[新聞] ESPN:馬琳膝傷點出羽球強度與賽程過密問題

看板 Badminton
作者 Rx770 (路摸思)
時間 2019-01-29 20:05:28
留言 71則留言 (26推 0噓 45→)

看到麥經理臉書轉的 澳洲 ESPN 網站專文 https://tinyurl.com/yaq7auqk 不過這個作者 Jonathan Selvaraj 應該是印度人 也有提到小戴 還有女單這幾位領頭的(除小茜)都已23歲以上算資深天才少女了... 傷病在羽球女單運動生涯後期會是個問題 以下是我不負責翻個意思的 非逐字譯文 有錯請指正 「馬琳的膝傷點出羽球運動的高強度與過度密集賽程所要付出的代價」 Carolina Marin's knee injury highlights cost of high-intensity badminton, packed schedule 作者:Jonathan Selvaraj / ESPN 跟賽娜對上的選手前後傷了五個(文中細數了一下)(原來她才是真正的殺手.....XD) 這是個巧合但是卻顯示出這項運動有多容易受傷 As Carolina Marin grasped her stricken right knee and grimaced in pain, Saina Nehwal crossed the net with a look of concern. It wasn't for the first time that Saina had walked over to an opponent who had withdrawn due to an injury sustained during a match. In her international career, Saina has found herself in that situation on five separate occasions - against Yip Pui Yin 葉 姵延 in the third round of the 2011 World Championships, Wang Xin汪鑫 in the bronze medal match of the London Olympics, Wang Yihan 王儀涵 in the semifinals of the 2012 Denmark Super Series and Nozomi Okuhara 奧原希望 in the quarterfinals of the 2013 Malaysia Open. While Saina's presence can be marked down to a coincidence, what's not so much of a surprise is the fact that injuries are an increasingly frequent occurrence on the badminton circuit. 女單世界裡沒傷過的選手很少,小戴在統治了兩年之後於去年香港賽/年終賽傷退 戴資穎在年初的馬來500賽上也看起來不舒服,印尼500沒參加 In the current women's circuit, only a handful of players are yet to take time off the game to recuperate. After dominating the circuit for most of the past two years, World no.1 Tai Tzu Ying withdrew from the Hong Kong Open with a wrist injury in November last year. She subsequently withdrew in the middle of a game during the season-ending World Tour Finals. Tai looked uncomfortable at the Malaysia Open, where she lost in the quarterfinals a couple of weeks ago before pulling out of the Indonesia Open. Knee issues 女單選手們與她們的膝蓋問題 物理治療師/運動科學家 Nikhil Latey 表示:在這項運動中最常見的運動傷害就是膝傷 ,因為極度要求敏捷性、高速改變方向,幾乎所有的關節都承受很大的壓力,特別是膝蓋 。 While Tai's wrist is bothering her, Saina's shin has been causing her trouble. Historically the knee joint has almost always been the first to give way. "That's the most common injury in badminton. It's a sport that makes huge demands by way of agility. It's not just about explosiveness in one line but about changing direction at a very high pace. Nearly every joint is under a lot of stress but perhaps knee joint under the most," says Dr. Nikhil Latey, physiotherapist and sports scientist. Latey helped treat Saina while she recovered from her own knee injury, a fracture and patellar tendon impingement in her right knee that she aggravated at the Rio Olympics. But the Indian is far from the only one on the circuit who is playing with that dodgy joint. 雪姨花了兩年才從十字韌帶受傷中歸來,雪姨在里約沒能打到的銅牌戰對手奧原也受膝蓋 半月板傷勢所苦,2017世錦奪冠後不久奧原因此傷不得不退賽休養。小拉(因達農)亦因 膝傷原因在2017年初的兩個月無法比賽,她還說過很擔心復發。王琳同樣是膝蓋問題GG退 休的。而2012倫敦奧運會,對上賽娜的中國隊汪鑫因膝蓋炸裂(誇飾)將銅牌送給了對手 。 Li Xuerui, the 2012 Olympic gold medallist, only returned to the court last year after rupturing her ACL and tearing her lateral meniscus over two years ago in the semifinals of the 2016 Rio Olympics. Xuerui gave a walkover to Japan's Nozomi Okuhara in the bronze medal match, who in turn has been dealing with her own knee ailment. Two months after winning the 2017 World Title, Okuhara had to withdraw from competition after a buildup of fluid in her knee. Another world champion - Thailand's Ratchanok Intanon, was out of action for the first two months of 2017 owing to trouble with her knee and has said she's always fearful of a relapse. All this isn't an entirely recent phenomenon - former World no.1 from China, Wang Lin's career ended with a knee injury as she bid to qualify for the 2012 Olympics, while the same tournament saw Wang Xin concede the bronze medal to Saina after suffering a knee blowout in the third-place match. At risk: Older, high intensity players  高危險群:年紀大的、比賽強度高的選手 比較容易受傷的當然是那些死也要在場上跑(大量移動)、比賽強度非常高的女選手,這 種戰鬥就是一種互相傷害、至傷方休。(好吧這邊大家可以看原文) Latey reckons certain types of players are more susceptible to injuries. "The girls who pick up injuries more often than not are not just those whose game is more aggressive but based on how much they move around the court. What makes things harder is that these girls aren't going to sit back and take things easy. They won't just turn up for a tournament and not be intense. They are going to go in full steam. They are going to keep going hard until it's too late," he says. 不過當然年紀也有影響,Top 10裡最老的是28歲的賽娜,那些沒受過傷的當然都是還年輕 的,但不論怎樣出來混總是要傷的。那些已來到生涯巔峰後期的23-24歲的選手特別容易 受傷(馬琳25、小戴24、小拉和奧原23,李雪芮受傷那年也是25歲)。在這之前或許你還 可以勉強身體進行這麼高強度的運動而不傷,但最後年紀和傷病就會找上你。 But not all players with a high-paced game will pick up injuries. The oldest player in the top ten is Saina, who's 28 and has the injuries to show for it. It isn't much of a surprise that the players who have so far managed to remain unscathed are amongst the youngest on the circuit. But the damage eventually adds up. "A lot of these players who are picking up injuries are now 23-24 (Marin is 25, Intanon and Okuhara both 23, Tai 24, Xuerui was 25 when she picked up her injury). They are coming to the end of their prime playing years. You can put your body under a lot of stress and get away with it but not anymore," says Latey. Beyond that age, the body starts to break down more often than not. (競技)羽球運動已經對於人類的每塊肌肉和肌腱都會造成壓力/損傷,然後現在賽程還 比往年更密集。以前是一年12個比賽裡選擇參加10個比賽,2018年之後一年要參加12個, 其中還有兩個月幾乎是休息的,也就是10個月裡面要打12站比賽,等於幾乎一定要背靠背 (連續兩週)參賽。 To a sport that by its intensive nature already puts a strain on every human muscle and tendon, players are now expected to play more than ever. When the BWF in 2018 required players to compete in a minimum of 12 World Tour events (up from the 10 they had been expected to do so a year before) many players complained openly. "The schedule is too hectic. We are only human," Saina had said at the India Open last year. "The workload has definitely gone up. Until two years ago, the players had 12 superseries in a year, of which they would play 10. It's become more of an issue since the players are now expected to compete in 12 tournaments. And that's with two months in which they aren't really playing. So it's 10 months in which they are playing back-to-back tournaments," says Latey. 選手自己要懂得取捨。當你過了24歲,你得開始冷卻下來,硬著頭皮決定你的重點要放在 哪些比賽上。比賽勝負不再是靠運動天賦而是看你的身體狀況。(上面幾段主要都是那個 物理治療師博士說的) "Players will have to prioritise what tournaments they play in. "Once you are past 24, you start to come off the boil. You have to bite the bullet and decide which tournament you have to focus on. You aren't just getting by on talent but by your conditioning," he says. Returning to fitness 傷癒歸來 選手們也了解這點。奧原希望在印尼賽一輪遊輸球後說她在全英前不要再比任何比賽了。 她現在身體OK沒事,但她說自己還沒從之前比賽的疲累中復原,她想先將重心放在休息上 。當然啦,萬一你一旦受傷了那你就只能聽從自然的安排了。每個人的每個傷勢都不一樣 ,賽娜在2016手術後花了兩個月重新站上球場(只是站上去XDD),李雪芮則花了兩年才 重拾競技狀態。 Players understand this too. After her latest loss at the Indonesia Open, Japan's Okuhara mentioned she was not playing any tournament until the All England. "I don't have any injury but I have not recovered enough from the previous tournaments. So I want to focus on resting before I play again," she said after her first round exit in Indonesia. Of course, once the injury occurs, there's no option but to let nature take its own course. Every injury isn't the same and while it took two months following surgery for Saina to even step out on the court in 2016, it took Xuerui two years to return to competitive action. 比賽時的球評說馬琳的傷估計需要好多個月才能恢復,賽娜表示:「那只能看天意啦。有 些人很快就能復原但我用了很長的時間才從手術中復原並修正我的移動。在我打奧運時我 也受了膝傷,當時哭得跟什麼一樣,我也得去動手術,所以我知道要從這種傷當中復原有 多辛苦。但這個運動就是這麼殘酷。」 The nature of Marin's injury remains to be seen, although commentators at the Indonesia Open expected a layoff of several months. Having been in the same situation in the past, Saina could only commiserate. "With these injuries you can't say. Some people recover quickly. It took me a long time to come out of surgery and correct my movements. Everything went here and there for me. I also had a knee injury going into the Olympics, and I was crying like anything. I had to get surgery, so I know how difficult it is to get back from such an injury. But the sport is like that. It is a cruel situation," she says. --

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Badminton/M.1548763531.A.598.html

kelly51633 : 突然想到奧運前小戴手受傷,新聞也說她哭很久 01/29 20:10

Rx770 : 奧運就是一個給你哭的event 01/29 20:11

iamshana : 辛度有受過什麼大傷嗎? 01/29 20:12

Rx770 : 佐藤小宇宙和汪鑫在倫敦奧運上受傷,李雪芮在里約 01/29 20:13

Rx770 : 奧運上受傷,這些應該都是有一個累積的過程。可是 01/29 20:13

Rx770 : 羽球選手不去冒險拼四年一次的奧運,又還有什麼最 01/29 20:13

Rx770 : 高榮譽呢?比較起來網球的大滿貫每年分散開來,真 01/29 20:13

Rx770 : 的比較科學一點吧。 01/29 20:13

Rx770 : 辛度...我不知道耶XDX 01/29 20:19

plzsmile : 不過這篇把小戴香港賽傷退寫成wrist 應該是腰腹拉傷 01/29 20:28

Rx770 : 其實到現在我們自己國家的也都還不確定小戴到底傷 01/29 20:33

Rx770 : 到哪啊XD 01/29 20:33

plzsmile : 小戴當時賽後訪問有比自己的腰啊XD 01/29 20:36

yuuuying : 謝謝R大這篇不負責翻譯,很容易讀,我喜歡。 01/29 20:37

yuuuying : "互相傷害,致傷方休"這邊忍不住笑出來XDD 01/29 20:37

kelly51633 : 就跟考試準備很久結果劃錯卡一樣傷心(咦 01/29 20:41

p55155 : 感謝R大幫大家翻譯~~~~~~!!!! 01/29 20:43

kelly51633 : https://i.imgur.com/xNmTAgK.jpg 本週排名 01/29 21:50

berserkman : 感謝R大翻譯 bwf密集賽程無形中扼殺著選手的未來 01/29 22:37

OnionisME : 覺得BWF在殺雞取卵 01/29 23:15

Rx770 : 大家不嫌棄啦,其實我是被第一段嚇到的,怎麼五個! 01/30 00:23

Rx770 : 賽娜你! 01/30 00:23

Rx770 : 這愛羽客網友的截圖 看馬琳這個中國跳橫飛了幾公尺? 01/30 00:47

Rx770 : https://tinyurl.com/ybpqwpwa 01/30 00:48

Rx770 : 一落地就傷了 不過這個距離橫著跳出來還能回球... 01/30 01:05

Rx770 : 李雪芮跟王琳的受傷姿勢比較像 沒怎麼橫移而是後仰 01/30 01:05

Rx770 : 沒記錯的話啦XDD 馬皇連受傷動作都這麼驃悍 01/30 01:06

iamshana : 天啊 我好蠢 內文有寫年紀 R大幫我刪留言感謝.. 01/30 02:13

Rx770 : 我還以為你在畫重點耶XDDDD 01/30 03:07

kingdom : 李王兩個都是單腳蹬跳著地就斷了 01/30 07:41

elusive : 最近幾場球 蠻常看到小戴單腳跳躍蹬地 01/30 08:20

kelly51633 : 小戴也一直被頂後場 01/30 08:23

kingdom : 男生好像很少看到這種跳法的殺球 01/30 12:01

coimbra : 這種跳法雙打前場比較常見 01/30 12:17

chen730419 : 別人頂後場,小戴不能頂回去嗎?被頂感覺很難受 01/30 12:39

Rx770 : 林丹橫跳之後 https://youtu.be/UtkmuKxuhg8?t=242 01/30 12:40

Rx770 : 影片後面還有周天成跳 不過他沒有跳到歪邀XDD 01/30 12:42

Rx770 : 慢動作看就覺得這種不轉身橫跳對膝蓋真的好傷啊.... 01/30 12:44

kelly51633 : 原來這叫中國跳?! 01/30 12:49

Alicealex : 其實練球也會練到這個,不知道會這麼危險,還是我 01/30 13:04

Alicealex : 們根本跳不高? 01/30 13:04

es05440011 : 阿嬌常常花式摔跤應該也滿危險.. 01/30 13:10

Rx770 : 看影片下面台灣網友好像反應沒看過這種稱呼 01/30 13:17

Rx770 : 如果往前轉會看到介紹「馬來步」(李宗偉示範) 01/30 13:17

Rx770 : Alice大大可以量一下起跳到落地的橫向距離? 01/30 13:18

Rx770 : 台灣可能有別的專業名詞 這就要請專業的球友回覆了 01/30 13:19

Rx770 : https://tinyurl.com/ydbjrtux 這應該是對岸的說明 01/30 13:19

Rx770 : 一般用在正手區 但影片裡周天成也是拿來用在反手區 01/30 13:20

Rx770 : 馬琳是左撇子所以她受傷那個橫跳是反手方向的橫跳 01/30 13:21

Rx770 : 我不是專業的怕講錯 還是請專業的大大指正.... 01/30 13:30

mufo : 就中國步 這姿勢本身就是違反人體平衡 丹哥這麼壯 01/30 13:50

mufo : 的腳都曾經沒撐住 01/30 13:50

comesome : 正手區和反手區落地後的衝擊有差阿...正手區揮拍後 01/30 13:55

comesome : 靠轉體可以減少衝擊力度,反手區則腳支撐的程度很大 01/30 13:55

comesome : ,汪鑫和雪姨的韌帶也都是反手區時斷的 01/30 13:55

comesome : 丹哥沒撐住過喔!!?哪時阿? 01/30 13:56

Rx770 : 看上面影片呀 丹丹也有撐不住的時候 01/30 14:03

Alicealex : 我們這種算小步跳吧,而且是在中場跳,有點像凱文 01/30 14:07

Alicealex : 中場攔跳,我問過敎練我能不能在後場這樣橫跳,他 01/30 14:07

Alicealex : 說最好不要 01/30 14:07

Rx770 : 珍惜生命 遠離這種跳?XDDDD 01/30 14:21

Rx770 : 不過c大回文其實有點到 林丹好像真的很少大傷病耶 01/30 14:22

mufo : 正手落地缺乏支撐 反手落地無法卸力 高風險的技術 01/30 15:10

yuuuying : 好危險 難怪對岸形容這種跳"殺敵一千,自損八百" 01/30 15:17

yuuuying : 現在十分能體會 呃 一個不慎我看自損八百不止 01/30 15:18

kingdom : 這是中國跳嗎 通常都後場正手區突襲用呀 ... 01/30 15:31

Dusha : 中國跳沒錯,男雙還蠻常見的 01/30 21:47

Dusha : 以前有練習過,但真的沒意識到這麼危險 01/30 21:48

Dusha : 啊不過我的位移距離可能只有一張信用卡啦… 01/30 21:48

comesome : 一般人跳不遠,衝擊力沒那麼大,比較是容易沒站好 01/30 22:11

comesome : 翻腳刀 01/30 22:11
