Re: [分享] 首爾新球場概念圖

看板 Baseball
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
時間 2022-04-17 15:28:12
留言 13則留言 (6推 0噓 7→)

剛剛看到這篇新聞 Seoul considers proposal for domed baseball field 看來還是有可能是蓋巨蛋球場(? 內文提到首爾政府會審視KBO提出的新球場計畫 然後是提巨蛋的樣子 Seoul City announced Friday that it will positively review a proposal for a dome d baseball stadium in Songpa District, southeastern Seoul. The previous day, the Korea Baseball Organization (KBO) made a proposal to the S eoul Metropolitan Government for the construction of a new stadium in the curren t location of Jamsil Baseball Stadium, along with various other facilities for p layers and spectators. 巨蛋更容易拿來申辦WBC/12強等賽事 According to the KBO, if constructed, it will allow games to be played in bad we ather conditions such as rain and heavy wind. The organization also said Korea m ay be able to host various international games there such as the World Baseball Classic (WBC) and the WBSC Premier12. -- 蠶室地段更好吧
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HOLYXXXX: 反04/17 15:30

freedom0116: 觀 04/17 15:31

vt1009: 台灣蓋好巨蛋給棒球賽用還是富邦三連霸開王朝那個比較有04/17 15:31

vt1009: 希望?04/17 15:31

apestage: 大04/17 15:31

cobras638: 巨蛋可以辦法會阿 04/17 15:33

k840620k: 有夠羨慕04/17 15:34

Q00863: 不是有高尺了04/17 15:38

alex2426chen: 高尺那邊當初是硬蓋的 很多東西都不完美 04/17 15:46

alex2426chen: 蠶室那塊以前就是奧運園區 要改建比較可行 04/17 15:47

tananadishow: 高尺大概小巨蛋再大一點的規格而已 04/17 15:56

ntusimmon: KBO關注度下滑 蓋球場會不會被罵? 04/17 16:43

cobras638: 這是第一次首爾政府審視kbo的計劃嗎? 04/17 17:40
