[新聞] 台灣天后戴資穎超人氣!印尼粉絲登BWF

看板 Badminton
作者 iamshana (CANINE力集中在一些重要S)
時間 2022-06-27 07:27:40
留言 8則留言 (7推 0噓 1→)

羽球》台灣天后戴資穎超人氣!印尼粉絲登BWF官網談追星過程 2022/06/27 06:55 戴資穎與印尼粉絲合照。(取自BWF官網) 〔體育中心/綜合報導〕印尼擁有廣大與球迷,且熱情程度更是舉世聞名,史納延紀念體 育館就素有「魔鬼主場」之稱,我國好手周天成、戴資穎此次在印尼公開賽期間也頻頻受 到當地球迷熱烈歡呼,BWF官網昨就專訪一位視小戴為偶像的印尼球迷。 BWF官網昨專訪一位名為Penny的印尼粉絲,她提起羽球之於印尼的重要性如此表示:「羽 球將印尼人團結在一起,看比賽的時候,我覺得所有印尼人都在支持我們的國家,當然我 也喜歡其他國家的選手,但一定會先支持印尼球員。」 Penny喜愛的球員包括印尼退役混雙名將娜希爾(Liliyana Natsir)以及戴資穎,她在印 尼公開賽期間6天都到場,每天都興奮期待可以見到偶像、拿到簽名。 Penny透露,身為死忠羽球迷,完全不會在意在場外等選手等那麼久,她在印尼賽期間就 曾等戴資穎等了40分鐘,「對我們球迷來說,可以獲得偶像的簽名、合照,意義非凡。」 https://sports.ltn.com.tw/news/breakingnews/3972834 https://i.imgur.com/Ejo2d3B.jpg
Tai Tzu Ying with her fans at the Indonesia Open. WORLD BADMINTON DAY: ‘IDOLS INSPIRE US TO WORK HARD’ SUNDAY, JUNE 26, 2022 TEXT BY BWF STAFF Events in Indonesia have acquired a well-earned reputation for fans lavishing their love on players. Long lines of fans patiently waiting to get into the st adium even on opening day are a familiar sight, as are the throngs waiting to catch a glimpse of their favourite stars as they walk off the arena. Fans spend a lot of time and effort in hoping to get an autograph or a selfie with their favourite players. But what explains this unconditional love? “Badminton unites us as Indonesians. When I watch badminton I feel like all o f us Indonesians are supporting the country,” said one such fan, Penny, who h ad waited patiently for her turn to get pictures with two of her favourite pla yers, Liliyana Natsir and Tai Tzu Ying. “Of course I like players of other co untries too, but only after the Indonesian players. “I really love badminton, so I love the athletes and their work ethic. They w ork so hard to win here.” https://i.imgur.com/vVCdMlk.jpg
Badminton fan Penny, who was thrilled to get a glimpse of her favourite player s. Penny, who goes by a single name, was at the Indonesia Open on all six days, a nd has been a long-time follower of the sport. “I’ve been following badminton for a long time now,” she said. “My first m emory of badminton was watching Susi Susanti on TV.” How has badminton made a difference to her life? “I admire Liliyana Natsir. I feel like when I watch her battle hard, it encou rages me to do the same, to do well in life and not surrender when I face diff iculties.” Did she feel waiting for all those hours for a few moments with the players wa s worthwhile? “I don’t mind spending time waiting for the players. I spent 40 minutes for Tai Tzu Ying, but luckily the women’s doubles took some time to come, so I co uld go inside the stadium and watch the action. “For us fans to get a signature, or a picture with the players we idolise, me ans a lot.” --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Badminton/M.1656286062.A.F92.html

xam3000f : 綠衣那位是拿國旗的網友嗎 06/27 08:34

jeancathy : 是的,我自首XD 06/27 12:37

xam3000f : 帥喔!!! 06/27 13:11

xam3000f : 還穿那個in 06/27 13:12

jeancathy : 必須穿那件去加持! 06/27 13:27

ysh : 哈哈!j大是去印尼玩?好熱血喔 06/27 14:58

xam3000f : 好像是當地工作 上次live文有說到同事也一起去 06/27 15:03

windsson : 沙西麗的YT頻道上架印尼賽波利退休側拍,很歡樂 06/27 19:39
