[徵女] 台北華爾街大叔徵女

看板 AllTogether
作者 pttnew5566 (pttnew5566)
時間 2023-04-20 13:12:36
留言 5則留言 (1推 2噓 2→)

以下為模仿奧斯卡影帝李奧納多皮卡丘在電影華爾街之狼裡面那段激勵人心演說文體: Are u looking for a honest man with strong shoulder? Good, pick up the phone and text me. Do u feel tired because all the guys u meet are boring and weird ? Good, pick up the phone and text me. Do ur friends always show off their journey in FB,IG.. then u do nothing but cli ck "like" ? Good, pick up the phone and text me. I want u to deal with ur endless loneliness by meeting a good guy, All u have to do today is picking up the phone and text me. And i will make ur wish come true . what?? u wish for a prince charming and an unicorn? don't be silly , there is no such thing u idiot. 關鍵字: 台北大叔/46/179/77/上市櫃金融業/年薪有130以上 身材外觀: 身體健康/BMI23/頭髮濃密無禿頭/慢跑一次能跑10公里/會游蝶式/注重儀容/乾淨/有品味 嗜好興趣: 貓派但喜歡各種大小動物/上山下海健行慢跑/喝咖啡看電影/威士忌只喝12年以上單一純麥 雪莉桶/喜歡義大利及日本/發呆/講幹話/愛聽愛講地獄梗笑話/疫情前每年2次以上出國自助 旅遊 近半年已連續出國三次 徵求: 年紀不拘/外貌不拘/有穩定工作/有見面喝咖啡動力/有結婚成家生子意願之女孩 附上微真相, 但願有緣人願意來信認識彼此 https://i.imgur.com/oulbxmm.jpg
-- 已更正 已更正,感恩。 你是我高中英文老師? (某個古早年代廣告詞)
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/AllTogether/M.1681967558.A.8EA.html

apple960164: 標題徵男59.120.66.217 04/20 13:13

s1c: click like, loneliness, is picking up, an118.163.125.144 04/20 15:15

s1c: unicorn118.163.125.144 04/20 15:15

s1c: 些許文法問題 瑕不掩瑜118.163.125.144 04/20 15:15

HoundDog: ymika 快上223.138.164.106 04/20 16:21
