[分享] 林家正加入澳職奧克蘭喙頭蜥

看板 Baseball
作者 albert7387 (我的房子好大~~~)
時間 2022-12-08 10:33:03
留言 13則留言 (10推 0噓 3→)

https://tuatarabaseball.com/news/catcher-lyle-lin-added-to-tuatara-roster/ Arizona Diamondbacks catching prospect Lyle Lin has joined the Auckland Tuatara for this weekend’s home series against the Melbourne Aces at North Harbour Stadium. 林家正加入奧克蘭喙頭蜥 喙頭蜥將在本週於自家迎戰來訪的墨爾本隊 The 25-year-old Taiwanese American played as high as AAA in 2022 but had a hand injury that saw him miss some time. 25歲,最高層級到AAA,但手部受傷 Known as a strong defensive catcher, Lin wasn’t able to join the Tuatara at the start of the Australian Baseball League season as he rehabbed his hand. 防守型捕手,但手傷讓他無法開季就加入 Now fully healthy, he figures to be a key component of the team. 康復了!將成為隊上主力戰將 http://i.imgur.com/xcIpe17.jpg
心得 究竟還有多少台灣人會加入奧克蘭呢? 要不要台灣乾脆組一隊? ----- Sent from JPTT on my Samsung SM-A725F. -- 對,我也不知道發生什麼事,已補完 感謝
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (澳大利亞)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1670466790.A.C1A.html

eddy12357: 加油12/08 10:36

charmania: 推一個,但你的英文原文截的怪怪的,後面都不見了12/08 10:47

mschien8295: 經典賽會有他嗎XD12/08 10:50

HOLYXXXX: 明年應該是選秀了12/08 10:56

OPGood: 經典賽不會有吧 他的打擊超爛 武昭關的小聯盟成績都比他好12/08 11:01

NassirLittle: 打擊很弱 不知道守備如何12/08 11:02

Iraq: 他美國待不下去了嗎,還是這季沒啥出賽? 12/08 11:03

notredray: 樓上你可以看內文 手受傷 12/08 11:04

jumpdog5566: 回來當台鋼皇帝 12/08 11:06

a49061854: 今年3A不錯耶 明年MLB啦 12/08 11:34

Iraq: 我以為是季末手受傷所以趕不上奧職開季,難道今年手傷躺整季 12/08 11:40

eee60109: 他大學不是第四棒嗎? 打擊怎麼這麼差 12/08 11:41

a03262831: 鋁棒轉木棒適應不來吧 12/08 12:01
