb5566: 這篇翻譯錯太多了 04/11 09:45

ccpz: 應該有修了一些了,不知道還有那邊翻錯呢? 04/11 09:47

yankees733: 阿偷伯蜂鳴器很明顯吧 衣服都凸起了 04/11 09:53

huangjyuan: 洋基冤啊 04/11 10:04

PeterYo: 合法要壘上有人才能破解呀 差很多 04/11 10:26

sfw0199: 作弊的球隊應該不少 但是太鼓達人是還用高科技才嚴重 04/11 10:55

MKAngelheart: 曾經很喜歡你 太讓人失望了 04/11 11:04

soltre: 怎麼感覺是喝醉了還是心情不好 一句話一則推文 04/11 11:13

soltre: 昨天還推了好幾句莫名其妙的文 04/11 11:13

ccpz: 他還有說以前曾經抽過大麻 04/11 11:29

ccpz: https://bit.ly/3GvV2pG 04/11 11:30

charlie01: 吃了誠實豆沙包 04/11 11:33
