[新聞] 中華隊教練認為面對丹麥有搶"4"的可能性

看板 Badminton
作者 mackinglis (以後請叫我"麥經理")
時間 2011-05-27 00:02:23
留言 11則留言 (10推 0噓 1→)

http://www.bwfbadminton.org/news_item.aspx?id=49277 來不及翻譯, 把英文貼出來, 再摘譯重點... Taipei are confident of reaching the 2011 Double Star BWF Sudirman Cup World Mixed Team Championships semi-finals, but conceded their women will have to step up to the plate to deliver the winning points. The fourth seeds will face Denmark in the last eight at the Qingdao Sports Centre Conson Stadium on Friday and team manager Kuo Mao Liao said the team will only have four chances of winning the three points they need to win the tie and reach the final four. “Denmark’s first singles (Peter Gade) is too good for any of our men. That puts us at a disadvantage but I reckon we can win three points from the four remaining matches,” he said after a training session on Thursday. 總教練廖國茂在週四訓練時表示, 面對蓋德, 我們的男單選手沒有機會, 另外四點則有 獲勝的機會. "Our women will play an important role and we need them to be in top form to help us. I believe we have a fair chance of getting the points we need from the women’s singles, men’s doubles and mixed doubles while our women’s doubles are our strongest bet for a point.” 女選手將扮演關鍵角色, 我們需要她們充分發揮, 我認為在女單, 男雙及混雙三個項目, 我們都有一半的獲勝機會, 女雙則是我們的王牌. World No. 2s Cheng Wen Hsing-Chien Yu Chin have won both their women’s doubles matches in the tournament but will face their first real test when they come up against either Kamilla Rytter Juhl-Christinna Pedersen or Marie Ropke-Line Kruse. “I’m confident the women’s doubles can deliver a point,” said Liao Kuo. “ Our target prior to the tournament was to reach the semi-finals and I think that is possible.” 我們在賽前擬定的目標就是打進準決賽, 而且我認為是可能的. He added Cheng Shao Chieh or Tai Tzu Ying will be able to give Tine Baun a good fight in the women’s singles, particularly as Baun still isn’t at her best since returning from injury. 他提到鄭韶婕或戴資穎都有機會威脅鮑恩, 尤其是她還沒有恢復到她的最佳狀態. Lee Sheng Mu-Fang Chieh Min have contributed two victories in the men’s doubles but they will be up against world No. 1 and All England champions Mathias Boe-Carsten Mogensen, who will be out to redeem themselves after falling to South Korea’s Jung Jae Sung-Lee Yong Dae in a group match on Wednesday. 男雙確定是方/李?! The mixed doubles pairing of Chen Hung Ling-Cheng Wen Hsing will have to raise their level against world No.3 Joachim Fischer Nielsen-Christinna Pedersen (picture), to secure the victory for Taipei. 混雙也確定是陳宏麟/程文欣?! -- 麥經理的翼翔世界部落格.... http://campus999.blogspot.com/ -- ◆ From: 補上色, 幫助閱讀..
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Badminton/M.1306425746.A.ADA.html

huerta :fair chance翻作"相當有機會"會比較好 05/27 00:18

willy219 :謝謝麥經理 05/27 00:56

b98901056 :男雙?... 05/27 08:48

binbingu :我覺得丹麥會派JUHL和佩德森打女雙 不一定弱勢~ 05/27 09:13

upon55 :先給個推~不過男雙那段不是只提到李龍大跟鄭在成??? 05/27 11:09

ashin1069 :覺得女單有機會拼 雙打反而會不小心掉點 05/27 12:14

ElvesDaniel :吸雞特表示: 05/27 12:24

lumis888 : 看錄像比較有用 教練算什麼?! 05/27 13:03

amoe1210 :動不動就要酸人~~請問這樣跟你討厭的人有啥分別? 05/27 13:20

goodfish700 :方李去年有打贏過Boe/Mogensen喔 05/27 14:22

robert38 :希望今天可以再度爆氣~女單也爆氣一下吧!? 05/27 14:24
