An overview of the season’s performances of the top eight women’s singles play
ers who qualified to the HSBC BWF World Tour Finals 2019.
1.Chen Yu Fei (China)
It was a near-perfect season for the Chinese. She finished with six titles, winn
ing all her finals. At the start of the year she won the prestigious All England
, beating Tai Tzu Ying – her first victory over her nemesis in 12 matches until
then. She went on to capture titles in Switzerland, Australia, Thailand, China
and Hong Kong. Quite impressively, in her 15 tournaments, her ‘lowest’ perform
ance was a quarterfinal, in Korea. At all other events, she reached at least the
semifinals. Consistency personified.
2.Ratchanok Intanon (Thailand)
The Thai had a year that was typical of her – a few peaks with no substantial l
ows, but not really different from past seasons. She might rue the four finals s
he lost – in Germany, Thailand, Korea and Hong Kong, as also the World Champion
ships semifinals in which she had her chances before being outlasted by Nozomi O
kuhara. But victories at the Malaysia Masters and the India Open did give her so
mething to cherish.
3.Akane Yamaguchi (Japan)
At one point it seemed Yamaguchi was going to be the star of the year. Two wins
in two weeks – Indonesia and Japan – were significant, but then she fell to fo
ur straight first round losses due to a hip problem sustained just before the Wo
rld Championships. Yamaguchi didn’t take a break and continued to soldier on. S
he made progress at the end of the year, with semifinals at the French Open, Hon
g Kong Open and Korea Masters.
4.Nozomi Okuhara (Japan)
Okuhara made as many as six finals, but each time she finished second-best. The
most bitter of those finals was at the World Championships, when she was demolis
hed 21-7 21-7 by familiar rival Pusarla V Sindhu. The Japanese, though, can take
solace in her consistency, as also her recovery from fitness issues that had tr
oubled her in the past. Always the dogged fighter, Okuhara will hope to peak aga
in in Guangzhou – she had finished runner-up at the last edition.
5.Tai Tzu Ying (Chinese Taipei)
After two sparkling seasons in 2017 and 2018, it was a rather uneven year for th
e Chinese Taipei star. She was her best in patches – winning back-to-back title
s in Malaysia and Singapore, for instance, but then wavering mid-season before c
apturing her next title in October in Denmark. Fitness worries appeared to dog h
er throughout, and she wasn’t quite in command as she was previously.
6.He Bing Jiao (China)
Broke a long title drought of three years by winning the Korea Open. The other h
ighlights were a semifinal at the Indonesia Masters and runner-up places at the
India Open and the Badminton Asia Championships. Those performances apart, He Bi
ng Jiao didn’t have much to write home about.
7.Busanan Ongbamrungphan (Thailand)
Made it to the top eight at the last qualifying tournament, the Gwangju Korea Ma
sters. Ongbamrungphan had a bright start to the year, with a final at the Thaila
nd Masters. While she didn’t have any spectacular performances through the seas
on, she was fairly consistent – reaching seven quarterfinals, mostly at top-tie
r events. Having qualified to her first season finale, Ongbamrungphan will sense
her chance at coming out of the shadows of her more accomplished peers.
8.Pusarla V Sindhu (India)
It was a memorable year for the Indian, even though, in terms of number of tourn
ament wins, she had a sole triumph. Still, it was the one that had eluded her in
two previous finals – the World Championships. Following that memorable victor
y in Basel, Pusarla’s had a forgettable time, with her best being a quarterfina
l at the French Open. As defending champion in Guangzhou, there is plenty at sta
ke for the Indian.
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Badminton/M.1575360886.A.577.html
推 Rx770 : 噗哧XDD 12/03 16:26
推 terry850324 : 辛度就是猛 12/03 16:30
→ fhsgh2001 : 辛度:唉,有人懂經濟學嗎?XDDDD 12/03 16:30
推 terry850324 : 他至少活用了機會成本 12/03 16:32
推 adamsuit : 大帝跟網美的譯注都寫的很中肯 12/03 16:32
推 adamsuit : 網美公開賽最好成績其實是印尼1000賽亞軍 該不會連B 12/03 16:35
→ adamsuit : WF都忘了吧XD 12/03 16:35
推 Rx770 : 有可能XDDDD 12/03 16:36
→ Rx770 : https://youtu.be/tiOqaPa8yNI 12/03 16:36
→ Rx770 : 今天小拉打東宗的最後一球 12/03 16:36
→ Rx770 : 請轉到1小時01分50秒 12/03 16:37
推 Rx770 : 邊劈腿邊滑跪 12/03 16:38
→ Rx770 : 好久沒看到小拉穿褲裝 12/03 16:39
→ fhsgh2001 : 印象中東宗筋很軟的,但這球感覺不是自主性劈腿。 12/03 16:40
推 Rx770 : 被動性劈腿 12/03 16:41
→ fhsgh2001 : 希望無礙阿.... 12/03 16:44
推 Rx770 : 是說她穿哪家鞋子XD 12/03 16:45
推 plzsmile : 小茜的背傷怎麼又變臀部啊 XD 12/03 16:50
推 iamshana : 何冰嬌乏善可陳XD 12/03 16:53
→ fhsgh2001 : 再看一次真的是“腳滑”..... 12/03 16:53
→ fhsgh2001 : 小茜傳聞從背傷腰傷到腳傷....呃。(下回咀嚼肌拉 12/03 16:54
→ fhsgh2001 : 傷會不會?誤) 12/03 16:54
推 iamshana : BWF寫說辛度世錦賽後的表現不好 所以跟印尼無關吧 12/03 16:54
推 plzsmile : 她之前是背傷好了 後來小腿拉傷 但小腿現在也好了 12/03 16:55
推 Rx770 : 心若倦了,淚也乾了 12/03 17:12
→ calculus9 : 全年八強叫參差不齊 搖搖欲墜XD 12/03 17:56
推 iamshana : 然後布桑南只有七站打入八強叫穩定性相當夠... 12/03 18:09
→ soria : 如果要我寫布桑南 我實在是寫不出來 只能沒話找話 12/03 18:33
→ soria : 我覺得這篇的寫作策略大概就是這樣 12/03 18:35
→ soria : 然後這篇作者是每個女單都要酸一把的感覺 12/03 18:36
推 iamshana : 大帝感覺沒有酸? 12/03 18:38
推 ysh : 參差不齊,搖搖欲墜我也是醉了@@ 12/03 18:46
推 berserkman : 奧原那段最後一句超酸 XD 12/03 18:54
推 adamsuit : 對大帝頂多所酸了個「打了12次才贏了這麼一次」 12/03 18:58
→ es05440011 : 網鎂才是搖搖欲墜吧 哦不對 鋅度幫她拿了世錦(? 12/03 19:23
推 akira666 : 說搖搖欲墜 讓其他人怎麼活QQ 12/03 19:25
推 tommy770726 : 這作者是中國的嗎?大帝拿了一個S1000 and S750 12/03 20:05
→ tommy770726 : 剩下來四個都小比賽 這叫完美? 12/03 20:05
推 tommy770726 : 贏小戴一次後又一直輸到現在 12/03 20:08
→ soria : 不是欸 是印度人 12/03 20:08
→ soria : 這系列都是DEV SUKUMAR寫的 男單部分剛剛也出了 12/03 20:10
推 iamshana : 大帝還有蘇杯全勝跟世錦獎牌呀 12/03 20:11
→ soria : 男單那篇我看完了 只是還沒翻 奇怪的是目前只有這 12/03 20:11
推 tommy770726 : 這位人兄真愛大帝 12/03 20:11
→ soria : 篇攻擊性很強 12/03 20:11
→ soria : 我想可能投票投好了吧 女子最佳選手大概是她了 12/03 20:16
推 adamsuit : 去年的廣州前瞻文 作者也大力讚賞陳的表現 12/03 20:25
推 ktbecky : 我也覺得今年可能是雨菲QQ 12/03 20:39
推 plzsmile : 年終賽頭號種子+年度最佳女球員 就差個年終賽冠軍了 12/03 20:45
→ plzsmile : 登基之路已經鋪好了 大帝大帝得第一 12/03 20:45
推 lifehi : 雨菲今年拿的話,就更不解爲何前2年不是小戴(嘆 12/03 21:04
推 boyinfish : 小戴中段有搖搖欲墜嗎?!不太認同這說法 12/03 21:42
推 Rx770 : https://tinyurl.com/rmkwbx6 女單八影片 12/03 21:50
→ Rx770 : 如果照前兩年的標準來看就是沒那麼好啦(小戴) 12/03 21:50
推 iamshana : 但是小戴今年不像去年有一二輪遊耶 12/03 21:53
推 Rx770 : 人是印象的動物 12/03 21:55
推 kelly51633 : https://youtu.be/mg4W8O-V8_4 小戴前導 12/03 21:55
→ fhsgh2001 : bwf會說我們是根據當年選,之前是之前阿。XDD 12/03 22:10
推 mayday218 : 參差不齊搖搖欲墜? 12/03 22:17
→ fhsgh2001 : 真的。有空沒事可以回頭看看影片,會發現很多錯覺。 12/03 22:28
→ fhsgh2001 : XD 12/03 22:28
推 fruit1231 : 投票不就是100個記者在投 人最多的是中國 第二多的 12/03 22:52
→ fruit1231 : 是印尼 12/03 22:52
推 iamshana : 如果最多是中國 那最佳男生怎麼不是鄭思維... 12/03 23:03
→ iamshana : 去年 12/03 23:03
→ fhsgh2001 : 因為女生已經是中國的了。(猜 12/03 23:15
推 plzsmile : 兩個都中國 難免被人說嘴 只好給小黃人囉 12/03 23:18
推 Rx770 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvVyj0dyjIU 12/03 23:33
→ Rx770 : ↑渡邊/東野飯可以看一下日本節目的介紹報導 12/03 23:33
推 angelsinging: 今年文珊沒進年終賽真的可惜 12/04 01:21
推 seawarm : 好喜歡東野阿 可惜聽不懂日文 12/04 13:14
推 dreamplant : 希望阿穎可以跟小布嬌嬌同組,另一個名額就隨緣吧XD 12/04 15:35
推 iamshana : 第5第6沒辦法同組吧... 12/04 15:40
推 plzsmile : 只有1.2不能同組 3.4不能同組 其他沒限制啊 12/04 15:41
推 iamshana : 喔喔 好的 那我搞錯了 12/04 15:48
推 iamshana : 咦 可是還是不能同時布戴嬌一組呀 12/04 15:50
推 plzsmile : 對啊 XD 每組都要有兩名種子 12/04 15:52
→ plzsmile : 反正大魔王鋅度又不在前四 當高種子也沒啥意義 12/04 15:52
推 mx7079622 : 希望陳雨菲會跟今年打贏過她的鋅茜嬌同組XD 12/04 16:02
→ fhsgh2001 : 布袋蕉...感覺很大根。XD 12/04 16:03
→ fhsgh2001 : 辛度、小茜、阿嬌,第一個還在神遊,後兩個傷勢復 12/04 16:05
→ fhsgh2001 : 原到底還是個謎。 12/04 16:05
推 plzsmile : 鋅度應該不用懷疑吧 去年年終前她也是在神遊啊 12/04 16:08
→ fhsgh2001 : 我懷疑的點是,這次年終她真的會認真嗎?XDDD(總 12/04 16:37
→ fhsgh2001 : 覺得她會繼續...) 12/04 16:37
推 adamsuit : 不准你質疑網美想賺錢的積極心態 12/04 16:40
推 f9999 : 贏球都是假的, 賺錢才是真的 12/04 16:47
推 tommy770726 : T台走秀步 聳肩單手叉腰打完年終 12/04 18:33
推 fp737 : 鑫鍍 , 休到奧運再開工 12/04 20:06
推 iamshana : 每年開工一個禮拜 12/04 20:22
推 wulaw5566 : 鋅度超有效率 12/04 22:40
推 fruit1231 : 今年一樣廣州那個場地,對辛度還是很有利阿 12/04 23:16
推 ashin1069 : 鋅度:我已經是羽壇女子人生勝利組 網友管太寬 (X 12/05 12:10
推 akira666 : 結果雨菲練入選都沒入選..小戴倒有@@ 12/05 12:50
→ akira666 : *連 12/05 12:50
推 plzsmile : 年度最佳女提名 小戴 雅瓊 福廣 陳賈 竟然沒雨菲? 12/05 12:57
→ plzsmile : ? 而且有小戴?? 12/05 12:57
→ plzsmile : 雖然小戴應該也是陪榜… 但沒雨菲真的好怪… 12/05 12:58
推 akira666 : 雨菲真沒愛(誤 12/05 13:01
推 twpeiling : 奇妙的名單 12/05 13:10
→ fhsgh2001 : 男生有嗎? 12/05 13:13
推 dreamplant : 推大帝跟辛茜嬌同組(壞心) XD 12/05 13:14
推 plzsmile : https://reurl.cc/jdOpvq 完整提名名單 12/05 13:16
→ fhsgh2001 : 謝謝。男生有山萬耶。 12/05 13:17
推 plzsmile : 連三次都陪榜也是滿討人厭的 XD 12/05 13:19
→ fhsgh2001 : 這次陪榜被質疑到不行。 12/05 13:23
→ fhsgh2001 : 17、18年最佳時,一個被大媽拿一個被夜市老闆娘拿, 12/05 13:25
→ fhsgh2001 : 現在兩個一起來是.... 12/05 13:25
推 vins : 東宗竟然有參加東南運動會的女單項目,還贏了首圈 12/05 13:45
→ vins : 還以為會受傷棄權了 12/05 13:46
→ ji394xu3 : 這篇內容我大概只能打60分,有些選手的評價寫的很爛 12/06 13:17