Re: [洽特] 紳士掛掉了?

看板 AC_In
作者 aasssdddd (路人庚)
時間 2021-02-11 21:50:18
留言 22則留言 (15推 0噓 7→)

: 剛剛發現所有圖檔都死了 : 有人有發生跟我一樣的狀況嗎? : 剛剛清了cookie回來還是一樣不能用 :
具消息指出cloudflare新社群規範上路,所以很多類似網站都被擋了 ,應該是不能恢復了,只能找過節點商。 2.7 Acceptable Use By using the Cloud Services you are agreeing, among other things, that you will not use the Cloud Services to (a) falsely imply any sponsorship or association with Cloudflare; (b) post, transmit, store or link to any files, materials, data, text, audio, video, images or other content that infringe on any person’s intellectual property rights or that are otherwise unlawful; or (c) engage in any activities that are illegal, including disseminating, promoting or facilitating child sexual abuse material or engaging in human trafficking. 2.8 Limitation on Serving Non-HTML Content The Services are offered primarily as a platform to cache and serve web pages and websites. Unless explicitly included as part of a Paid Service purchased by you, you agree to use the Services solely for the purpose of (i) serving web pages as viewed through a web browser or other functionally equivalent applications, including rendering Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) or other functional equivalents, and (ii) serving web APIs subject to the restrictions set forth in this Section 2.8. Use of the Services for serving video or a disproportionate percentage of pictures, audio files, or other non-HTML content is prohibited, unless purchased separately as part of a Paid Service or expressly allowed under our Supplemental Terms for a specific Service. If we determine you have breached this Section 2.8, we may immediately suspend or restrict your use of the Services, or limit End User access to certain of your resources through the Services -- SJW崛起吧!以後大家都看BL吧
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r98192: 網路越管越嚴了QQ 02/11 21:51

killme323: 以後只剩猩猩獸交了 02/11 21:56

HatomiyAsuka: 連lovehug很多漫都被擋了... 02/11 21:57

GhostFather: 幹 我要崩潰了 02/11 22:12

jamie1216: lovehug QQ 02/11 22:20

sun123456tw: 為何趕盡殺絕 02/11 22:24

ig49999: 有來源至少貼一下吧 不然一堆謠言 02/11 22:25

liu2007: 02/11 22:29

ig49999: 因為我看到紳士那邊是說cdn加速平台封鎖r18的資源,這次 02/11 22:31

ig49999: 被波及到的都有通過這個平台 02/11 22:31

dqIpb: 為什麼?因為圖片太多要買不同PLAN另外付錢? 02/11 22:45

whistlerhu: 覺得是版權,不是色情吧 02/11 22:46

x20165: 以後只能走p2p了嗎 02/11 23:22

s944310: 然後不知道為什麼,我這邊剛剛看已經恢復了 02/11 23:39

henryowo: 有時候我多按幾次重整就可以正常 但99%都長這樣 02/11 23:55

ig49999: 封面圖修好了 02/12 00:00

ig49999: 裡面還是死的 02/12 00:00

qwert65732: app還是能看欸 02/12 00:49

eric2057: 誒誒誒 我哀鳳可以看了耶 02/12 00:51

Hellery: ㄍlovehug什麼時候修好啊...該不會又要死了 02/12 01:50

IronSkull: 以後大概就只能看標題直接下載了吧 02/12 02:26

gj6sm3: BL漫也沒得看好嗎… 02/12 03:08
