Re: [請神] 一部古老的動畫

看板 AC_In
作者 DCHC (純愛基本教義派♥)
時間 2011-01-30 23:27:02
留言 5則留言 (3推 0噓 2→)

: 一、一部很久很久以前(10年UP)的動畫 : 只記得一個小片段 : 就是女(家教)老師到男學生家裡上課,有一個女生剛好去找男同學 : 然後他們就做了(忘記是在做的途中女生去找男生還是怎樣了...) : 印象中有一幕是男生躺著,老師跟女生跨坐在上面 : 女老師強迫女生做 : 最後老師走的時候,對房間說要把我交代的功課做完一類的話 : 留下男生跟女生在床上,男生就持續的做(感覺沒有很激情,就只是持續的動作) : ● : ︱__ : 」」\○ : 對了~ 女生好像有被綁住一類的 シークレットアニマ プロトンザウルス 「ちゅっ2」(1997) タイトル ちゅっ2 北米名 Twisted Tales Of Tokyo レーベル シークレットマニア 原作 プロトンザウルスの成年コミック 監督: 松田寛 演出: 豊岡薫 原作: プロトンザウルス キャラクターデザ イン: 枚方二郎 作画監督: 枚方二郎 Description: Story 1: "HURIN" - The episode begins with a man called Papa and a girl having oral sex in a car. On their way to their hotel room, they have sex in the elevator. Once inside the room, they continue to have sex, relentlessly, using whatever it takes to derive as much pleasure as possible. Apparently, they are not related. Although the girl calls the man Papa, the only bond they have is the sex. 「パパ」とお付き合いしている女子学生。ある日のホテルのデートのひとコマ。今時の 少女が求めるものは、心のぬくもりか、身体のつながりか…?SMトライアングルの3話 オムニバス。 Story 2: "Pamera Panira" - The episode begins with a female fighter named Hikaru battling monsters. Although Hikaru is a man, he has the body of a woman. Pamera, a deity in that world, is in captivity, and Hikaru is there to save her. After a struggle, Hikaru succeeds in destroying the monsters, but his time is up. Panira takes over Hikaru's position and begins taking orders from Hikaru. When Pamera begs to be freed, Hikaru insists that Panira sexually punish Pamera for getting them in trouble. The story ends as they discuss how Hikaru is in love with Pamera despite it all. Story 3: "Homework" - The episode begins as a woman visits Mah-kun's house, where Sensei, Mah-kun's childhood friend and his private tutor, waits for him to come home. While waiting, Sensei's curiosity leads her to ask about the woman's relationship with him. The question leads the woman to take charge, and before Sensei knows what's happening, the woman ends up seducing her. In the middle of their love making, Mah-kun shows up. Mah-kun joins in and asks Sensei to become their sex partner. The story ends with the woman leaving Mah-kun and Sensei behind. She says that Mah-kun has homework to do -- to teach Sensei how to become their ideal sex partner.  OVA[ちゅっ2]&[愛玩少女]作画集 アイテムID 1769655130 カテゴリー 同人:同人誌:××○○ -- 你說的是第三篇小故事:家庭作業,   第一篇是很可怕的故事,男人「疑似」跟前妻的女兒上床。 XXXX -- Q6: 600號膠帶是否可用來做為測試烤漆塗料附著效果? A6: 600號膠帶一般是做為文具用途,我們美國總公司實驗室並未針對600號膠帶的測試 功能做過特別研究,但業界確實聽過有許多國外客戶要求用3M™ 600號膠帶來測試塗佈附 著的良率。 -- ◆ From:
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HoroUKE:是耶~ 謝謝你的回應 我原本已經放棄找這部了說>"< 01/31 02:28

inuwanwan:真厲害...XD 01/31 03:27

DCHC:不客氣,我只是洗澡時突然想起這部片的片名XD 01/31 21:06

hitlerx:原來你洗澡都在想色色的事情 >///< 02/05 17:57

DCHC:因為第一個故事裡有浴室嘛>///< 02/07 14:49
