[新聞] 世界羽聯無限期擱置女選手裙裝令

看板 Badminton
作者 mackinglis (以後請叫我"麥經理")
時間 2011-05-29 23:25:19
留言 58則留言 (24推 4噓 30→)

[法新社5月29日青島電] 世界羽聯週日發表聲明將無限期擱置原訂在6月1日起實施的 女選手裙裝令的規定, 原訂在5月1日起實施, 但因各方反彈聲浪, 而最後世界羽聯在 年會上接受 Women in Badminton Working Group 的建議, 對這條規定進行進一步的 研究. QINGDAO, China (AFP) - Badminton chiefs on Sunday said they had indefinitely shelved a controversial new ruling forcing women to wear skirts or dresses after uproar from countries including China and India. The new regulation, which sparked the worst internal wrangling in years and saw badminton gain unprecedented media coverage, had already been delayed once but had been due to come into effect on June 1. The sport's governing body, the Badminton World Federation (BWF), met Saturday on the sidelines of the Sudirman Cup world mixed team championships in the Chinese coastal city of Qingdao to find a solution to the emotive issue. Some players had accused the game's administrators of sexism, but badminton bosses countered that they were merely trying to boost the profile of the women's game and help attract more sponsorship. "The BWF has accepted a recommendation from the Women In Badminton Committee to further study on the general clothing regulations and thereby not to introduce the regulations as currently drafted regarding the mandatory use of skirts or dresses," the BWF said in a statement. Former world champion Nora Perry, who had been one of the brains behind the new ruling and is head of the Women In Badminton Committee, said: "It is our recommendation to (BWF) council to do further study before implementing new clothing regulations. "It is still our intention to focus on a better presentation of the game, but we will like to broaden the scope to include both men and women." A new proposal "with a broader scope", would be made in December, the press release said. China, Indonesia and India were among a host of countries which had raised fierce objections, while in Malaysia, the opposition Pan-Malaysia Islamic Party (PAS) called for a boycott of tournaments. The players themselves appear torn. "I think it's a little bit ridiculous," Ragna Ingolfsdottir of Iceland, who chooses to wear a skirt because she finds it less restrictive, told AFP at the Sudirman Cup. "Some girls here just want to wear shorts because they think it's more comfortable, so why make them wear skirts if they don't want to?" Yun Peng, who was born in China but plays for the United States, said: "Before I wore shorts, but now I wear a skirt. There's not much difference, but I think skirts are good for the sport because girls look nicer, a bit like they do in tennis." AFP 的新聞 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20110529/sp_wl_afp/badmintonworldchnskirts 世界羽聯無限期擱置裙裝令的聲明稿 http://www.bwfbadminton.org/news_item.aspx?id=49389 世界羽聯 Women in Badminton Working Group http://www.bwfbadminton.org/page.aspx?id=15532 -- 麥經理的翼翔世界部落格.... http://campus999.blogspot.com/ -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Badminton/M.1306682723.A.353.html

tyrone0923 :瞎~ 有Guts就要推行到底~ 不然一開始連提都不要提 05/29 23:45

tyrone0923 :BWF的公權力再次被質疑 05/29 23:46

ilovedavetao:推樓上 05/29 23:46

airkolf :我是覺得 懸崖勒馬 ~ 廣納眾意 啦 05/30 00:04

jaga509 :BWF算迷途知返吧 guts不應該用在這個上面 05/30 00:05

tyrone0923 :這種在當初公布前就可以先調查啦~ 私下問問幾個大國 05/30 00:08

tyrone0923 :的意見,而不是輕率的規定,然後被罵到爆才在反省 05/30 00:08

Dusha :這樣很好阿~無限期擱置這個爛規定== 05/30 00:19

unoka :推5樓 05/30 00:29

Rael5657 :只有我想看嗎 05/30 02:10

jonney211 :女網vs女羽 觀賞性高下立判~ 05/30 10:17

jonney211 :BWF這回軟掉以後也不用想推行裙裝了~ 05/30 10:18

jonney211 :真不知為何女網裙裝可以這麼成功 但女羽卻困難重重 05/30 10:21

ashin1069 :女網不用跳起來劈殺 走光危險度低很多... 05/30 10:31

sigit :女網的發球就很多光了 05/30 14:04

sigit :女網與其說推行成功 不如說是一傳統的延續 05/30 14:05

sigit :這或許要從19世紀末 大英帝國 維多利亞時代說起 05/30 14:06

selfborn :可惜了 05/30 15:11

Zxl :這是一個是否能夠與時尚刻意相接的機會 05/30 16:42

Zxl :而不是只與個別選手的意願有關係的問題 05/30 16:42

kingdom :女網裙娤比較好看...打羽球的感覺還是褲子比較適合 05/30 19:10

blackarden19:感覺打網球女生都穿的很漂亮耶 羽球就女生男生都穿 05/30 19:43

blackarden19:運動t雪~ 05/30 19:44

ElijahDukes :當然要穿裙子 不然怎麼看的看小褲褲 05/30 20:11

ElijahDukes :而且也沒機凸... 05/30 20:12

iamdiff :你看到的小褲褲其實是大褲褲 小褲褲不會給你看到的 05/30 20:12

iamdiff :哈.. 05/30 20:12

ElijahDukes :每次看女網就硬到想Jizz 女羽就軟屌 高下立判~ 05/30 20:14

iamdiff :樓上真有雅致 我看到女網選手和我大腿一樣粗的手臂 05/30 20:18

iamdiff :就軟了 XD 05/30 20:18

ElijahDukes :至少有機凸阿 還有很會叫的 女羽都沒有... 05/30 20:25

iamdiff :ㄟ 拜託ㄟ 那種吼叫你也會硬喔 了不起!!!! 05/30 20:29

Dusha :那樓上可以看_片阿 我不知道羽球賽是讓你這樣看的 05/30 20:30

Dusha :我說的是E大~ 05/30 20:30

littlelike :怎麼越來越多人學我反串!? 05/30 20:30

ElijahDukes :我AV有一堆收藏 早就看膩啦~~~ 05/30 20:35

ElijahDukes :而且AV很快就脫光也沒什好看... 05/30 20:36

ElijahDukes :穿著衣服卻機凸才有意淫的效果 05/30 20:36

ashin1069 :講一些有的沒的又只敢開分身真的很遜 05/30 20:43

littlelike :---->ElijahDukes :我AV有一堆收藏 05/30 21:11

Analogue :有遜到。樓上快發錢啊,說到要做到 05/30 22:00

tracyb860627:推5F 05/30 22:24

linsikin :別再用走光這爛理由拉...明明都是褲裙..習慣問題吧 05/30 22:38

Dusha :個人覺得強迫穿裙就不夠尊重女性 05/30 22:39

Dusha :另外 某人去西斯版嘴砲應該比較好喔 05/30 22:39

koyako :本來就是個爛規定 05/30 23:29

jonney211 :BWF的強制令是迫於無奈阿 在此之前柔性要求裙裝幾乎 05/30 23:44

jonney211 :沒人鳥 除了日本和歐洲外幾乎看不到有女選手穿裙 05/30 23:46

jonney211 :女網裙裝變革 http://ppt.cc/gj!w 05/31 00:01

jonney211 :網球、女網觀眾多不是沒有原因~ 05/31 00:02

sdj0113 :《登入次數》16 次 《有效文章》2篇 噓的那位是... 06/01 10:01

simonali :這規定本來就有問題.... 06/01 22:37

simonali :那為什麼不規定男性穿裙裝呢? 06/01 22:38

nonreason :樓上GOOOOOOOOOOOD! 06/01 22:44

amoe1210 :不只穿裙裝 還要加畫煙燻粧XD 06/01 23:00

jonney211 :這規定哪有什麼問題~? 裙裝在客觀認知本來就是女裝 06/02 00:11

jonney211 :問怎不規定男性穿裙裝才是有問題~男裝有在賣裙子嗎!? 06/02 00:13

jonney211 :有問題的是BWF的執行力 為何網球裙裝成功而羽球不行? 06/02 00:18
