[洽特] 這個人畫的蘿莉本 讓一堆老外都驚呆了

看板 AC_In
作者 qqpp (暫時要跟貓咪分手了)
時間 2019-06-14 13:08:47
留言 79則留言 (48推 0噓 31→)

這本 大家應該都很熟了 http://i.imgur.com/BwsDV3D.jpg
但在歐美就不一定了 最近有人在N變態分享了英文翻譯版,老外終於能看到了 結果就是引起了重大迴響 大抵不是吐槽"這不是萬批死!這不是萬批死!" (海賊在歐美也很紅) 就是指責虐蘿行為令人髮指 留言頁數比本篇頁數還多,可見這篇真的是震撼彈 擷取老外留言 chinchin-sama9 hours ago I see quzilax i favorite pokpokpok pokpokpok9 hours ago Lord Zero is absolutly right. What is with the morale in this ? lord zero lord zero10 hours ago I always question myself when it comes to this author. Basically all he draws are stories that are super cruel. I don't get if he likes the loli rape or he likes showing people how wrong it is by showing that it has consequences and it's all kinds of messed up, so people should understand how much of a monster they would be if the attempted to do so in real life. Anime rape is fine cuz it's all fantasy, they all enjoy it in the end, but when you have a Quizillax manga, you don't get any of that. Like some dude wrote, it's more messed up that fantasy guro, mostly because it's more grounded in reality. I also like how the dudes in the end always end many times end being punished for their crimes. It makes me realize how easy it would to commit a crime and how scary is a world out there where this kind of thing or worst happen in a daily basis. I bet in this very same moment, literally hundred of millions are being abused all around the world and you can't do nothing about it. hopeloos74 hopeloos741 day ago @damonsykes no i dont damonsykes damonsykes1 day ago holy shit nigga. if you like to fap for this hentai. You are a sick fuck who deserves to die. tokovenha tokovenha1 day ago Arittakeno yume o kakiatsume sagashi mono sagashini yuku no sa ONE PIECE rashinban nante jyutai no moto netsu ni ukasare kaji o toru no sa HOKORI ka butteta takara no chizu mo tashikameta no nara densetsu jyanai! kojin teki na arashi wa dareka no BIORHYTHM nokkatte omoi sugose ba ii arittakeno yume o kakiatsume sagashi mono sagashini yuku no sa POCKET no COIN, soreto YOU WANNA BE MY FRIEND? WE ARE, WE ARE ON THE CRUISE! WE ARE! PS.上面這篇我看不懂 noobeginner noobeginner1 day ago This is better than One Piece HAHA NICE HAHA NICE1 day ago We need 800 episode about this stuff Anumalii Anumalii1 day ago I too, want to see that pipe dream come true. greedybastard greedybastard1 day ago Wish I had a loli friend ;.; BigFatPig BigFatPig1 day ago Quzilax Always delivers sHounen sHounen2 days ago Master piece. Directly to my collection of shocking-loli-rape, if any of you know of another one, please tell me, I'm copiling this shit alff alff2 days ago Although I```~ve said that, this f cking reaslistic plot. Why so realistic?! Hentai mustn`~t be so realistic. I like read, but I don`~t want to see this plot in real life. Fantasy must be only fantasy. Afraid your fantasy, because it can be granted alff alff2 days ago @LeCaster, nice said. My thoughts the same. We all fallen peoples. We all will be burn in the hell. This is very sad, but true. Complainers only are hypocrites. GreenLemon GreenLemon2 days ago this is fucked Kay91 Kay912 days ago Call the FBI upholder of core values upholder of core values2 days ago Never trust a man in crocs. random8343 random83432 days ago (Page 52)I like how he gives so much admiration for "such an honest look" in that guy's face, yet there's another face filled with desperation that he is ignoring... but yeah, honest look for the win but screw the little girl's look, I am right? Dragfos Dragfos2 days ago Like one piece yep a masterpiece MiiaBestWaifu MiiaBestWaifu2 days ago alonerone6 ahahah same , why sharing? in lot of slave/rape doujin some people share.. not my thing (disgusting btw) PotatoTomato PotatoTomato2 days ago @RBD Bro, correct me if I'm wrong, but "One Piece" came out several years ago, before that lunatic did anything. This is just a translation of one of quzilax's old works. I don't think he ever did anything of this genre again after that incident. BakeANeko BakeANeko2 days ago what the flying fuck is this sekizadam sekizadam2 days ago 5 FUCKiNG STAR. I FOUND ONE PiECE FiNALLY. MahBoi MahBoi2 days ago "Like one piece" lol, not my cup of tea but great artwork tho. RBD RBD2 days ago I can usually move on easily from fucked up stories but what people seem to miss is that this is quzilax, his previous work literally fucking inspired someone to actually fucking attempted it in real life and makes you question the whole "it's just a fantasy" thing, and after that incident what does quzilax do next? Make this fucking doujin that literally tell you on the face to go for it and make your pedophile crime dream come true. He's literally trying to make more closet pedophile come out to do crime and you edgy jackass are defending cause you think tolerating this is cool 『L-LEWD』 『L-LEWD』2 days ago oh shit it's quzilax silico silico2 days ago @Iexpectedbetter wait so you were actually upset this entire time? I just assumed you were trying to troll. Thanks for the clarification. Iexpectedbetter Iexpectedbetter2 days ago @FantasyHN being a fascist can mean being true to yourself you know Dragon Maid Dragon Maid2 days ago Quzilax is a god. Iexpectedbetter Iexpectedbetter2 days ago luuul the afterword hahahaha this is hilarious you fuckers are more upset than I ever was myiasis myiasis2 days ago LMAO Author's note alonerone alonerone2 days ago Meh, I hate sharing Diogenes Diogenes2 days ago Fucked up from start to finish but nevertheless page 54 cracked me up lmfao DoujinsRLove DoujinsRLove2 days ago Not really my thing honestly, I think it’s the more “authentic” art the guys going for. But the shitstorm in the comments is exactly what I expected after reading it and it’s hilaurois. Literally one look at the tags, beginning, and art, is more than enough for anyone “experienced” with this medium to know what it’s going to be. AkiZuki AkiZuki2 days ago holy shit man, i really want kidnapping some loli right now torrinoxxx torrinoxxx2 days ago Well thats quzillax for you F15H F15H2 days ago As expected of Quzilax, top quality. Also that extra page hilarious. kokokbeluk kokokbeluk2 days ago Finally translated version!!! Loilmaster69 Loilmaster692 days ago Why Epic Dudes Epic Dudes2 days ago LIVE FREE MY BROTHERS THAT IS WHAT IT MEANS TO LIVE LIFE, DON'T NOT LET SOCIETY, MORALS, OR THE OPINIONS OF OTHERS STOP YOU. THAT IS WHAT IT MEANS TO LIVE. DO NOT FALL VICTIM TO THE SIMULATION LIVE ON YOUR INSTINCT AND BE FREE!!!!! Satamon Satamon2 days ago Comment section full of pedo tards, I hope death genuinely finds you all. lalange lalange2 days ago haha all those butthurt people here. there's much worse stuff on this website and I've fapped to probably most of it Qwezks Qwezks2 days ago This... This is fucking trash. Fuck this doujin in particular. Kill la Kill Yourself Kill la Kill Yourself2 days ago Pedos weirdchamp nanahirari nanahirari2 days ago lmao is that afterword really based on the author's true story? thats fucking genius madlad really come long way eh? himariheyheyhoh himariheyheyhoh2 days ago loli, bondage, rape, oh my pp is so hard right now. *pls don't call the police THM_Ray THM_Ray2 days ago Me and the boys about to rape some lolis sexybitchhh sexybitchhh2 days ago All Hail Quzilax and Kawady Max , I hope they translate all of their doujin here malto malto2 days ago this is not the one pice i was hoping for :O OctaCuban OctaCuban2 days ago Its a trap fapslayer fapslayer2 days ago I have mixed feelings about this one. Would fap again tho Marc99sm Marc99sm2 days ago What a shit ramwo ramwo2 days ago Wtf are you all morons? This is amazing smexynigga smexynigga2 days ago In a squad of 3 man, need one more. Must be ranked Agent or higher with mic. Klover Klover2 days ago "To be continued..." Nice. nightmarenico nightmarenico2 days ago How can I join this squad? :P TentacleGrapeFun TentacleGrapeFun2 days ago Needed more group stuff, otherwise, it's great. KingSlum KingSlum2 days ago . Dayman Dayman2 days ago Yeah this was a bit too fucked even for me and that's saying something FantasyHN FantasyHN2 days ago The ugly guys sound like they had an epiphany, it's quite...ugh, whatever I'll pass. Definitely not for me. The poor girl. McNoLife McNoLife2 days ago Holy fuck my dick won't stay up for me too Jack but I love the art. keima915 keima9152 days ago Quzilax has risen from the ashes once again, rejoice! Dead King in Hell Dead King in Hell2 days ago I think I'm gonna puke. Sure, I watch porn and read hentai manga. But even then, I wouldn't go as far as to like this shit. This shit goes lower than the lowest of low. BIG Howitzer BIG Howitzer2 days ago Aw fuck, welcome to the shit web mahnen0102 mahnen01022 days ago Damn it, the loli tag doesn't bother me but this thing is somehow... So sick QuetzalCoatl QuetzalCoatl2 days ago By how the auience reacted to this in the comment section I can say that this author achieved his 10/10 in his own scale. XD I love that art takes whatever way it wants. Epic Dudes Epic Dudes2 days ago Wtf are you all morons? This is amazing mejur mejur2 days ago Not sure why people are bitching but its not as though i dont feel the same. I can normally put up with lolicon rape but this was pretty disturbing. I mean that thumbnail and the tags arent really suggesting your about to see a kidnapped loli getting fucked by a bunch of sickos. But i mean jerk it to what you want no need to feel ashamed. Just a bit too morally fucked for most even by our standards Harkoz Harkoz2 days ago @NivekAzuos Is that a copypasta? Verdinity Verdinity2 days ago What have you brought upon this cursed haven. myiasis myiasis2 days ago hmm... I'm not sure this is the right One piece I was searching for..... Something else went Gomu Gomu for me. trapesiumz trapesiumz2 days ago Hey this is not One Piece I'm looking for ... .. . this one is actually better guleedy guleedy2 days ago Eyy i hated that but i needed to read that. Its not the worst one i have seen but it is pretty bad though Spazz6768 Spazz67682 days ago People complaining about this doujin don't realize that this isn't even in the top five of the most depraved pieces this author has made. green_land_ball green_land_ball2 days ago Man that was some good shit tazo tazo2 days ago oh no I've purposely clicked on a manga with themes I dislike and now I'm upset. How could this happen to me? LeCaster LeCaster2 days ago YESSSSSS Quzilax is back! Btw, for all the people who are complaining and will surely come here to complain in the future- please grow up. You guys come to a hentai site to find stuff to jerk off, yet pretend to have standards and/or moral ground? As many people have said around here ad nauseam- tags exist for a reason, so if you see "lolicon" and "rape", by all means, don't read it if you're not in to that. Zerobero12 Zerobero122 days ago dont compare this shit with One Piece..its huge difference..anyway,rate 10/50,the story is suck and depressing,but the art is ok Cmdrfrosty Cmdrfrosty2 days ago @NivekAzuos yeah no joke this is fucking awful and I have seen some depraved shit on this site I didn’t know what I was getting into when I started reading but omg wtf this is terrible 0/10 I am going to shoot myself to forget this is a thing Sallem Sallem2 days ago @NivekAzuos thanks for the copy pasta Cherryvore Cherryvore3 days ago Gomu gomu da! NivekAzuos NivekAzuos3 days ago I just made a account just for this comment. This is the one that broke the camels back, not only did i not get a boner, but i also lost any and all intentions of using this site for the near future (probaly 48 hrs at most). It has been a long time i last had a deep sense of dread and rage deep in my spine. This one piece of art has provoked more emotion out of me than most of horror movies i have seen in the last 2 years. And that is what i would call a master stroke, and the only reason i even got to see it was because of the clickbait cover, oh the humanity. 8/10 for making me be sure that i do have the will power to kill someone that gets too close to my future daughter. But would not recomend. And yes i know that there are a lot of worse things (on this same site, and i have seen some fucked up shit), but there is just something on this one that i just cant put in to words, a master stroke of an art piece that i will love to hate for the rest of my life (3 weeks tops)!!! akinlabistclair akinlabistclair3 days ago Bruh. Pentagram Industries Pentagram Industries3 days ago In what way is this garbage similar to One Piece?? Oh, wait... Pantaio Pantaio3 days ago absolute masterpiece --   喂~警察局嗎? 這裡有幾個走失蘿莉,我可以直接抱回去嗎? \ /\/\ .__. Σ ) http://i.imgur.com/RB5oJ.jpg /◎\╱ V( )
| ̄ ̄ ̄| | | -- http://i.imgur.com/sVjdcyC.jpg
一群流氓綁架蘿莉 在休旅車上輪姦的故事 有出現虐打.言語霸凌.精神虐待.綑綁等暴力虐蘿場景
不同本啦 這已經是2015的老東西了 在論壇上引發討論是因為英譯本剛出 老外留言爆棚

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/AC_In/M.1560488940.A.B4C.html

jeff235711: 覺得害怕 06/14 13:11

heinse: 真的怕 06/14 13:15

NicoNeco: R本各種下限 但他的東西引起共鳴的程度真的很恐怖 06/14 13:18

yys310: one piece? 06/14 13:18

s32244153: 這本書名就叫灣癖死 06/14 13:24

s32244153: 其實把新北新聞畫成本也差不多就是了 06/14 13:25

tfoxboy: 笑死 06/14 13:26

loadingN: 這是FBI的陷阱 06/14 13:27

st9240208: 這本是什麼內容阿? 06/14 13:41

st9240208: 很久以前看過但忘了 06/14 13:41

hedgehogs: 是廂型車跟蓋格計數器的那本嗎? 06/14 13:42

Hazelburn: 這本作者就蓋格計數器啊 06/14 13:47

Hazelburn: 在家族聚會被和親戚家小女生隔離的男人 06/14 13:47

s32244153: https://i.imgur.com/jLC95Bo.png 我可是20歲了喔 06/14 13:50

lineage01000: 蓋格計數器好像沒有收錄在這本裡 06/14 13:57

s32244153: 蓋格計數器是同人本 06/14 13:59

ice76824: 除了箱型車外,這本最棒的是賢者之石 06/14 14:06

sin8201: 你看不懂那個留言是在唱海賊op1 06/14 14:09

s0930194: 老天,這玩意不要流到某群人手裡,東奧舉辦很多都被和諧 06/14 14:12

danielqwop: 拚音,念出來就知道了 06/14 14:13

ice76824: 不同本阿阿阿阿阿 XDDDDDD 06/14 14:13

jardin123: クジラックス是神 <3 06/14 14:22

CornyDragon: 其實大多數人都覺得很姆湯 但二次元創作就算了 06/14 14:23

ttk620: quzilax的漫畫不是實用,而是把人們深層黑暗的感覺挖出來 06/14 14:25

ttk620: ,這是最驚人的地方 06/14 14:25

ttk620: 印象中有書評對他廂型車那本給了很優秀的評價w 06/14 14:27

The4sakenOne: 他的東西真的很怕會有模仿犯 06/14 14:30

The4sakenOne: 其他的漫畫我都沒有這種感覺 06/14 14:30

ilove640: 感覺超實用 06/14 14:31

oldriver: 不是因為他實用 他就是把社會新聞畫一次 唱見篇也是 06/14 14:36

pipi5867: 廂型車不錯用R (? 06/14 14:51

cocola: 就跟新聞會被要求不要為了收視而詳細報導犯罪手法 他畫這 06/14 14:53

cocola: 麼寫實 會不會哪天被挖出來燒 06/14 14:54

ttk620: 他都被警察找去問過了還怕什麼燒不燒到的 06/14 14:56

hanz124: fbi:辛辛苦苦地翻譯這本是值得的! 06/14 14:58

siro0207: 老外不是連二次元也不能看嗎? 06/14 15:03

ahw12000: 箱型車的丹寧短裙那隻很棒 忘記幾月幾號的 06/14 15:12

joe199277: 唱OP1的是來鬧的吧 06/14 15:17

DaYehNO1: OP1直接笑爛 06/14 15:29

MikamiTeru: 你看不懂的那段是OP1 We are的歌詞 06/14 15:36

iamoldtwo: 箱型車 06/14 15:52

mstar: 這本跟箱型車不同本啦, 06/14 15:58

shuten: 在唱海賊王op 06/14 16:02

mstar: 箱型車那本另還有 蘿莉審判、蓋格計數器、二十歲了 06/14 16:07

Galm: 我覺得他真的頗鬼才的,但就是爭議太大被河蟹了 06/14 16:14

Galm: 這部本來也是要出長篇,然後就沒有然後了www 06/14 16:14

ttt95217: 維大力? 06/14 16:24

jimmylily: 其實蓋格在歐美圈也很有名了,沒想到箱型車現在才有 06/14 16:46

bamama56: 嚴格來說算廂型車1或2吧 06/14 16:59

lungyu: 笑死 貼OP1歌詞 XDDD 06/14 17:09

Gold740716: nhentai 的留言還蠻有趣的 06/14 17:22

iamnotgm: 蘿莉審判真的是神 荒謬卻又真實而血淋淋的故事 06/14 18:06

roger840410: https://i.imgur.com/ITjAiYY.png 06/14 18:41

roger840410: 這本最後還有提到one piece的由來 06/14 18:42

OldYuanshen: 我還是幹便當盒就好QQ 06/14 20:42

OldYuanshen: 看 06/14 20:42

OldYuanshen: 看 06/14 20:42

OldYuanshen: 算了沒差啦 06/14 20:43

gcobm14719: 我覺得這系列劇情都挺有意思的啊 06/14 20:48

Refauth: 有這麼嚴重嗎?wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 06/15 00:29

io45for222: 看到We Are 再看一下內容 整個笑死 06/15 01:39

askye546388: 能提供一下書名嗎? 我還沒看過== 06/15 02:15

zz536666: 回樓上,4樓講了 06/15 03:57

askye546388: 喔喔,看到了,謝了 06/15 05:45

hayate65536: 從以前覺得實用到現在完全用不下去,這作者的作品見 06/15 06:17

hayate65536: 證我心靈的成長… 06/15 06:18

prudence: 恭喜樓上有所成長 ^^y 06/15 06:19

WindSucker: 寫實 06/15 08:08

hedgehogs: 寫實又實用,這作者的蘿很可愛 06/15 11:07

oscar1234562: 德育不足的人看這本真的母湯 06/15 13:03

obeytherules: 逼我再複習= = 06/15 16:26

max0616: 看完可以思考人生 然後再尻一槍 06/15 19:02

fishinthebox: 看完沒啥省思,甚至很喜歡箱型車二人組的那種頹廢 06/15 20:26

fishinthebox: 又放飛自我走向毀滅的敘事方式..... 06/15 20:26

fishinthebox: 尤其是要燒炭前做的夢,讓我看完覺得有種暢快但又 06/15 20:28

fishinthebox: 若有所失的感覺 06/15 20:28

jeeplong: 燒炭的故事看完感覺其實不錯 06/16 01:02

seeghost945: 我還真的看過幹便當盒的本子... 06/16 03:47

pearnidca: 唱OP的笑死 06/17 01:16
