[新聞] 李宗偉:想和林丹再戰一場 這一站我就先

看板 Badminton
作者 iamshana (CANINE力集中在一些重要S)
時間 2019-06-13 17:38:46
留言 36則留言 (32推 0噓 4→)

李宗偉:想和林丹再戰一場 這一站我就先下車了 2019.06.13 17:17:53新浪體育 北京時間6月13日,馬來西亞羽毛球名將李宗偉召開新聞發佈會,宣佈結束長達19年的運 動生涯,正式退出羽壇。李宗偉也在微博中寫下了他的心聲,他表示:我想和林丹再戰一 場,同時他也透露,退役後會首先帶老婆去度蜜月。 https://i.imgur.com/J6b8tRI.jpg
大家好,我是李宗偉,幾經掙扎我最終選擇了掛拍,為我近20年在馬來西亞國家隊的羽毛 球職業生涯,畫上句點。 很抱歉讓球迷們失望了,如果情況允許,我也想第五次站在奧運的賽場上,實現奧運金牌 夢,如果身體可以我也想承載著國人的寄望,披著國旗繼續前進,如果可以我想和林丹再 戰一場,如果可以.... 但,人生沒有如果。 放下球拍這不是容易的決定,心裡頭滿滿的不捨,但決定了就好了。感謝教練、隊友、羽 總全體員工、物理治療師、所有喜歡我的愛我的支持我的、看過我打球的、曾給我留言的 朋友,謝謝你們,這一路上因為有你們,我才能是我。 很多朋友問我之後什麼打算?除了好好休息,還有好多事情等著我去做,其中包括實現承 諾,帶我的老婆去度蜜月,結婚到現在講到現在,終於有時間可以去做了,哈,有什麼好 地方推薦嗎? 各位朋友,這一站我就先下車了,希望帶著你們的祝福,繼續前往下一段更精彩的人生路 。 To all my family friends and fans。 To everyone of you who have been a part of my life, thank you。 A real big sincere thank you。 Months ago, all of you knew I had cancer。 I fought it。 And I thought I foug ht it well。 I thought I could try one more time。 I am just someone who love to play badminton。 Someone who love my country。 I feared of retiring with regrets。 I was scared of not delivering that elusive Olympic gold for Malaysia。 So when I was cleared of cancer, I took up my ra cquet and trained once again。 After few days of light training, I wanted to get clearanyce from my doctor t o heighten my training intensity, then i was dealt a major blow。 From that s can, doctor shook his head and said i might face the risk of recurrence if I continue to train。 Mew Choo crumbled crying。 She feared i might be stubborn and continue to pursue my dream。 I was at loss。 I thought 「How am I supposed to hang up my racket after nearl y twenty years of competitive badminton?, 「 How about my Olympic dreams?」 At home, i kept myself occupied with my two sons, Kingston and Terrence。 I bathed them, I fed them, I taught them badminton。 I spent time with them。 Most importantly, I really watched them grew up。 Then it struck me to finally make up my mind。 I shouldn’t be so selfish。 I have played for myself, I have played for my country。 This time, I want to play the role of a father, for long long time。 I want to see them grow up to be proper men, to get married, to have kids。 I want to take care of my wif e when she is old too。 So Yes, I have made my decision to quit。 I’m sorry that I couldn’t make it to Tokyo this time around。 And I’m sorry I didn’t deliver an Olympic gold 。 But I know I’ve no regrets as I’ve tried my best。 My very best。 I hope my name Lee Chong Wei has inspired you all one way or another, same li ke the way you guys inspired me。 Without my family, my teammates, my coache s, and my supporters, I won’t achieve anything。 To my fellow badminton players like the Lin Dans, the Taufiks, the Peter Gad es, and Hyun ills。 Yup, my time is up。 Thank you for the great battles we had。 As amazing as it is, i think our era should be coming to an end now。 M omota, Victor, Yuqi and Zi Jia, do hold the fort well。 Make the world real ise badminton is the best sport on earth。 To fellow Malaysian shuttlers, don’t give up the dream。 Please remember the re are actually thousands of Malaysians praying for your success。 Train harde r everyday。 Always beat yesterday’s training records。 Also, a sportsman li fe is short。 Don’t end with regrets。 There is actually a young 5 years old Ali, Muthu or Ah Meng idolising you, making you their Malaysian superhero。 Don’t disappoint them。 Play for the flag, play for Negaraku。 I had no regrets。 When i started playing badminton, all I wanted to do is to represent Malaysia。 And I believed I did it with pride and honour。 Well。 I’m done。 Thank you very much to all of you。 Lee Chong Wei signing o ut。 https://sports.sina.cn/others/badmin/2019-06-13/detail-ihvhiqay5445988.d.html? from=wap --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Badminton/M.1560418728.A.47D.html

lin07646 : 謝謝你! 06/13 18:21

berserkman : 宗偉哥好好享受人生吧 06/13 19:02

lovejoypeace: 很不捨,但是還是祝福李宗偉,謝謝你QQ 06/13 19:20

freeasa : 謝謝宗偉哥帶給我們這麼好的回憶 06/13 19:40

refgdata : 我先上車了 06/13 20:12

piapiachou : 拿督,好好享受您的人生,謝謝您! 06/13 21:08

pareto : 感謝宗偉,羽球運動有你出現變的更豐富! 06/13 21:08

z78945 : 謝謝你的付出 06/13 21:23

BuildMan : 偉大 06/13 22:17

AEROFIRST : 看完這段英文快哭出來了,既感動又虐心 06/13 22:27

dwyanelin : 哇靠真的是餔哩呀感動 06/13 22:50

bejou : 有洋蔥~~~~ 06/13 23:28

yjo494t86 : 祝福宗偉接下來的人生,身體健康比一切重要 06/13 23:28

yjo494t86 : 滿滿的洋蔥啊QQQQQQ 06/13 23:29

Kershaw0817 : 我愛拿督 06/14 00:38

temmm : 看了中文已經含淚 看完英文真的大哭 06/14 00:45

Rx770 : 他還說sorry i didn't delivery an Olympic gold. 06/14 01:10

Rx770 : 不需要抱歉啊..... 06/14 01:10

fish24685 : 我永遠的偶像 淚推......... 06/14 03:42

b98901056 : 一代傳奇 ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ 06/14 04:30

wqcftgv : 拿督嗚嗚 06/14 07:16

Ice826 : 我先上車了 06/14 08:46

windsson : 洋蔥 06/14 09:32

harrynew753 : 眼眶含淚Q_Q 06/14 09:53

dotamon : 傳奇 06/14 10:58

lyt806 : 英文那段意圖使人大哭QQ 06/14 12:10

jhunfong : QQ 06/14 12:35

Illusionist : 希望他像陶菲那樣快樂的過家庭生活跟人生 06/14 13:08

Illusionist : 他應該還是會一直參加YONEX 傳說天王的活動吧 06/14 13:09

Illusionist : 那時候應該還是能看他打表演賽的 那種應該沒壓力 06/14 13:09

mindy87511 : 真的看完英文版後眼眶含淚啊!!! 06/14 20:51

hang520 : 謝謝拿督,有一種精神叫李宗偉! 06/14 23:46

internet919 : 謝謝拿督!可以好好休息了 06/15 11:19

stupid1211 : 尊敬!! 06/15 13:30

hongbin : 感謝你帶給我美好的羽球回憶 06/16 12:38

etowl : 謝謝你 06/19 06:43
