[新聞] BWF再次推遲湯優盃,但丹麥賽照常舉行

看板 Badminton
作者 soria (soria)
時間 2020-09-15 13:07:20
留言 9則留言 (3推 0噓 6→)

The decision comes following the withdrawal of a number of participating teams f rom the TOTAL BWF Thomas and Uber Cup Finals and the European leg of the adjuste d HSBC BWF World Tour. BWF, in collaboration with Badminton Denmark, has for many months been preparing for a safe return to international badminton. This includes going to extreme le ngths to preserve the health and safety of all participants such as implementing a bubble system to create a safe badminton ecosystem. However, in view of the recent COVID-19 related developments around the world, a number of teams and individual players have elected not to travel to Denmark fo r tournaments in Aarhus and Odense; a choice the BWF has to respect and acknowle dge. These are exceptional circumstances we find ourselves in and while a return to i nternational badminton remains a priority for the BWF, the health and safety of the entire badminton community is of utmost importance. Therefore, after lengthy discussions with key stakeholders, commercial partners and participating Member Associations, it has been realised that we are not in a position to deliver the level of competition reasonably expected by fans and al l stakeholders, and as a result have decided that we will not stage this year’s TOTAL BWF Thomas and Uber Cup Finals on the dates 3-11 October 2020. BWF is looking into possible alternative dates to reschedule the World Men’s an d Women’s Team Championships, but on dates not before into 2021. Meanwhile, the DANISA Denmark Open 2020 in Odense, a HSBC BWF World Tour Event, will proceed as originally planned in the BWF Tournament Calendar (13-18 October ). The event will also be used as an opportunity to implement relevant COVID-19 Safety Protocols and Operating Procedures for the planned restart of internation al badminton tournaments. The second tournament scheduled for Odense – the VICTOR Denmark Masters 2020 – slated for 20-25 October has been cancelled as it is no longer feasible to cond uct this additional event. A study into the continued feasibility of the planned Asian leg of the adjusted HSBC BWF World Tour (three HSBC BWF World Tour tournaments hosted in an Asian lo cation) is being conducted and BWF will make further announcements as soon as de tails are clarified. (以下略譯:) BWF與東道主丹麥羽毛球協會進行充分協商並達成協議後,將推遲2020年湯優盃比賽。 此決定是由於一堆國家隊退出湯優盃比賽,加上調整世界巡迴賽後所做。 BWF與丹麥羽毛球協會合作,為羽球重返國際賽事做了許多努力。這包括確保所有參與者的 健康和安全,還有實施安全生態體系的泡泡系統。(譯注:反正就是說雨鞋都很努力就對了 ) 可是有鑑於很多國家隊跟個人球員都不想去丹麥比賽,我們也只好尊重他們的意願。 這些都是我們所處的特殊情況,雖然BWF優先考慮讓羽球重返國際體壇,但整個羽毛球社群 的健康與安全也至關重要。 因此BWF跟贊助商還有各國雨鞋商量後,覺得實在是沒辦法把這次湯優盃辦得符合球迷期待 的合理水準,所以就決定取消了。(譯注:可能是怕湯優盃變成歐洲洲際盃這種笑話) BWF正在尋找其他日期來重新安排湯優盃,但日期不早於2021年。(譯注:應該是會推到奧 運之後) 不過2020的丹麥公開賽還是照常舉行(10/13-18),BWF會趁這次機會弄好安全泡泡。 剩下來的第二場丹麥大師賽就直接取消了。 至於接下來今年會不會在亞洲辦一次公開賽,還要再進一步研究。 網址: https://bwfbadminton.com/news-single/2020/09/15/tuc-2020-postponed-denmark-open- to-proceed/?fbclid=IwAR3Ht6RzMUzh4wWK3EmboW0ocEZO6IO95o56ycpkNltaEpHVTMNy7v1J__Y --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Badminton/M.1600146442.A.0CD.html

nairod : 偉哉雨鞋哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 09/15 13:49

PYHsieh : 台灣率先退賽.根本就是超前佈署XXXXXX 09/15 13:54

apeiwolf : 看到boe在ig美送發文 XD 09/15 14:51

soria : 都是亞洲人的錯 09/16 20:31

soria : https://tinyurl.com/yxp8q5pf 09/16 20:32

lovingyou : 丹麥媒體根本像長不大的小孩~沒奧運積分沒排名連錢 09/17 01:44

lovingyou : 都賺的比歐洲選手辛苦~還要冒被感染風險~不想打不是 09/17 01:45

lovingyou : 正常的嗎??準備得很辛苦別人就要拿職業生涯去賭喔?? 09/17 01:46

lovingyou : 要人去打~拿出足夠的誘因啊~抱怨啥~ 09/17 01:47
